KASUS SKATING N. Korea memenangkan medali pertama di Asian Winter Games 25 Februari 2017 SAPPORO - Korea Utara memenangkan medali pertamanya di Asian Winter Games pada ANIME NEWS: 3 penawaran Eropa, 1 dari Turki untuk mendapatkan penghargaan di TAAF 25 Februari 2017 Eropa merilis April dan Dunia Luar Biasa, Gadis Tanpa Menjelajahi labirin kereta bawah tanah Tokyos semakin mudah bagi wisatawan 21 Februari 2017 Pemerintah metropolitan Tokyo pada 21 Februari memasang beberapa bahasa pertamanya, uji klinis pada kartu untuk menguji penyembuhan iPS untuk pasien Parkinons 24 Februari 2017 KYOTO - Pusat Universitas Kyoto untuk Penelitian dan Aplikasi Sel iPSI benar-benar kecewa dengan acara Apple hari ini. Sepertinya Apple telah kehilangan nyawanya, bahwa ia telah kehilangan kontak dengan apa yang diinginkan beberapa pelanggannya, atau bahwa hal itu sama sekali tidak memperhatikan pelanggan tersebut. Pengembang adalah pendengar, dan profesional kreatif dapat beralih ke Windows, kurasa. Apple tidak lagi menganggap mereka inti. Therersquos tidak ada yang salah dengan apa yang diumumkan Apple. Saya suka Thunderbolt 3. Tampilannya terlihat bagus. Irsquom tidak tergila-gila Touch Bar. Tapi sepertinya berguna. Masalahnya adalah MacBook Pro bukan notebook Pro sejati. My Retina MacBook Pro hampir berumur 4,5 tahun. Irsquove ingin sekali meng-upgrade untuk sementara dan berencana melakukannya hari ini. Setelah melihat apa yang diumumkan, Irsquom tidak lagi yakin bahwa saya menginginkan MacBook Pro sebagai komputer utama saya. Sayangnya, iMac dan Mac Pro saat ini sepertinya pilihan yang bagus. Saya berharap Apple masih melisensikan sistem operasi untuk mengkloning produsen, yang mungkin bisa membuat mesin yang ingin saya beli. Dan tidak mengabaikan seluruh bagian dari lini produk. MacBook Pro baru ini memiliki harga premium untuk Mac yang masih terbatas RAM hingga 16 GB. Memiliki kinerja CPU yang cenderung tidak bersemangat karena Apple tidak berbicara tentang hal itu dalam keynotenya, dan ternyata doesnrsquot memiliki GPU yang hebat. antara. Apple memprioritaskan ketipisan dan ringan, yang sama sekali tidak saya pedulikan. Saya lebih suka kinerja yang lebih baik, keyboard yang bagus, penyimpanan lebih banyak, layar lebih besar, lebih banyak port sehingga saya tidak perlu membawa dongle, slot kartu SD, dll. Ganda beratnya dan setengah masa pakai baterai akan baik-baik saja dengan saya. Irsquom tidak mengatakan Apple seharusnya tidak membuat notebook tipis dan ringan, tapi mengapa mereka semua harus seperti itu Kepala Pemasaran Phil Schiller, rekayasa perangkat lunak memimpin Craig Federighi dan perancang papan atas Jony Ive menjelaskan, dalam wawancara eksklusif awal pekan ini, mengapa Mac bermasalah. Karena mereka mengatakan hal itu sangat penting bagi Apple, kami bertanya kepada mereka mengapa dibutuhkan waktu empat tahun, empat bulan dan 16 hari untuk menyampaikan apa yang mereka sebut sebagai ldquomilestonerdquo dan langkah maju yang tepat untuk laptop top-of-the-line-nya. LdquoThe calendar tidak mengetahui apa yang mendorong keputusan mana pun, rdquo Schiller says8230 ldquoKami tidak ingin membuat benjolan kecepatan di MacBook Pro, rdquo katanya. Dalam pandangan kami, ini adalah langkah maju yang besar. Ini adalah arsitektur sistem yang baru, dan ini memungkinkan kita untuk kemudian menciptakan banyak hal yang akan datang, hal-hal yang belum dapat kita bayangkan sebelumnya. Bahkan Cook pun bertanya mengapa ada orang yang membeli komputer pribadi dan bukan iPad Pro, mengatakan dalam sebuah wawancara tahun lalu Ditambah, ldquoMengapa Anda akan membeli PC lagi Tidak juga, mengapa Anda membeli onerdquo Cook tidak menjawab pertanyaan kami tentang itu. Tampaknya sudah jelas beberapa saat bahwa CEO tersebut benar-benar tidak mengerti Mac, atau hanya menganggapnya tidak sebanyak itu, dan itu menimbulkan masalah bagi kita yang melakukannya. Apple terkenal dengan integrasi ekosistemnya. Tapi di luar kotak Anda bisa memasang iPhone baru ke MacBook Pro baru. Konyol. Bahkan Apple Support pun tidak mendapatkannya. Meskipun sebagian besar dari kita tidak membelinya selama bertahun-tahun, itrsquos perlu dicatat bahwa laptop Mac upgrade terakhir pergi hari ini. Dengan kapasitas SSD yang terdiri dari 256 gigs to 2 TB, masih akan jauh lebih masuk akal jika Apple menambahkan upgrade setelah pembelian. Sangat sulit bagiku untuk menonton acara Appletquos ldquoHello Againrdquo hari ini. Memahami sejarah penting 8211 ke satu titik. Tapi tatapan angin obsesif Applersquos di acara Mac hari ini berbicara banyak. Ini adalah perusahaan yang tidak memiliki visi nyata untuk apa yang pengguna paling kreatif benar-benar melakukannya dengan mesin paling canggih mereka. Jadi, sebaliknya, mereka melihat ke masa lalu. Persaingan lebih cepat, dan harganya lebih murah 8211 sehingga grafik tersebut beralih ke produk Apple yang lebih tua dan bahkan PowerBook 100 yang buruk daripada dibandingkan dengan PC. Kami bahkan tidak mendapatkan perbandingan yang lebih tipis, karena bahkan kapal itu telah berlayar. Mac membuat namanya karena memeluk penerbitan desktop dan grafis saat PC merindukan kapal. Kini, sepertinya Apple akan ketinggalan grafis generasi mendatang, 3D, dan virtual reality. Bahkan jika beberapa dari mereka adalah tipu muslihat, kenyataan bahwa kita hidup di dunia tiga dimensi dan memiliki dua mata yang mengatakan bahwa itu masih merupakan perkembangan penting. Herersquos bagaimana 15 spesifikasi komponen MacBookPro 2016 dibandingkan dengan model 2012. Pengingat: Halaman Mac Pro saat ini membual tentang kinerja dengan Aperture, sebuah program yang Apple pensiun 2 tahun yang lalu. Donrsquot berharap bisa melakukan banyak permainan di MacBook Pro mengkilap Anda. LdquoAll MacBook Pro sekarang menggunakan lsquoonboard SSDsrsquo a la MacBookrdquo Jika papan logika Anda mati, data Anda akan mati dengannya. Cadangkan orang MacBook baru Anda. Apple menghabiskan seluruh acara untuk membandingkan dirinya dengan masa lalunya sendiri, daripada menunjukkan masa depan kepada kita, dan bahkan kemudian melukis gambaran yang sangat jelas: ia tidak tahu siapa Mac itu. Di atas panggung pada hari Kamis, Schiller mengatakan bahwa keyboard MacBook Prorsquo adalah versi kedua dari keyboard MacBook dan menampilkan perubahan desain untuk memberi kesan gerakan yang lebih. Sebagai seseorang yang bukan penggemar jumlah keyboard yang sangat kecil di keyboard MacBook, saya mencatat ungkapan tersebut. Dia tidak mengatakan bahwa tombolnya bergerak lebih jauh, hanya saja mereka merasa lebih baik. Nah, ini tugas menyedihkan saya untuk melaporkan bahwa keyboard MacBook Pro memiliki perjalanan kunci yang sama seperti MacBook. Apple mengatakan bahwa kubah stainless steel di bawah setiap tombol telah diasah untuk memberi kesan lebih responsif, namun bagi saya rasanya seperti keyboard MacBookrsquos. Karena situs Applersquos memungkinkan Anda membandingkan dua laptop sekaligus, herersquos merupakan spreadsheet spesifikasi MacBook. Saya tidak akan memanggil opsi GPU MBP baru yang kompetitif dengan mid-range. Hari-hari di sub 1.000 Mac selesai. Saya pikir Air akan bertahan untuk generasi lain karena tingkat harga ini, tapi kemudian saya memikirkannya dengan lebih hati-hati. PC berbiaya rendah hampir tidak masuk akal lagi. Setelah menonton acara Apple Apple kemarin dan membaca sedikit tentang reaksi tersebut, Irsquove khawatir dengan masa depan Mac, setidaknya di tangan pimpinan Apple saat ini. Saya tidak dapat membantu tapi merasa bahwa Apple telah memutuskan bahwa khalayak inti dari OS pembangkit tenaga listrik berbasis Unix mereka adalah anak-anak yang latte-menyeruput di kedai kopi kampus dan apa saja tentang sistem mereka yang menarik bagi orang lain hanyalah sesuatu yang harus dihapus di jalan menuju Selembar kertas tanpa apa-apa selain konten. Terus terang, itrsquos yang total lepaskan antara apa yang pengguna komputer inginkan dan apa yang pengguna ponsel inginkan yang membuat saya khawatir tentang Mac. Sumber ketakutan saya mdash setelah banyak kontemplasi mdash adalah bahwa orang yang sama yang merancang Mac merancang perangkat iOS, dan itu menimbulkan situasi yang mengerikan untuk kedua platform. Kecuali mdash dan bagian ini seharusnya tidak diremehkan, banyak pengembang Mac ini ada di sini karena Mac adalah komputer untuk para profesional dan seniman kreatif. Itulah yang membuat kami tertarik pada Mac. Ini lebih dari sekedar niche. Ini mengidentifikasi identitas kita sebagai pengembang Mac: kami menulis aplikasi untuk orang-orang yang menghasilkan sesuatu. Tapi bagaimana jika Studio Permukaan mengambil alih sebagai komputer untuk orang-orang yang membuat sesuatu Dan bagaimana jika kita bisa mendatangkan beberapa investasi kita (seperti belajar Swift) bersama kita Jika Anda memegang kendali untuk display mandiri Apple 4K atau 5K, Anda mungkin harus berhenti menunggu. Apple dilaporkan keluar dari bisnis display standalone untuk selamanya, menurut The Vergersquos Nilay Patel. Applersquos keluarga MacBook Pro yang baru secara universal lebih mahal daripada yang diganti oleh masing-masing: MBP entry-level yang seharusnya, yang tidak memiliki Touch Bar. Mulai pukul 1.499. Untuk mendapatkan Touch Bar, yang paling sedikit yang harus Anda belanjakan adalah 1.799, dan jika Anda ingin melampaui 13 inci, MacBook Pro 15 inci mulai dari 2.399. Upgrade prosesor dan grafisnya, pilih penyimpanan 2TB, dan yang Anda dapatkan mencapai ketinggian yang luar biasa dari 4,299. Applersquos MacBook Pro baru telah menciptakan kegemparan di komunitas Mac, dengan banyak pengembang dan profesional kreatif yang mengungkapkan kemarahan dan frustrasi bahwa Apple telah menciptakan mesin Pro yang jelas-jelas kurang diminati dan disiram. Apple yang membuat komunitas pro sangat dinamis karena banyak pengamat Mac yang bisa membuktikan, Apple berhasil bertahan beberapa hari yang gelap di awal hingga pertengahan tahun 90an, karena Mac adalah komputer pilihan untuk petak yang luas. Profesional kreatif Bagi saya, acara hari Kamis memberi isyarat satu hal untuk saya, dan mungkin Irsquom salah sama sekali, tapi Mac secara resmi berakhir. Apple, MacBook Pro bukanlah komputer pro-level. Itrsquos tidak. Anda ingin melihat seperti laptop tingkat pro seperti Lihatlah jajaran Razer. Mereka menghancurkannya dengan syarat kinerja dan gaya dalam desain perangkat keras. Sebagai pengguna Mac lama, acara hari ini memberi saya lebih banyak pertanyaan daripada jawaban tentang masa depan Macrsquos. Dan apa yang lebih banyak diceritakan adalah betapa tidak terpingginya Apple dengan basis pengguna mereka sendiri, setidaknya ketika menyangkut desktop dan laptop. Sejauh menyangkut Irsquom, Apple benar-benar tidak berhubungan dengan segmen saya (sebut saja Pro UNIX-centric, jika Anda mau), jadi Irsquom akan memikirkan kembali pilihan saya dengan serius selama beberapa minggu ke depan. Saya benar-benar menggunakan dan mengandalkan baris teratas itu terlalu banyak untuk merasa nyaman dengan gagasan tentang panel sentuh. Applersquos desktop Mac lineup menuju ke kuburan. Mati. Selesai Lebih. Mengapa saya percaya ini Karena implikasi yang tidak tertulis dari apa yang diumumkan Apple (dan sebelumnya tidak diumumkan) pada acara media kemarin. Apple tidak lagi membuat apapun yang saya mau beli. Pernyataan datar Sedih untuk mengakui setelah hampir 30 tahun membeli produk mereka tapi benar. Apple tidak peduli dengan apa yang dipikirkan atau dikatakan pelanggan atau yang diinginkannya. Apakah Apple membangun truk Apakah mereka peduli dengan truk lagi? Saya pikir jawaban cepatnya tidak. Dia membeli Lenovo dengan RAM 24 GB untuk 850. Trackpad baru ini 2 kali lebih besar dari pada trackpad pada MacBook Pro sebelumnya untuk mesin 15 inci. Itrsquos sedikit kurang dari 2x lebih besar untuk 13 inci. Selain ukuran yang meningkat ini adalah trackpad Force Touch yang sama yang telah dikirimkan pada MacBook Pro sejak tahun lalu. Sayangnya, perubahan ini mengeja akhir MagSafe di lini MacBook Pro Applersquos. MacBook tidak lagi aman dari orang-orang yang tersandung kabel listrik saat mengisi baterai. Orang-orang di Apple tidak lagi memiliki petunjuk apa yang diinginkan di komputer. Pada saat ini, Apple kini tidak kompeten. Tim Cook berpikir semua orang sebaiknya menggunakan iPad. Tidak berhubungan dengan kenyataan tentang apa pengguna tradisional inti Mac meremehkan: iya iPhone dan iPad sangat populer. Justru mengapa komputer harus membedakan dirinya sebagai komputer. Bukan iPad-seperti dipreteli gimmicks. Ini disebut diferensiasi pasar. Sebaliknya Apple mengejar konvergensi. Saya pikir beberapa tahun ke depan akan menjadi aneh dan sebenarnya penggunaan MacBook secara nyata akan terlihat seperti outlet listrik bandara tunggal daripada desain ramping dalam presentasi Apple. Harga dermaga akan tampak terlalu mahal dan banyak orang akan memilih kematian dengan seribu dongle. Tapi, saya pikir ini adalah masa transisi menuju masa depan yang jauh lebih baik. Saya tidak ingat kejadian terakhir Apple dimana saya datang jauh sebenarnya cukup terganggu, tapi memang begitu. Kesimpulannya adalah Applersquos MacBook Pro yang baru secara luas menggantikan MacBook Air, namun yang pertama jauh lebih mahal. MacBook Pro 8211 yang baru mengesankan meski memang 8211 juga kebetulan bisa dinikmati bahkan untuk pengguna profesional sekalipun. MacBook Pro 13 inci tingkat masuk dengan biaya Touch Bar 1.799, 500 lebih lengkap dari model generasi sebelumnya, dan model 15 inci mulai dari 2.399. Schiller mengatakan Apple peduli dengan harga, namun harus merancang pengalaman daripada biaya. Irsquom tidak mengeluh tentang MacBook Pro yang baru. Mereka terlihat sangat kuat, sangat tipis, dan memiliki tampilan menakjubkan. Tapi sekarang mereka sangat senang, dan itu adalah pil yang sangat sulit untuk ditelan saat Mac tampaknya kurang mendapat perhatian dari sebelumnya. Meskipun tidak ada MacBook Air baru yang tersedia untuk pembelian, Apple terus menawarkan model MacBook Air 13 inci yang terakhir diperbarui pada tahun 2015. 8230 Pada 999, MacBook Air 500 lebih murah daripada MacBook Pro entry level baru dan 300 Lebih murah dari pada entry-level Retina MacBook. Menurut dokumen tersebut, sementara semua port pada MacBook Pro 15 inci dan MacBook Pro 13 inci tanpa Touch Bar menawarkan kinerja penuh Thunderbolt 3, hanya dua dari empat port pada MacBook Pro 13 inci dengan Touch Bar mendukung Thunderbolt 3 pada performa penuh. Sangat kecewa dengan keadaan hardware Mac. Tidak ada alasan bagus yang tersisa. Bagi saya itu bukan tentang laptop, itrsquos tentang jajaran Mac. Mac Pro tidak memiliki Thunderbolt 3 atau GPU samar-samar saat ini. Menyebalkan Mereka TIDAK dilengkapi dengan desktop desktop performant, oleh karena itu mereka berfungsi sebagai desktop pro, yang jelas-jelas TIDAK. Yoursquore akan memasuki dunia kebingungan berkat port ldquoUSB-Crdquo yang baru. Lihat, port yang tampak sederhana menyembunyikan kompleksitas dunia, dan kompatibilitas mundur (bersyukur) menggunakan berbagai jenis kabel untuk berbagai tugas. Pembeli harus sangat berhati-hati untuk membeli kabel yang tepat untuk perangkat mereka Masalah inti dengan USB-C adalah kebingungan: Tidak semua kabel USB, kabel, perangkat, dan catu daya akan kompatibel, dan ada banyak kombinasi yang berbeda dengan mempertimbangkan. Jika Anda tidak berhati-hati, Anda bisa merusak atau merusak perangkat Anda dengan menggunakan kabel yang salah. Serius: Menggunakan kabel yang salah dapat merusak mesin Anda Hal ini seharusnya tidak mungkin dilakukan, tapi memang ada. Sebagai pengamat dan pemerhati teknologi, saya sangat menyukai MacBook Pro yang banyak. Pada saat bersamaan, Irsquom bosan dengan obsesi ini dengan penerus lebih ringan pada setiap iterasi perancangan. Profesional lebih tertarik pada kinerja belaka, di mesin yang bisa ditingkatkan dan diperluas di jalan. Mengapa Apple tidak membiarkan cahaya tipis tipis ke garis konsumen notebook, dan menawarkan notebook pro yang mengikuti pendekatan yang lebih baik daripada pendekatan bentuk. Sekali lagi ada perbedaan yang jelas antara mesin lsquoconsumerrsquo dan lsquoprorsquo, kini telah menjadi mesin yang lebih mirip dengan mesin lsquodeluxersquo. Saat ini, komputer profesional seharusnya tidak dibatasi oleh RAM maksimal 16 GB. Saya tahu beberapa orang yang hampir tidak nyaman dengan 32. Mengingat investasi non-sepele saat Anda membelinya pada spesifikasi teknologinya yang maksimal, Pro MacBook ini seharusnya bertahan beberapa tahun. Mereka yang mengeluh tentang lineup Mac Applersquos saat ini bukanlah pembenci, mereka juga pecinta. Mereka menghabiskan 10 tahun dan 5 angka di Mac. Orang-orang Luddite arenrsquot ini yang hanya membenci perubahan. Ini adalah orang-orang yang sudah memiliki cek kosong yang ditulis ke Apple namun harus merobek cek. Tabel di bawah merangkum berbagai pilihan untuk menggunakan display yang ada, pembaca kartu, perangkat Thunderbolt 2, perangkat USB, dan sebagainya pada akhir 2016 MacBook Pro (model 13 dan 15 keduanya memiliki tipe port yang sama, 4 port untuk model 15, 2 Port untuk model 13). Batas RAM 16GB pada laptop 3200 membingungkan saya. Jika strategi di sini adalah untuk membunuh merek Mac, sementara hanya berfokus pada iPhone, maka saya pikir mereka sedang dalam perjalanan. Saya tidak lagi percaya bahwa tim desain di Apple berinovasi untuk membuat pengalaman produk terbaik, lebih tepatnya mereka berada di wilayah ldquopure mathrdquo, mengeksplorasi batasan inovasi itu sendiri. Saya merasa seperti ini bisa salah satu dari dua cara. Salah satunya adalah masa depan dimana Apple merupakan pilar komunitas desktop dan laptop, salah satunya adalah masa depan dimana Mac keduanya mahal dan berperforma buruk. Irsquove telah menunggu beberapa bulan untuk upgrade MacBook kemarin dan Irsquom tidak puas, karena kebanyakan dari Anda. Saya membaca banyak komentar tentang alternatif dan salah satu favorit yang berulang adalah Dell XPS Developer Edition. Bisakah saya bertanya tentang pengalaman Anda dengan model ini. Di masa lalu, saya membela orang-orang yang memilih MacBook sebagai laptop pilihan mereka. MacBook adalah laptop kelas bisnis, dan tentu saja membawa label harga yang lebih tinggi. Namun, rilis terbaru Applersquos hardware underwhelming dan mahal. Jika Anda menemukan laptop baru, sebaiknya Anda mempertimbangkan merek lain. Untuk itu, Herersquos menjadi panduan pembeli untuk ThinkPads, saat ini laptop paling populer kedua yang dilihat Irsquove dengan kerumunan cracker devhackercode. Minggu ini memiliki keadaan langka dari dua pesaing berusia-tapi-masih-terang-terangan yang meluncurkan produk pada hari-hari berturut-turut. Pada hari Rabu, Microsoftmdash sebelumnya adalah juara kelas berat dunia komputer pribadi atas dasar softwaremdashactually memperkenalkan komputer desktop pertamanya. Studio Permukaan adalah hasil transfer teknologi Microsoftrsquos secara epik dari proyek penelitian, ke perangkat permainan bar, ke tablet, ke desktop. Ini memiliki layar sentuh 28 inci yang bagus dan tombol yang cerdas untuk zooming dan pemilihan menu yang presisi. Itrsquos juga mendapat kemilau desain kesombongan yang pernah terdengar di daerah sekitar tanah Windows. Versi termurah adalah 3.000. Sehari kemudian, Apple mengakhiri lama menunggu pengguna laptop merindukan upgrade dengan meluncurkan jajaran baru MacBook Pro. Dengan pengecualian sebuah fitur baru yang disebut strip multi-sentuh Touch Bar8202mdash8202a di atas keyboard yang digunakan tombol fungsi apa yang digunakan untuk melakukan8202mdash8202 mesin baru ini adalah iterasi yang dapat diprediksi dengan mudah tentang bagaimana Apple melakukan generasi belakangan ini: lebih tipis, lebih cepat, dan lebih mahal. Pada tahun 2016 saya tidak ingin menuntut, membawa, dan memelihara dua perangkat hanya karena ada dua model interaksi penting, yang masing-masing lebih sesuai untuk beberapa tugas dan keadaan daripada yang lain. Dalam banyak hal, ini mengingatkan pada bagaimana rasanya pada tahun 2005 dan 2006 membawa ponsel dan iPod ke mana pun Anda pergi. Kegagalan Applersquos untuk mengumumkan solusi atas masalah ini saat ini tidak terlalu memprihatinkan. Tapi menyajikan MacBook Pro dan Touch Bar yang baru sebagai pengumuman revolusioner yang benar-benar, dilemparkan dalam cahaya sejarah, yang datang pada akhir mantra kering yang sangat panjang jatuh datar. Therersquos sejumlah besar kritik terhadap Apple keluar online setelah acara ini. Dan banyak sekali yang mengkritik Apple tentang hal itu, sayangnya, karena saat mereka memperbarui laptop ini, mereka bahkan tidak menyebutkan keseluruhan lini produk Mac, dan pertanyaan besar tentang di mana Apple melihat bahwa garis ini akan berlanjut beberapa tahun ke depan bahkan tidak diakui, Apalagi ditangani Apa strategi jangka panjang Applersquos untuk aplikasi pro Sejujurnya, Final Cut sepertinya aplikasi prosumer yang digunakan oleh profesional, bukan aplikasi pro yang digunakan oleh para prosumers. Whatrsquos masa depan Logika yang mereka bunuh terbunuh Aperture, apakah selanjutnya saya akan didorong ke Premiere dan Audition dalam dua tahun ke depan Dimana update ke desktop line Dimana pengembang kelas macs Dan bagaimana dengan pengguna yang membutuhkan hardware tinggi Dengan konfigurasi memori yang lebih besar Laptop baru ini semua max di 16Gb yang bagus untuk, taruhan Irsquod, 95 pengguna, tapi untuk yang lain 5 Apakah Apple benar-benar menyarankan agar mereka berangkat ke Microsoft daripada dari tempat Irsquom berdiri, Apple mendefinisikan ulang (menyusut) Target pemirsa mereka untuk platform Mac. Jika Anda merasa ditinggalkan oleh kabar terbaru dan pengabaian di desktop, ini sangat sederhana karena Apple memutuskan untuk tidak melayani kebutuhan segmenrsquos Anda. Saya tahu bahwa hal itu bisa dirasakan cukup pribadi bagi pemuja Mac, seperti saya, tapi hanya bisnis dan strategi. Pendekatan satu ukuran ini memiliki kekurangan mendasar karena kita belum mencapai tahap di mana pengorbanan dapat diterima oleh para profesional dengan tuntutan tinggi. Hampir setiap pilihan yang kita buat dalam kehidupan ini adalah tentang pengorbanan: hal itu sama dalam rekayasa perangkat keras. Misalnya, membuat laptop lebih tipis dan lebih ringan berarti mengorbankan kinerja yang tidak Anda inginkan jika Anda tidak memiliki batasan tersebut. Argumen yang dibuat oleh Irsquoll adalah jika Anda kehilangan profesional, Anda pasti kehilangan banyak inovasi dan konten yang membuat konsumen di ekosistem Apple. Profesional tersebut adalah pencipta konten dan jika mereka menggunakan Mac di tempat kerja, mereka kemungkinan lebih banyak menggunakan Mac di rumah dan menciptakan platform Apple. Profesional adalah influencer dan mempengaruhi pilihan komputasi teman keluarga dekat keluarga mereka. Apple nampaknya menawarkan bagian Polaris 11 tertinggi yang tersedia: Radeon 460. Ini adalah peningkatan besar dari generasi sebelumnya dimana Apple cenderung hanya menggunakan penawaran seluler AMDrsquos tengah. Namun sementara AMD telah meningkatkan kinerjanya dibanding generasi sebelumnya, mereka gagal meraih mahkota kinerja dari Nvidia. GPU notebook profesional Nvidiarsquos low end, GTX 1060m, masih hampir dua kali lebih cepat dari Radeon 460. Masalah dengan Macbook Pro baru ini mengabaikan semua profesional yang diminta, sambil menambahkan hal-hal yang tidak mereka ketahui. Tidak perlu membuat thinner laptop mencegah mereka menggunakan GPU mobile seperti Nvidiarsquos 1080m, yang menawarkan hampir empat kali performa Radeon 460. Apple juga mengabaikan hampir daftar lengkap dari apa yang sedang dicari Pro di Macbook Pro baru: fitur seperti upgradable Penyimpanan, display beresolusi lebih tinggi, lebih banyak RAM, ekspansi grafis eksternal8230 Apple mendorong laptop ini sebagai notebook profesional pengeditan 4k, namun bahkan belum dilengkapi dengan display 4k. Monitor yang tidak dicap Apple berarti Apple tidak lagi didukung. Saat Anda membeli monitor bermerek Apple dengan Mac, kartu itu tercakup dalam garansi yang sama dengan Mac Anda. Jika Mac Anda memiliki AppleCare tiga tahun, monitor Anda juga ditutup selama tiga tahun. Dan monitor Anda diservis di toko lokal yang sama dengan Mac Anda yang diservis. Menurut saya, Apple menganggap MBP15 sebagai perangkat portabel yang sangat besar, tidak menyadari bahwa pelanggan menganggapnya sebagai desktop yang berjalan. Yang menyedihkan dari semua ini, adalah betapa tidak perlu rasanya. Ini tidak perlu banyak bagi Apple untuk menyenangkan pengguna Mac hardcore. Apple tidak meluncurkan produk jelek, mereka meluncurkan perangkat yang masih merupakan pilihan terbaik di pasaran. Yang masih memiliki desain industri tak ternilai harganya. Yang masih memiliki sistem operasi terbaik. Yang masih memiliki aplikasi pihak ketiga terbaik di platform desktop manapun. Yang masih merupakan pilihan terbaik bagi kebanyakan orang di dunia. Dan sejujurnya, jika Anda tidak bisa melihatnya, maka Anda perlu membeli laptop non-Mac dan melihat sendiri betapa buruknya itu sebenarnya. Apple berpikir tipis dan ringan lebih penting daripada yang diperlengkapi dengan baik dan kuat. Taruhan terbaik saya adalah membeli Mac Mac masa depan yang ditujukan untuk orang-orang seperti saya. Yang mengharuskan Apple ingin membangun satu yang tidak mereka sukai saat ini, tapi mungkin mereka akan kembali sebelum kotak ini mengetik Irsquom kehabisan bensin. Itrsquos bukan hanya tentang mereka menghapus startup berpadu. Atau expansiblity. Itrsquos tentang ulasan jujur. Cara pemasaran telah mengambil alih dan kesadaran bahwa Mac, dasar dari apa yang menjadi kerajaan Applersquos dan masih merupakan satu-satunya platform yang dapat dikembangkan orang untuk iOS, terbengkalai secara efektif, dan apa pun yang Apple perlu lakukan untuk mencoba mendapatkan kembali pengguna Pro mereka. Dasar, MacBook baru bukan mdash atau, setidaknya, pasti tidak cukup. Fitur pembunuh pada akhir 2016 Apple MacBook Pro mungkin merupakan tampilan keseluruhannya, yang terbaik yang pernah ditawarkan oleh Apple, dan mungkin yang terbaik di laptopmdashto dapat dilihat. Kekecewaan 1 pada akhir 2016 Apple MacBook Pro adalah batas memori 16GB, yang secara inheren menempatkan batasan kinerja pada penggunaan profesional. Jadi, banyak orang kecewa dengan tidak adanya opsi 32GB. Pernyataan Applersquos itu benar, namun tidak memiliki detail. Alasan sebenarnya dibalik kekurangan 32gb atau ddr4 adalah intel. Skylake tidak mendukung ram LPDDR4 (LP untuk daya rendah). Kabylake diatur untuk memasukkan dukungan, namun hanya untuk kategori U dari chip. Jadi tidak ada dukungan LPDDR4 untuk mobile sampai 2018 yang saya pikirkan. Meh, ThinkPad P50 dan P70 mengemas prosesor Xeon, memori ECC 64 GB dan kartu grafis Quadro. Begitu juga zbook dari HP. Razer Blade hadir dengan Skylake i7 6700HQ dan DDR4. Update (2016-10-31): Maciej Ceglowski (sebagai Benjamin Button): Segala sesuatu tentang mesin baru tampaknya dirancang untuk juru ketik. Trackpad telah dibuat lebih kecil, jadi Anda mungkin tidak terlalu menyikatnya dengan telapak tangan Anda. Kunci itu sendiri lebih nyaman untuk diketik, dengan peningkatan perjalanan utama, nuansa yang lebih lembut, dan umpan balik taktil yang lebih memuaskan. Anda tidak lagi merasa seperti milikmu yang mengetuk permukaan kaca iPad. Dan tidak memiliki TouchBar berarti tidak lagi harus meremehkan tangan Anda sepanjang waktu. Terlepas dari banyak perbaikan, Apple benar-benar menurunkan harga pada kapal induknya 15 MacBook Pro seharga 400, tanda lain bahwa mereka sangat serius dalam memenangkan pengembang. Kini, MacBook Pro bukanlah segalanya yang saya inginkan di laptop. Hal ini tentunya tidak semua yang saya inginkan di komputer desktop. Tapi, saat debu mengendap, masih ada Mac. Dengan semua kutil yang dimiliki oleh macos, dengan semua keputusan membingungkan yang dibuat Apple dengan beberapa produk mereka pada waktunya, apakah benar-benar ada platform Irsquod lain yang lebih suka menggunakan tingkat pushback dari acara MacBook Pro yang mengejutkan. Saya yakin berharap seseorang di Apple yang bisa membuat perbedaan adalah memperhatikan. Dengan asumsi bahwa ada komputer desktop yang diperbarui setelah tahun pertama, saya rasa masuk akal untuk menyebutkannya, hanya agar pengguna yang menunggu mereka dapat berhenti merasa ditinggalkan. Ini tidak memerlukan banyak pengungkapan, tapi saya pikir sudah waktunya setidaknya beberapa orang. Irsquove sampai pada keyakinan bahwa tempat sampah itu bisa diproduksi oleh Mac, mesin pembuat mesin Assayquo saya, adalah kesalahan produk pada kaliber abad ke-1 Macintoshrdquo kali ini. Itu adalah keajaiban teknologi, ini adalah desain yang menakjubkan, dan ini adalah perangkat keras yang mengerikan untuk pemirsa utama karena keterbatasan kemampuan dan fleksibilitas komponen mdash dan kemudian Apple menambahkan bahwa dengan tidak memiliki rencana peningkatan yang baik untuk menyegarkannya sejak Desain yang dibuat tidak akan membiarkan penggunanya melakukannya sendiri. Faktanya adalah, lini produk Mac sendiri menjadi produk niche, karena hari-hari komputer pribadi telah memulai peralihan kembali ke tempat komputer akan menjadi hobi bagi nerd dan pengguna arus utama, perangkat yang menggunakan komputer untuk memungkinkan tugas Mulai menggantikan mereka: itu termasuk tablet, tapi juga konsol game dan apa pun itu yang pada akhirnya akan mengambil alih kepemilikan ruang tamu. Begitu argumen tersebut menolak kekhawatiran dengan mendesak orang untuk menggunakan VT-100 mereka jika marah, ia kehilangan Godwin AFAIC. Yang sebenarnya saya inginkan adalah desktop desktop yang hebat yang bisa mengkompilasi aplikasi saya dengan sangat cepat. Berikut adalah beberapa tolok ukur cepat untuk 700 Lenovo Y700 vs 1500 ldquolow-endrdquo MacBook Pro Saya berbicara tentang Friday 8230 Ingat, selama 850, Anda mendapatkan 24 pertunjukan RAM dan 128 Gigs SSD (ditambah penyimpanan piring berputar terabyte) pada Itu Lenovo Apple selalu menjadi merek premium dan pelanggan setianya telah memeluknya. Tapi harga premium ini dibayarkan untuk keseluruhan produk yang bekerja dengan baik di luar kotak dan terintegrasi dengan baik ke dalam ekosistem Applersquos. Hari ini kenaikan harga ini sangat kontras dengan penurunan kualitas perangkat lunak di tahun-tahun terakhir dan masalah desain produk yang saya diskusikan. Jika Anda memutuskan untuk membeli MacBook Pro baru, pastikan Anda menyisihkan sejumlah uang tunai untuk adaptor yang Anda butuhkan. Apple doesnrsquot termasuk di dalam kotak, kecuali adaptor daya. Dan itu tidak termasuk kabel dari batu bata daya ke dinding. Saya tidak jatuh pada spektrum Apple-yang-terancam (neraka, sudah cukup lama), tapi ini sepertinya langkah yang tidak biasa bagi perusahaan. Daya tahan ini sangat memprihatinkan bagi Apple yang coba mereka hadapi dengan akhirnya menghentikan dukungan perangkat lunak untuk mesin yang lebih tua. Thatrsquos mengapa Mac Minis anak-anak saya sekarang menjalankan Ubuntu. Mac tua bisa diturunkan atau dijual di Craigslist dan itu adalah masalah bagi Apple, namun masalahnya tidak sekuat apa pun karena hampir semua orang yang menginginkan ponsel pintar memilikinya. Ya, Apple punya masalah mdash masalah yang paling disukai perusahaan lain: pelanggan menyukai produk terlalu banyak sehingga pasar menjadi jenuh. Mengapa beberapa perusahaan mobil dan sepeda motor memiliki keberanian untuk mencurahkan sumber daya yang signifikan untuk balap Alasan mengapa Apple harus mengeluarkan uang untuk menciptakan dan memasarkan perangkat keras profesional sejati adalah alasan yang sama dimana perusahaan mobil dan motor mencurahkan sumber daya yang signifikan untuk balap karena menyediakannya dengan kredibilitas. Ketika perusahaan motor berlomba, mereka menegaskan kemampuan mereka untuk menciptakan produk terbaik, yang tidak dapat menantang kelompok lain. Meskipun Anda mungkin mengharapkan beberapa dari para loyalis Apple yang kecewa ini beralih ke mesin Windows - dan Irsquom yakin beberapa akan - beberapa beralih ke alternatif yang tidak terduga - Linux. Anda tahu, segera setelah Apple Keynote, laptop dan penjual desktop Ubuntu terkenal, System76, melihat lonjakan arus lalu lintas dari orang-orang yang ingin membeli mesinnya. Secara keseluruhan, ini merupakan pergeseran dramatis dari tempat Apple dan Microsoft dulu. Microsoft sekarang menarik langsung ke profesional kreatif dengan perangkat keras, dan inovasi perangkat lunak. Apple mengenalkan perangkat solid, workhorse yang tidak memiliki keajaiban update sebelumnya. Bahkan video ldquobirthrdquo mencerminkan perbedaan bagaimana mesin-mesin ini akan dijual. Microsoftrsquos merasa lebih mirip Apple-y daripada Applersquos kali ini. Belum lama ini Irsquod menonton sebuah keynote Apple dan memimpikan semua hal baru yang bisa dilakukan Irsquod. Minggu ini, meskipun, Irsquom bermimpi tentang Surface Studio. Federal Aviation Administration telah membatasi ukuran baterai laptop maksimum yang diijinkan pada penerbangan hingga 100 watt-jam. Itu menjelaskan mengapa model pro Applersquos 2015 mengandung baterai 99,5 watt-hour dengan tepat. Although the recent MBP release only contains a 76 watt-hour battery, due to the fact that there is no low-power RAM available in greater than 16GB capacities for Intelrsquos latest mobile CPU it can be argued that Apple are still working within that 100 watt-hour ceiling, and that they are using the best components that they can given that ceiling. Seems like this is where USB-C battery packs could come in handy. Apple makes an external iPhone battery pack, and it isnrsquot pretty, but apparently it works very well. I donrsquot care about lighter or thinner. I care about performance, storage, reliability. A rift. A schism. We are witnessing it. I believe anyway. The second paragraph above shows the difference. In the first paragraph, Cook is questioning why anyone would buy a (WindowsLinux) PC. In the second, hersquos saying many people donrsquot even need a notebook or desktop, period, implicitly including Mac notebooks and desktops. Itrsquos not clear to me that Cook has always used ldquoPCrdquo to mean non-Mac. In any case, the second paragraph expresses pretty much the same sentiment and clearly includes Macs, and Cook declined to elaborate when interviewed a year later about the MacBook Pro. Rather astounding how much backlash last weekrsquos event has generated. I canrsquot recall an Apple event that generated such a negative reaction from hard-core Mac users. Irsquom looking forward to his longer piece. The argument against this design is that itrsquos backwards mdash that for MacBooks targeting pro users, Apple should start with high performance specs and then build a machine that supports things like 32 GB of RAM. If they had done that, theyrsquod have wound up with thicker, heavier designs. Many actual pro users would be delighted by that. Apple simply places a higher priority on thinness and lightness than performance-hungry pro users do. Typically when Apple makes big changes to their products they explain them. Lately Apple hasnrsquot been doing that. Why is 1 port better than 2 Why is USB-C better than MagSafe Why is a keyboard that is tolerated at best now standard Apple did a superlative job with the MacBook Pro reveal. The Touch Bar itself is a thing of beauty, but Apple prepared well here, bringing a variety of apps to the stage to put the Touch Bar through its paces, to show how this Touch Bar makes possible a brand new way of interacting with your computer. This is so much more than what I expected, so much more than programmable soft keys. Lots to absorb, lots to read, but so far, sounds like Apple has a real winner here. If this were simply a bunch of curmudgeonly complaints, wersquod have skipped the post entirely. But there are a lot of fair complaints in this list, insights that are worth paying attention to. In conversation over two years ago, we converged on an assumption: Apple and Microsoft will taper off their investments in pro hardware and software while they chase bigger, easier money in the consumer and enterprise spaces. History being known to repeat itself, we saw a moment on the horizon not unlike the one in which NeXT and Be emerged. We figured there were some instructive lessons from the histories of those upstarts. We wondered if the right team could move pro computing forward today, and by measures beyond small increments. Apple will only see an exodus of pro users if it turns out theyrsquove shipped a machine that truly canrsquot meet the needs 8211 the actual working limits 8211 of their customers. Armchair grumbles about misfeatures, memory limits, and the wrong ports arenrsquot the same as being totally unable to do your job because your tools have utterly failed you. I donrsquot think thatrsquos where most pro users are today, but some are starting to recognize that todayrsquos professional computing tools arenrsquot likely to carry us forward into new ways of working. Apple, a company that has led the laptop industry in its use of PCIe solid-state drives (SSDs), again upped the ante in performance with its latest refresh of the MacBook Pro, which may be the highest performing stock system on the market. I might have doubts about the Mac product line, but overall I like the new MacBooks. The outrage seems overblown. I tend to agree. As I said at the top, these new MacBook Pros are not what I was looking for, and I have concerns about the Mac product line, but the level of outrage is way beyond what I expected when writing this post. I suspect many of those annoyed about the event are in my position: the fact that the Touch Bar is interesting just makes it more annoying that Apple just announced a line of computers that I canrsquot really use. For a developer work machine, 16GB is the uncomfortable minimum requirement. It does not cover the needs of a developerrsquos average workday without us making some compromises in our workflow and productivity. But thatrsquos not most MacBook Pro users. Most MacBook Pro users will do just fine with 16 GB of RAM (in fact, most will do just fine with the 13-inch modelsrsquo default configuration of 8 GB). For most MacBook Pro users, Apple is right to prioritize battery life over the maximum RAM configuration. This might make people who want such things even angrier (than if they were technical limitations), but theyrsquore both deliberate design choices. By discussing the MacBook Pro only, Apple seemed to be saying, ldquoWe never intended, nor do we need, to talk about anything else. rdquo Unsatisfying. Evidently, we are to take Applersquos silence on other Mac matters as a statement of steadfast indifference. Finally, the feeling we all at TMO got during this presentation is that Apple just doesnrsquot see a future in powerful desktop Macs. If you are a technical or creative professional, a MacBook Pro with the Touch Bar is going to be your thing. If that doesnrsquot do the trick, therersquos little recourse available in the rest of the product line. Yoursquoll need to turn elsewhere. If Apple had introduced a new MacBook Air last week, the company wouldnrsquot be facing down a mob of angry creative professionals. It might not have Apple software developers questioning whether the company has lost its way. Because the new MacBook Pro basically is a MacBook Air -- the most impressive Air ever made. Apple chose to market a thinner Pro instead of a faster Air, even though theyrsquore basically the same thing. And thatrsquos not lost on Apple -- it was Apple marketing VP Phil Schiller who suggested the 13-inch MacBook Pro (the one without the Touch Bar) was designed for MacBook Air buyers. ldquoWe are the company that stands for the builders, the makers, the creators. rdquo Sounds like a thing Apple might say, no But those are the words of Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella -- the guy who just ate Applersquos lunch. Herersquos the truth: Applersquos new MacBook Pro isnrsquot for pros. Not all of them, anyhow. Apple did a great job of introducing two new trees while ignoring the forest dying of drought around us. The more I think about it, the more I think that sums up my discomfort with the announcements this week. In 1997, Steve introduced his new philosophy for what products should have using this grid. 20 years later, wersquore now trying to make sense of the Mac product line and we seem confused, so I decided to sit down and try to sort it out a bit. So here we are, the New Grid. Irsquom a photographer, so the lack of an SD card slot stinks. The personality is leaving. The upgrade path is non-existent. Maybe the only saving grace is that Macs still run macOS, still the best operating system out there. And it could be that I would be just fine owning one of the new MacBook Pros. Itrsquos just that right now Irsquom in the market for a new iMac, and those options arenrsquot all that appealing either. Ifwhen an iMac update comes, do I see things getting better or worse Worse. Thatrsquos what makes me nervous. But the problem is Apple themselves is marketing the Macbook Pro as a desktop replacement. Apple just gave me the computer Irsquove been waiting 3 years for. No, really. Irsquom breaking my 4-year upgrade cycle early because Apple just shipped my unicorn. The beauty of the Retina 27 5k iMac when Irsquom at my desk, the convenience of a rMBP the rest of the time. As it stands, there is a hidden extra cost of 200 or more if yoursquore like me and want to attach a USB3 SSD, USB3 card reader, Thunderbolt device, external display, etc. Thatrsquos about a 5 to 7 hidden cost increase. OWC has USB-C to USB adapter cables for about 9.99 so at least there is a low cost option for that common use case. Which brings the point to it: why isnrsquot there at least one token USB-C to USB adapter in the Apple box I havenrsquot ever seen any stats, but my guess would be that the vast majority of MacBook owners never connect anything other than power to their machine. For those that do, mostly it will be just one or two USB devices, like a USB key and external drive. All joking aside, I do worry, reading my Twitter timeline over the past few days, that some people actually believe Apple makes decisions based on what the executives personally want, rather than what data tells them is viable. Wersquore steadfast in our belief that there are fundamentally two different products to make for customers and theyrsquore both important. Therersquos iPhone and iPad which are single pieces of glass, theyrsquore direct-manipulation, multi-touch and tend towards full-screen applications. 8230 Then therersquos the Mac experience, dominated by our notebooks and thatrsquos about indirect manipulation and cursors and menus. These are pro machines. If it was just about headphones then it doesnrsquot need to be there, we believe that wireless is a great solution for headphones. But many users have setups with studio monitors, amps, and other pro audio gear that do not have wireless solutions and need the 3.5mm jack. There has certainly been a lot of passionate dialogue and debate about the new MacBook Pro Many things have impressed people about it, and some have caused some controversy. I hope everyone gets a chance to try it for themselves and see how great the MacBook Pro is. It is a really big step forward and an example of how much we continue to invest in the Mac. We love the Mac and are as committed to it, in both desktops and notebooks, as we ever have been. And we are proud to tell you that so far our online store has had more orders for the new MacBook Pro than any other pro notebook before. So there certainly are a lot of people as excited as we are about it. When you sit all but idle for 4 years in the pro laptop space, and then finally produce a gorgeous laptop, one would hope for strong sales. From my perspective, Phil Schillerrsquos perspective on card readers is that of someone who has a dim understanding of the pro photography market, namely that the vast majority of cameras sold today (even pro cameras) have SDXC card slots (my pro Canon, Nikon, Sony, Sigma, Leica cameras all do so I rarely use CF cards any more). Schillerrsquos lame rationalization might be accepted by the ignorant. Unusual for Apple to defend design decisions like this. Problem is most people who transfer pictures want that SD. First, the SD card doesnrsquot have to stick out. Every camera that Irsquove used has a sprung locking mechanism to keep the card snugly in its slot. Something like that might be really elegant on a MacBook Pro, and would help prevent removing the card without ejecting it. As far as wireless transfer is concerned, itrsquos just not fast or reliable enough, especially for cameras producing 40-plus megabyte RAW images. The difference between light-load and heavy-load battery life is staggering. I have actually lost sleep since the announcement. I keep going over in my mind alternate hardware, but the fact is that macOS (OS X) is the single best operating system for developers today. I am generalizing developers. For any embedded development, or HDL stuff, OS X will not be a nice experience. But for web or mobile development (which I anticipate is quite larger than development that could not be done in OS X), itrsquos just better. Things work. If the donrsquot, there is a massive support system in place and worst case scenario you can drive lt1hr to an Apple store and let them take care of it. Sure, there are edge cases there as well, but compared to the ultrabook you bought from Costco or any distribution of linux, you have much more support available. I do love my macbook pro (glass trackpad, backlit keyboard, good display), but I absolutely must have macOS. At this point my only hope is that a new distribution of Linux evolves that can seriously compete and works flawlessly on off the shelf hardware (such as the Dell XPS), but wersquore not there yet. Elementary OS looks promising. Perhaps developers would fork Darwin completely and make a macOS competitor. The negative reaction is not because the new MBP is terrible when viewed in a vacuum, it is because people who would like (or actually need) more powerful hardware than the one-size-fits-all approach that seems to be Applersquos current course are no longer catered to, or so it seems. Personally, I donrsquot really care about the touch bar one way or another, but what I do care about is that I would like to have one machine I can do all my work on, which involves a wider range of things one a daily basis than is typical (e. g. videoimage editing, GPU powered number crunching, coding, and sitting in moving vehicles plugged into a bunch of stuff). In the past few years, the 15 MBP has been the machine to do it all, but in itrsquos newest incarnation(s) I am no longer sure it would still be the best tool. It seems like gimmicks are added, but useful extras are stripped away. Maybe itrsquos just in the uncanny valley of progress with USB-C, but for the moment the way they went about it all or nothing seems like a major inconvenience, with all the ldquolegacyrdquo hardware I need to attach. And therersquos minor things like removing the power brickrsquos cord. Having four USB-C ports is awesome. Having only four USB-C ports is going to hurt the versatility requirement of pro gear, because therersquos a very real chance that you wonrsquot have the right dongle when you need it. This is going to happen a lot . because even though USB-C is the future, itrsquos definitely not the present. But this is not how Apple thinks about transitions like this. They design for the future, and in doing so, they bring the future here faster. In the alternate universe where the new MacBook Pros ship with one USB-A port, the transition to ubiquitous USB-C peripherals and cables will happen at least a little slower. Where the company and I donrsquot see eye-to-eye, though, is with the keyboard. The new MacBook Pro features a second-generation version of the butterfly-style keys introduced in the MacBook. Irsquom extremely hesitant to switch to this type of keyboard. Granted, I havenrsquot spent too much time with it, but the limited key travel felt terrible to me. And thatrsquos setting aside the decreased distance between keys which makes it more difficult to know where my fingers were without looking. But Apple has me overlooking the mediocre keyboard with the inclusion of a giant trackpad and the Touch Bar mdash the most noteworthy feature in these new machines. Tim Cook uses ldquoPCrdquo to mean ldquoanyonersquos PCrdquo. I know Jobs didnrsquot. Cook always has. Used to sound incongruous when he did it, but now that Windows is sort of a lesser beast, it makes some sense to stop with the MacPC dichotomy. But itrsquos hard not to see a shift in Applersquos thinking. While its price is certainly commensurate with its predecessors, the new MacBook Pro isnrsquot your standard professional notebook. Rather, the latest flagship portables from Cupertino are more in line with the iPad Pro than the MacBook Pros they replace, and it could signal major changes ahead for the rest of the lineup. The Butterfly 2.0 keys are indeed updated Check this sweet MacBookMacBook Pro (with function keys) rollover I know a lot of people mdash DF readers, developer friends mdash who are deeply worried that Apple is sunsetting the Mac. 8230 But I would hold up as proof of Applersquos commitment to the Mac two things: the annual update cycle of the OS and the MacBook lineup. (Personally, I would prefer if they slowed down on major updates to MacOS and updated hardware more frequently with minor speed bumps.) Call me an old-school Mac curmudgeon all you like, but I think a single regular USB port in the new MBP wouldnrsquot have hurt. The fact that one needs an adapter to even plug a common USB pendrive is ridiculous. When using the MBP at home, you can tolerate various adapters, but on the go itrsquos just annoying. Additionally, the system profilerrsquos report on the 13-inch MacBook Pro has no listing for SPDIF Optical Digital Audio Output, while the 2012 and 2015 Retina MacBook Pro models do. AppleInsider contacted Apple about the matter, and was told that the feature was removed due to a lack of customers using the functionality. Additionally, we were told that ldquoplenty of USB-C zero-latency professional peripherals are available now, or coming very soonrdquo featuring optical audio out connectivity. This is right after Schillerrsquos statement (above) that Apple left the headphone jack on the MacBook Pro because of its uses for pro audio. I was able to try the MacBook Escape today at the Apple Store Maine Mall. (The models with Touch Bar will not be in stock, even as demo units, for about a month.) I find the ldquosecond generationrdquo keyboard noticeably better than the MacBook Onersquos. I donrsquot like feel or the arrow key layout, but I think it would probably be tolerable for me, given that I mostly use an external keyboard. On the other hand, older MacBook Pro keyboard is probably the best that Apple has ever shipped in a notebook, and the MacBook Onersquos is probably the worst. My primary use case for the SD card slot is for a Time Machine drive while traveling. Hotel network connections are too slow for Internet backup, and the SD cards are compact enough that I can leave them inserted while loading and unloading the MacBook Pro from my bag. Even if a dongle werenrsquot required, a USB drive just wouldnrsquot work as well here. It would not fit in my laptop sleeve, and I would have to unmount it before disconnecting it. Update (2016-11-04): Accidental Tech Podcast makes a lot of interesting points, particularly about what it means that Apple is getting out of the external display business. The summary for potential late 2016 MacBook Pro owners is that all current USB-C devices, cables, and adapters will work when plugged into a MacBook Prorsquos Thunderbolt 3 ports. However, Thunderbolt 3-specific devices wonrsquot work with computers and other devices like the 12-inch MacBook whose USB-C ports are less capable. After a battery of tests with their current lineup of USB-C and Thunderbolt products, Plugable learned that Applersquos newest MacBook Pros may not be compatible with currently available Thunderbolt 3 devices. This issue seems to specifically stem from the use of Texas Instruments controller chips in the Thunderbolt 3 devices. If true, this means that has Apple potentially shut out early adopters of the new technology. To me the neglected part discussed was the touch pads. Why are they so big I donrsquot think Apple gave a good reason at the Event and no one else has really explained them well. If you look at them theyrsquore the size of a large iPhone. I think therersquos something to that. Some people use a MacBook Pro primarily as a desktop machine that they want to be able to occasionally move around easily. These people arenrsquot as concerned with battery life or weight. Theyrsquod rather have more ports than battery life. A different (much larger) group of people primarily want a powerful machine that they can run extended times on battery power and easily carry with them. For most of the life of the MacBook Pro the laptop met both these needs with only a few compromises. At least relative to the choices available at the time. Partially due to Intelrsquos own product lines this just isnrsquot true anymore. Next yearrsquos CannonLake chips from Intel will help this problem a lot. Theyrsquoll significantly increase the amount of memory available. However I suspect the days of the MacBook Pro being able to meet both needs are gone. While this ldquotransportablerdquo market is small I donrsquot think it is negligible. It would be nice were Apple to simply take the old MacBook Pro form factor, drop the DP, power port, and one USB-A port and replace them with USB-CTB3 ports. Leave the rest of the ports the same, put in a powerful Nvidea mobile GPU, have bigger fans, put in the top Intel chip, ignore the weight and be satisfied with battery life more akin to what the 2009 MacBook Pro had. There is a group of Apple fans who would love this device. Itrsquos a convenient narrative to group together both the migration away from USB-A and the one away from 3.5mm headphones. There are important differences, though. Regardless, the Mac Pro has not been updated in an unconscionably long time. The current Mac Pro, which you can still buy, is three years old. It hasnrsquot been updated once. The Mac Pro may not sell many units at allmdashand truth be told, even two years ago the 5K iMac was arguably a better Mac than the Mac Promdashbut itrsquos also symbolic. It represents some part of Applersquos commitment to its professional user base, a small but enthusiastic group that includes developers and other highly technical folks. And users of the MacBook Pro had to look on and wonder if Applersquos commitment to them was wavering, too. The danger for Apple is how many people are on those margins, and how influential those people are. If the company has miscalculated, it may cede users that keep the Mac platform strong, and that could slow the Macrsquos momentum when compared to the PC industry at large. A larger danger for Apple, I think, is affordability. The move to Retina has dramatically increased the price of all of Applersquos laptops. The 13-inch MacBook Air is still kicking around at 999, but the new 13-inch MacBook Pro, by all rights the proper successor to the 13-inch Air, costs 500 more. A product line that once began at 899 now begins (leaving the Air aside for a moment) at 1299. Irsquom not sure what solves this one other than time, but itrsquos an issue. Despite Apple introducing new 2016 MacBook Prorsquos last week, I just ordered at 2015 model. Yes, the one that was last updated a year and a half ago. I spent a considerable amount of time looking at the new lineup and thinking through how I intend to use the machine. Ultimately I concluded that in addition to costing several hundreds more, the new models simply offer me less utility than the 2015 models. A huge part of my workflow requires that I use a USB security token, and I use USB flash drives a fair amount. Irsquom not a huge klutz, but I was looking forward to the MagSafe connector. I connect to projectors and large LCDs on a fairly regular basis, so an HDMI port is very useful for me. The thought of having to use dongles all of the time doesnrsquot appeal to me. Apple is cutting prices for all of its USB-C adapters following a week of complaints about the MacBook Prorsquos inconvenient port situation. Itrsquos a sign that Apple recognizes these dongles are a hassle, and it seems to hope that reducing the prices on them will lessen the pain of this transition. Starting immediately, all of Applersquos USB-C adapters and some of its USB-C cables will have their prices cut by 6 to 208230 I think Apple wants to counter the notion that moving to all USB-C is a money grab mdash that they did it to make money selling adapters. Before the 2013 Mac Pro, Apple hadnrsquot upgraded the Mac Pro in three years (and Applersquos neglect of Final Cut Pro 7 didnrsquot help.) I with video pros at the time and the panic was already setting in. A two year gap, like the one from 2006 to 2008, was digestible. But at three years you start to wonder if the Mac Pro was going to be updated at all. And if you donrsquot think the Mac Pro is going to be updated, for the good of your business, yoursquore going to start looking at the Adobe Suite and Windows workstations, and start that transition as early as possible. When Apple released the 2013 Mac Pro it never calmed the pro community. The 2013 Mac Pro a risky proposition for businesses because it was slower than Windows hardware, which translates to dollars on the bottom line. A job that takes twice as long to render costs twice as much. And that just continued to feed the narrative that investing in the Apple platform was a risky proposition. And then three years later Apple still hasnrsquot shipped an upgrade, continuing the tailspin in prorsquos confidence of Apple. Itrsquos looking increasingly likely that there will never be another Mac Pro. Herersquos why that would be a shame. Pros wouldnrsquot be as angry about the limitations of the new MacBook Pro line if there was an alternative that solved their needs. The Mac Pro sweeps up countless edge cases with one product at the top of the line mdash the only downside is cost, but many pros would rather spend money than compromise on their needs. Just as the Macrsquos power lets iOS be simpler. a healthy Mac Pro frees up the rest of the Mac lineup to make more aggressive progress. Arment is way too positive on the Mac Prorsquos thermal design. Recently I worked on an application where we had about a dozen Mac Pros doing heavy video encoding workloads. Four of these computers started having GPU overheating issues, and turns out that this is a common occurrence on the 2013 Mac Pro. Apple has been quietly replacing units over the years (searching for the specific console error message reveals that itrsquos common among Mac Pro owners). My theory is that the Mac Pro hasnrsquot seen an update because Apple knows that its current thermal design is a lemon, and they donrsquot really want to sell any more of these because the replacement rate is so high. Licensing just the operating system was a disaster for Apple. Professional customers donrsquot have the time to build and maintain their own Hackintoshes. Any partnership to build Mac hardware would need to be structured so that it benefits Apple, the partner, and customer alike. Just like IBM and their clients have benefitted from Lenovo. Did you see Louis Rossmannrsquos YT review. Some USB-C devices kill internet and make the mouse laggy on the new MBP 13in non-Touch Bar. But like a lot of people, I didnrsquot order one right away. The 16 GB RAM limit was the first thing to make me pause my current machine is maxed out at 8 GB and I often hit that ceiling when Irsquom editing photos and running many applications in the background. I still bought one. As I was deliberating, I wrote up the following list of reasons this MacBook Pro, at this time, is the new computer for me. Let me reinforce that this is my situation Irsquom not trying to be universal or tell you what to buy. But I thought that posting my thought process might help other people who are also weighing many of the same questions. As someone who had tuned into the event with the singular goal of getting to know more about Applersquos plans for the Mac Mini and iMac, I was left with a very sour taste in my mouth by the time the event ended. Phil, or Tim, shouldrsquove made at least a passing mention to the MacBook Prorsquos desktop brethren and told us to hang in there. And what I like is more travel than these keyboards offer. That said, I want to allay the fears of people who think these keyboards donrsquot do the job: They do. I find the lack of response in the keys unpleasant, but I can still type at full speed and accuracy when I use it. (I do keep hitting the wrong arrow keys, though. Irsquom still not a fan of the full-sized left and right arrow keys sharing space with half-height up and down arrows.) In any event, if you like the MacBook keyboard, yoursquoll liked this one even more. If you disliked the MacBook keyboard, you may find this one to be an improvementmdashbut itrsquos a progression of that keyboard, not a replacement. Thatrsquos where Griffinrsquos BreakSafe comes in. It brings MagSafe-like tech to USB-C connections, but there are a few things you should note before running out and purchasing one8230 I think a lot of the anger in the community has more to do with the lack of Mac hardware in general than these specific laptops, but there are some real problems. You can pin this on Intel as the kinds of Kaby Lake chips Apple wants arenrsquot yet available, but the release cycle of MacBook Pros is ultimately on Apple. I know people (myself included) who were waiting for a quad-core latest generation Intel chip in the 2015 MacBook Pro which never came. Apple is charging premium prices for products that will be not entirely outdated, but certainly behind the curve in a short amount of time. The old value proposition was yoursquod invest in as much hardware as you could afford and upgrade later. Applersquos current offerings are already expensive, and outfitting a machine that will go the expected distance is even more so. The combination of limited and expensive options for memory and storage dramatically alters the value proposition of the MacBook Pro over the lifetime of the computer. Irsquove been thinking for a long time that of course Apple is ldquosoonrdquo going to reboot the Mac Pro. Now Irsquom starting to worry theyrsquore not. They donrsquot have to, but they really should. Make it fast, make it quiet, and make it easy to keep updating with CPU and GPU speed bumps every year or so. 256GB base in a Pro laptop is silly. So is demanding an additional 200 to get it to 512 where it should be (at very least). This isnrsquot a new comment. This was posted 4 years ago, in response to the last major MacBook Pro redesign. Deacutejagrave vu. Is the point that Apple continues to push sub-pro hardware to us and we continue to buy it because therersquos no better alternative These are Applersquos premium laptops, its deluxe devices, but not in any meaningful way computers tailored for the pros. A MacBook Pro is now simply what you buy if yoursquore in the Apple ecosystem and have a higher budget and expectations than the MacBook can fulfill. The Mac community finds the specs underwhelming, even on the 15-inch model, which uses power-sipping AMD Radeon graphics instead of the world-conquering Nvidia Pascal chips . My hope is that Apple has a new, upgradeable Mac Pro in the works. My worry is that they donrsquot. Out of respect, I think Apple should give their pro users an olive branch here. If the Mac Pro is going to stick around, then the company should have an answer to Marcorsquos complaints. If there is something in the pipeline, the company should tip its hand a little. I canrsquot imagine sales of the Mac Pro are good anymore, so I donrsquot this would be a big hit on the bottom line. Sam Mallery has a contrary perspective on MagSafe (tweet ). I fired up a bunch of apps and projects (more than Irsquod ever work on at one time) in every app I could possibly think of on my MacBook Pro. These included apps yoursquod find professional photographers, designers, software engineers, penetration testers, reverse engineers, and other types running 8211 and I ran them all at once, and switched between them, making ldquoprofessionally-type-stuffrdquo happen as I go. The result I ran out of things to do before I ever ran out of RAM. I only ever made it to 14.5GB before the system decided to start paging out, so I didnrsquot even have the change to burn up all that delicious RAM. I found this surprising because on a normal day I run fewer apps than that and yet frequently see lots of page outs. On Sunday I rebooted, did some light work (no Xcode, VMware, or Lightroom) and by early evening had 17 GB of swap. And when I do use those apps, it sounds like I work with smaller photo files than he does, and usually only one virtual machine at a time. I can type on both just fine, but Irsquom not a fan of this stylemdashevery time I had to switch back to my MacBook Air for a few minutes, its old keyboard felt better immediately. With the MacBook Prorsquos new keyboard, I find myself typing extra hard, like my brain isnrsquot convinced the keys are even going to go down unless I really pound them. For what itrsquos worth, I donrsquot have this problem with Applersquos wireless Smart Keyboard. Putting it to the test in Geekbench 4.0.1, this stock, entry-level MacBook Pro racked up a score of 3765 in the single-core CPU test, and 7316 in the multicore test, both at 64-bit. But that single-core score is just 1 percent better than the entry-level 13-inch MacBook Pro from early 2015 (2.7GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 with 8GB of RAM), and the multicore score is better by 4 percent. Looks like Irsquom six for six (except the key travel did change, but ehhh Irsquoll get used to it.) Also, one of my ldquodream bigrdquo requests was for a bigger trackpad with Pencil support, so I guess you could even say I got six and a half of my wishes. When Apple made Mac Pro an appliance, like iPad and MacBook Air before it, Apple took on the responsibility for keeping it updated. If I can no longer upgrade the graphics, RAM, or drives, itrsquos their job to do it for me, consistently and reliably, or to over-communicate why the roadmap might be longer. I didnrsquot buy the rev A modern Mac Pro, but I fully intended to buy the rev B. It just never came. Not a year later, not two years later, and now not three years later. It might come next spring but no one outside Apple really knows for sure. And that creates an incredible amount of stress and anxiety in the community. Stress and anxiety they donrsquot deserve. I want to talk to some of the FUD that has led to a number of complaints, but first there are certainly a few areas where Apple could have done better and helped curb some of the unrest. In order to prove that this future is the right future, Apple and third parties need to knock the functionality of the Touch Bar out of the park. Irsquom not worried about the decision for all USB-C. I think we will find in the coming years that the all USB-C lifestyle will reduce peripheral complexity and make life actually easier. But for now, wersquore in that transition phase. Macs were never cheap, but I think at this price point, Apple has raised the bar to a price point that just canrsquot be justified by many people, myself included. Itrsquos not quite a price hike, but itrsquos an elimination of the least expensive option. And combined with the price hikes internationally due to the stronger dollar, itrsquos got a lot of people crying foul. This makes me wonder: To what degree are Retina Macs more expensive because the Retina display (and the increased graphics power required to drive them) adds to the cost of making the device, and to what degree is it a feature differentiator that Apple feels it can use as a way to get people to spend more money Windows manufacturers donrsquot seem to have a problem selling laptops with lsquoRetinarsquo resolution displays far below the Airrsquos 999 retail price. They may not be as good as the new MacBook Pro or iMac displays but they are leaps and beyonds ahead of what the Air has. hot2 is unable to get the new MacBook Pro to work with Linux (via Hacker News ). Retina is for the young. Most common question about Touch Bar: does the blank spot to the left of Esc work as a touch target. Answer: half of it does. There really is a lot of good stuff here. But for every smart use of the Touch Bar, therersquos another thatrsquos too complicated or entirely meaningless. Often theyrsquore even within the same app, all present on the Touch Bar at once. The difference between a menu opening left or right or up or down may seem slight, but the effect is very disorienting. There were times I felt lost in the Touch Bar, unable to return to the screen I wanted. Having those menu options exposed so clearly can be helpful at times mdash Irsquom bad at finding formulas in Keynote, for instance, and the Touch Bar makes them easy to access mdash but mostly itrsquos not. These apps donrsquot need more menus they need better context for people just starting out in them, and a streamlined way for experienced users to get stuff done. ldquoWhile editing in Final Cut, I used the Touch Bar exactly zero times, rdquo Nielsen says. ldquoWhen I tried to intentionally use the Touch Bar, I felt like a kid learning how to type again. I had to keep looking down at the bar instead of looking at the images I was actually trying to edit. That could get better with time, but it seems harder since there arenrsquot any actual keys for my fingers to find if I was just editing along not looking at my hands. rdquo The Touch Bar is a breeze to get the hang of, but I didnrsquot find it helpful in streamlining tasks. If you open the Photos app, for example, the Touch Bar displays thumbnails of photos in your library, and you can tap one to select a photo to edit. Thatrsquos neat, but why not just select the photo on your laptop screen When using the Safari browser, you can use the Touch Bar to select a different browser tab mdash but using keyboard shortcuts (Command1 to choose the first tab, for instance) is quicker. In speed tests run with the app Geekbench 4, the 15-inch MacBook Prorsquos computer processor was only 10 percent to 17 percent faster than the 15-inch model released in 2012. Yet the graphics processor, which is crucial for heavy computing tasks, in the new MacBook Pro is about twice as fast as the one in the older model, and the storage drives are much faster, too. Every ten clicks or so, the MacBook Prorsquos trackpad would simply ldquomissrdquo one of my clicks. This is something I havenrsquot experienced on my desktop Magic Trackpad, which clicks reliably. At first I thought I was interfering with the trackpad somehow, perhaps inadvertently touching my shirt to the bottom edge or laying my palm onto the surface. But it wasnrsquot any of those, so far as I could tell. Whatever the reason, itrsquos not fun to have your laptop miss clicks. It slows everything down. I hope this is a bug in the software that Apple can address in an update, because itrsquos a real bummer. The old hinge-style trackpad on my MacBook Air might not be fancy, but it never let me down. The potential unlocked by all of it is enormous. But theyrsquove got graphics that, while they can run dual 5K displays at the high end, canrsquot run VR or the highest end games. Theyrsquove got a 16 GB memory limit that, while mitigated by compression and SSD speed, wonrsquot prove enough for the most demanding professionals. Theyrsquove got Touch Bar and Touch ID but not a touch screen, and therersquos no option for anything but Applersquos incredibly flat, incredibly divisive new keyboard. And theyrsquore priced at a significant premium. What this means to you will depend entirely on your personal preferences and professional requirements. For some, the new MacBook Pro will be absolute, heart-crushing deal breakers. For others, like me, theyrsquoll be absolutely terrific and once again deliver on the future, right now, today. The biggest surprise in my tests was just how inconsistent the Touch Bar Prorsquos battery life was. I have tested hundreds of laptops over the years and Macs have almost always excelled at meeting or beating their promised battery lives, both in my longtime battery test regime, and in typical daily use. But the 13-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar wasnrsquot as reliably consistent as previous Macs. Alas, although I wrote this whole column on a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, I couldnrsquot use this predictive text feature because I was writing in Google Docs running in a Safari tab. Thatrsquos right: while text entry in any number of web pages works with the Touch Bar, it fails with one of the worldrsquos most widely used web apps. I know that having 16GB RAM is a concern for some people, but you could never put more than 16GB RAM in a MacBook Pro, so I donrsquot get the problem. Pros and other customers have been successfully using these computers for years. Just because it takes more RAM to use a Windows machine effectively, that doesnrsquot mean the same thing for a Mac. You have to look at the entire picture, hardware, software, system software, and memory optimizations. Itrsquos simple: Irsquove been hitting the limit for years, and Irsquom tired of not being able to do certain things at once, of having to keep rebooting my Mac when performance grinds to a halt. And if you look at what I do, I donrsquot even think Irsquom that much of a pro. There are adapters that will allow you to plug in everything you need. 8230 I know thatrsquos another source of frustration for users, but it will only be a frustration until the devices we use come with USB-C by default. There is no adapter that can provide the internal secondary storage that the SD slot could. Was setting up my new MacBook Pro when I realized that its L key doesnrsquot work consistently. Pressing it doesnrsquot always produce a letter. These are the first MacBook Pro models to ship with non-removable SSDs, following in the footsteps of the 12-inch MacBook. If thatrsquos right, and Irsquom a little surprised to see it, the 2400 entry-level 15 MacBook Pro has exactly the same processor my 850 Lenovo Y700 has. 8230 Wow. I got 15 MacBook Pro internals over half a year earlier for a third of the price. Incidentally, this also helps explain why Apple went with AMDrsquos Polaris-based GPUs instead of Nvidiarsquos generally faster Pascal-based GPUs. Power consumption asidemdashthe laptop version of the GTX 1060, Nvidiarsquos slowest Pascal-based laptop chip, has an 85W TDP where the MacBook Prorsquos AMD GPUs are all 35WmdashNvidiarsquos cards support a maximum of four displays. And while Nvidiarsquos GPUs support DisplayPort 1.3, the Thunderbolt 3 controller and most monitors only support 1.2. Even if yoursquore upgrading from a 2013 model, the speed increases here arenrsquot amazing. The equivalent 2015 model had a CPU that was about 100MHz faster, which just about wipes out the modest architectural improvements that Skylake brings to the table. Itrsquos better if yoursquore coming from a 2011 or 2012 model, though still not earth-shatteringmdashif yoursquore desperate for a CPU upgrade, make sure the new Pro you buy has a faster-clocked CPU than your old one. Thatrsquos going to make more of a difference than the improved CPU architecture will. Herersquos a video from Louis Rossman comparing his old MacBook Pro keyboard to the brand new one. I think the new one is definitely louder. I find less key travel to be less pleasant while typing. 8230 And herersquos the mixed bag part: the new MacBook Pro key switches do have a premium feel to them. I now canrsquot stop noticing how much the key caps on my old MacBook Pro jiggle around when Irsquom just resting my fingers on the keys. The new keys donrsquot do that. It feels like a premium keyboard mdash just one with incredibly short key travel, alas. 8230 The keyboard change Irsquom having the most trouble with is the arrow key arrangement. Even leaving aside the ldquotrip over the cable accidentally scenariordquo, MagSafe is great on a daily basis just because itrsquos so effortless to connect. It feels like a cable that connects itself. Therersquos much griping about these machines now, just like there was much griping about the original Air then, but these are exactly the MacBooks I want Apple to be making mdash ones that show that the company is putting very hard work into every aspect of them. Of course, the original MacBook Air didnrsquot replace the other models, so you had a choice. Apple has been pushing faster and faster solid-state storage in its notebooks for some generations now, and the new MacBook Pro line-up is no exception. Benchmark speeds were pretty consistent across all three models in QuickBench 4.0, hitting a hefty 2,909.2 MBsec read and 1,571.2 MBsec write at their fastest. Yes, Apple charges a fair amount to climb up through its SSD storage, but you canrsquot argue with the performance. Update (2016-11-18): As I feared. the DYMO label printer doesnrsquot work with the new MacBook Pros because it requires a direct connection to a USB-A port. If you are a photographer or someone for whom superior color is an important feature, the new screen on these laptops will blow you away. Irsquom so impressed and it hasnrsquot gotten a lot of chatter in the discussions since the event, but the results Irsquom seeing are just, um, eye opening. On the negatives, I have to say the Caldigit USB-C dock is okay but not quite to good, much less great (but check back in in 3 months to see if thatrsquos resolved or if I replace), and the loudness of the keyboard surprised me, in that it actually was so loud I cared about it. Itrsquos not a keyboard I would ever use while recording any audio unless I had no alternatives. We could argue for a while about price, but8230 I have no problem with it. Irsquom not surprised Apple couldnrsquot get a retina-enabled device under 1000, and Irsquom not surprised these cost a bit more given the technology being shoved in them. Yes, you can get windows PC boxes for less, but then you have a Windows PC box. If thatrsquos okay for you, then you have my blessing. Irsquom a Mac user, no interest in changing. I think the days of exploding performance with retreating prices is over for the industry in general, but not something wersquove all come to grips with yet. Welcome to mature becoming declining markets. The 2016 MacBook Pro does not have the chops for larger Photoshop tasks. Moreover the performance of the fastest-possible 2016 MacBook Pro is scarcely faster than the 2013 model for in-memory work. This 2016 MacBook Pro is not an upgrade in terms of getting work done in Photoshop. It is a lsquodudrsquo upgrade. You are buying Thunderbolt 3 USB-C ports (and incompatibility), a faster SSD and nicer screen. Andy Ihnatko hit the nail on the head when he pointed out that despite the different names, the MacBook, the MacBook Air, and the MacBook Pro are all really just variants on the MacBook Air concept. Theyrsquore thin, light, and relatively expensive for what they offer in terms of performance and connectivity. Thatrsquos fine, but not everyone wants the smallest and lightest Mac laptop. For some, price is paramount, and for others, performance matters most. A more compelling line of Mac laptops might look like this8230 The core problem is that Apple no longer seems to understand how Mac users choose their machines. The prime directive of an engineering company is to provide products that solve usersrsquo problems. Itrsquos all about helping users achieve their goals with the least amount of wasted time and effort. That used to describe Apple to a T. Nowadays, Apple is ignoring the desires of many Mac users and focusing on making gorgeous objects that are possible purely because of the companyrsquos leadership in advanced manufacturing techniques. It seems clear that the future Apple wants is not the future that I want for it. Thatrsquos ok. But maybe that just means itrsquos time for me to move on too. If four of the five solutions above I need to satisfy in the near future simply cannot be an Apple product, it might finally make sense to go back to having my workstation not be one anymore too. After all, a Mac is really only needed for the code signing and App Store submission process these days anyway. It certainly looks like extensive tradeoffs have been made to fit the computer into the ever-smaller case, trading power for aesthetics as modern Apple is wont to do. The big point everyonersquos been arguing is whether a 16GB RAM limit is sufficient for a ldquoprordquo machine As I noted on Twitter the other day, I burn about half that with a typical iOS developer stack8230 And will the performance hold up Because the thing is, I donrsquot just develop. I also do video work. And video isnrsquot just about editing. 8230It doesnrsquot inspire confidence that The Vergersquos MacBook Pro review says that even the high-end model ldquostarts lagging pretty seriouslyrdquo when editing a non-trivial 4K project. These choices suck, and Irsquom mad at Apple for leaving me in the lurch like this when Irsquom shopping for my fourteenth goddamn Mac. Now, almost 5 years later, my machine fully utilizes that 16GB of RAM. Given what these new machines cost, I expect to be using it for several years. I anticipate that 2-3 years from now, 16GB RAM is going to feel very cramped. At that point, the only option will be a new machine. Yes, itrsquos probably too expensive and more RAM is better than less RAM. But everyone posting complaints without actually using a MBP for a few weeks is missing out on all the clever things you can do because it is built on USB-C. Over the past week or two with a new MacBook Pro (15in, 2.9ghz, TouchBar), Irsquove been constantly surprised with how USB-C makes new things possible. Itrsquos a kind of a hackerrsquos dream. The new charging block that comes with the MBP looks exactly the same as any traditional MBP charger8230 If only that were so. Itrsquos missing the cord coiler and the wall extension. The Apple Thunderbolt 3 to Thunderbolt adapter did NOT work to drive the display. Unplugging and replugging and rebooting several times failed to ever detect the display. Update (2016-12-02): Lloyd Chambers on a Lightroom import test: It is pathetic that the 2016 MacBook Pro runs at 2.9 GHz and with a 4.5X faster SSD, and the 2013 model runs at 2.6 GHz and yet the 2013 MacBook Pro wins. While testing the 2016 MacBook Pro, a consistent pattern of declining performance was observed. For example, with 10 iterations of of the Photoshop sharpening test. the 2016 MacBook Pro declined in performance by 23. No such decline was seen on the iMac 5K or 2013 Mac Pro. A subset of users who purchased a new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar claim to be experiencing shorter than expected battery life. With both the RAM limitation and ldquodonglegaterdquo we see self-inflicted wounds, a puzzling lack of storytelling by a company that has a long history of controlling the narrative. Apple was forced to react with labored explanations and admission-of-guilt price cuts days after the late October launch. Experienced Apple executives violated a cardinal rule of selling: Donrsquot let the customer discover the problem. No product is perfect, so tell it all, tell it now, and tell it yourself. If you donrsquot, your customers8202mdash8202and your competition8202mdash8202will tell it for you. And what of the delivery promise The product you could ldquoOrder Nowrdquo was nowhere to be seen in the Apple Stores for at least two weeks. The two-to-three week delivery schedule soon stretched to four-to-five weeks. (my own order of a fully-loaded 13rdquo MacBook Pro was scheduled for a January 4th store pickup). The MacBook Pros without a Touch Bar were immediately available, so the speculation, sensible for once, is that there have been manufacturing or supply chain difficulties with the new device. For a company that excels at Supply Chain Management this is a surprising glitch (and wersquore witnessing it again with the constantly delayed AirPods). Hersquos also seeing much worse battery life than on his 2015 MacBook Pro. I donrsquot understand why the author thinks that people arenrsquot allowed to complain about RAM limitations at the launch, and instead expects them to wait the 2-3 weeks before the items ship and then use certain software on them long enough for usage patterns to come through. If 16GB ram isnrsquot enough for you now, itrsquos utter nonsense that ldquomaybe Photoshop will run just fine on 16GB on the new hardwarerdquo. I would also have made a bigger point of Apple not having enough USB dongles to supply their lsquonew, modernrsquo laptops. Itrsquos a pretty big complaint to level against the ldquoso what, itrsquos one donglerdquo apologists, if you canrsquot get one in the first place. This doesnrsquot take into account palm rejection. I mean, it works when yoursquore typing. But, say your left hand is resting on the keyboard while you are interacting with the trackpad with your right hand. If you rest your palm on the corner of the trackpad, every click turns into a second click. Or scrolling actions turn into zooming actions. This isnrsquot prevalent, but it does happen. And when it happens, itrsquos annoying. Therersquos no worse feeling than thinking you hit a button, but then realize you didnrsquot. Or, thinking you didnrsquot hit the button, but actually did. In short, the new MacBook Pro is underwhelming in the performance department. To the extent that some users have found their year-old 15rdquo MacBook Pros to outperform the newest generation. Apple decided to shave 25 of the batteryrsquos capacity in the new 15rdquo MacBook Pro, allowing for a thinner and lighter chassis. It appears Applersquos thought process centered around more efficient processors making up for the drop in battery capacity. From what Irsquove experienced, this just isnrsquot the case. After waiting for a few years to upgrade my MBP and being really disappointed with the 2016 models I ended up getting a 15 2015 model. I couldnrsquot care less about a thinner machine or a gigantic trackpad. Apple sacrificed too much to solve a problem that wasnrsquot there and introduced drastic changes that IMO donrsquot make much sense. What we want is to have a powerful machine we can carry with us to different sets and offices (and even in transit on planes or trains), and plug in while wersquore there. So, limiting to 16GB for battery life is very frustrating, since you canrsquot update these machines later Yoursquore stuck with a likely insufficient amount of memory. The worst performance from the new MacBook Pro was surprisingly from the internal SSD. Working on a Premiere project off internal media, encoding to H.264 right back to that internal media, the export time for our sample project on both the 2013 and 2016 were identical at 2:35. Resolve showed even better results, with a render that the 2013 machine took 4:48 to accomplish flying out of the 2016 machine in 2:28. Shots that would play at 2-3fps (full resolution) on the 2013 machine would play consistently at 6fps on the new machine. There are countless times when, as a professional or a human being, you want to change your volume quickly. Muscle memory is a huge part of how we interact with machines, and instead of the muscle memory of just hitting the volume button, you now have to find it on a screen, which requires looking down. It takes extra time just when you donrsquot have it, and it worsens the experience. Especially since the Touch Bar often goes to sleep, so instead of just hitting the button once and getting instant feedback, you have to repeatedly touch it to wake it up before you get to adjust volume. 8230 This is a frustration not just with volume, but also with brightness. The Trackpad is larger, and the feel of the touch is quite different. When first taken out of the box, the click and drag basically didnrsquot work, and while it has improved, we arenrsquot sure if it was a matter of breaking it in or learning to use it. The ldquoclickrdquo itself feels like it takes more work (no matter how you set it in the preferences), but any kind of click and drag is so difficult as to be nearly impossible. Whenever switching back to the oMBP it was a tremendous relief to work on a functional trackpad again. The P3 color space was part of it pitch to sell this upgrade, and they have even talked about how the tight integration with Final Cut X means that now FCP-X has wide gamut support enabled and a complete DCI-P3 workflow. Unfortunately, the results of our tests were that itrsquos just not accurate enough to be calling itself P3. Out of the box, the PowerTouch ID button felt fairly loose to me, and had some side to side play. It would almost stick to my finger when using Touch ID, and ldquoclickrdquo back into place. It felt awful and cheap. Moments after leaving the Apple Store, the Genius called to inform me of one more option. This issue is so common that Apple has an official ldquo2016 MacBook Pro shim kitrdquo for the Power button. The Genius said hersquos never actually done it before, wasnrsquot sure of the success rate, and it would take 3-5 business days to complete. Again though, I donrsquot think I should be looking at having a repair done to a brand new expensive computer that would have meant cracking it open, especially not within the return policy. This has got to be the one of the worst times for photographers and creative professionals to buy Apple computers. As a fan for so many years, it really just makes me kind of sad therersquos no ldquorightrdquo option for me, as far as Irsquom concerned. Hopefully things will turn around. Bought new MacBook Pro. One of the keys didnrsquot work unless you really whacked it. Spent 4 weeks waiting for a replacement from Apple On the replacement, another key is broken. it sometimes presses itself. Basically impossible to type correctly on this machine Also. After a few weeks with the ldquotouchbarrdquo, it is worse than the function keys it replaced in every respect. worst apple purchase ever I simply couldnrsquot type accurately on the 13 MBP because of the over-sensitive trackpad and Touch Bar 8211 which I constantly engaged with an errant palm graze or finger overshooting the keyboard. Itrsquos distracting as hell to be typing away into a note, doc or email and suddenly ldquoclickrdquo on the window of a background app and switching contexts. Then Irsquod have to figure out what I was doing, where my window went, switch back to it, and try to pick up where I left off. Accidental and sudden context switches are productivity killers and at the end of the day, I need my MacBook to be a productivity machine, not a productivity killer. Irsquove since spent several weeks with the new MacBook Pro as my main work machine. Herersquos what I learnt and observed8202mdash8202and why I eventually decided to return it. The new MacBook Pro saves me only barely noticeable 1.6 seconds for the most frequently performed action (incremental builds) while full builds are too rare as that the 21.7 performance gain on those would be significant enough. Irsquod be surprised if itrsquod save me a minute per day. The question if 16 GB of RAM leaves enough breathing room for the next four years must still be raised, though. In my case, the answer turned out to be no: my typical usage today already saturates 16 GB to the point that macOS usually indicates a swap usage of 2 GB and more. But in practice, the absence of any haptic confirmation was a major issue: more than a few times, I found myself immediately question if I had hit the right spot or if my touch was properly recognized whenever there was no immediate response from the currently used app (hello Xcode). Itrsquos not about dongles, itrsquos not about function keys turning into buttons on a Touch Bar, itrsquos about this: for years, you could honestly say that the MacBook Pro kept up reasonably with, and sometimes defined, the high end of the market. It got a high-resolution display along with an OS that could competently support it, it had built-in, fast solid-state storage, competent discrete graphics, a workable complement of IO and lots of memory. In the absence of something that will let people do what they just canrsquot do on other platforms, it is now required to keep up just to stand still, to provide what alternatives do, lest you get left behind. In most aspects they still do, but they are clearly slipping. In category after category, Apple is making tradeoffs that a large part of its audience simply donrsquot agree with, and sooner or later, it will result in them leaving. The capabilities of the hardware Apple puts out now does not advance the state of computing one bit. It merely packages it in a smaller package. Irsquom all for miniaturization, Irsquom all for progress, Irsquom even all for maintaining the current MacBook 8211 what Irsquom not for is being told to stop solving the problems I still need to solve, because our priorities shifted. If yoursquore going to be selling ldquotrucksrdquo, theyrsquod better still be trucks. The ability to provide a platform that makes it possible to do things you did not even know you wanted has been replaced with not even being able to provide a platform that makes it possible to do the things you need to do, and it is entirely due to Applersquos infatuation with the role it has sometimes played its recent obsession with trying to capture the elusive light in a bottle with every single thing it does, as if the mere belief that ldquoonly Apple can do thatrdquo made it so. TouchID is the big deal about the new Touch Bar. I use huge passwords and every opprotunity to skip typing them is a bonus. Even if I hated the rest of the Touch Bar, Irsquod still be in for this. The color gamut on the 15 display is gorgeous. The photographer in me loves it. Itrsquos a worthy laptop. If you need a new MacBook Pro, then get it. If you donrsquot8202mdash8202and you might not as even three and four year old MacBook Pros are still adequate performersmdashthen donrsquot get it. Use the money on something else. Economics 101. How to upgrade your Mac in three easy steps After two weeks of use, I returned my 2016 13 MacBook Pro with Touch Bar and bought one with Function Keys instead. Read on for detailed Battery stress tests, performance tests, and an exploration of how Applersquos botched this yearrsquos Pro lineup. Donrsquot know about the Consumer Reports testing issue. WHat I do know is that I returned not one but TWO MacBook Pro 2016rsquos because i could not get more than 3 12 hours of battery life from either. As a person on airplanes nearly every week that was unacceptable. Instead I keep using my MacBook Pro 2015 which provides nearly triple the battery power I experienced. Irsquove owned about 20 MacBook Prorsquos over the past 20 years so I love them and am not an Apple basher. Something else must be a factor. So8230 itrsquos with great hesitation that I pulled the trigger and re-purchased the 15x2033 Mac Book Pro with Touch Bar. It is simply the best option given the choices, and Irsquom tired of waiting. Apple made its new trackpad huge, and I canrsquot figure out why. What does that get you What it gets me is accidental clicks, caused by my left thumb as it hovers while I type. My cursor or insertion point suddenly pops into the wrong place or the wrong window. Irsquove solved the problem by taping a piece of cardboard to the trackpad, in essence shrinking it. Real classy. Sorry Apple. After 10 years loyalty, this latest MBPro with useless touchbar and unreliable keyboard was last straw. Switched to Dell XPS13 This computer actually nails what I wanted pretty well. Im a developer who works in coffee shops a lot, and I appreciate the battery life, the weight, and especially the brighter screen. I think people really underestimate the value of a good screen for working. With a better screen, text can be smaller AND more readable. Also, I think the touch bar will be very convenient because I dont really use the function keys much. Have access to common functions within finger reach is handy. Another benefit is the faster SSD storage. This makes a difference in app responsiveness and helps to lessen the effect of less RAM. Even the loss of magsafe is compensated for by being able to plug in on either side. I am mystified that they didnt include a lightning port instead of the headphone jack. Its really odd that my new iPhone 7 headphones wont plug into my new MBP, especially after the talk of courage and all. The more I think about it, Apple should Open Source macOS. Too many developers have taken the path of building a Hackintosh, anyway, so lets admit this is the new reality if you want a real Mac desktop system. When Apple announced the iPad Pro, Tim Cook called it a desktop-class device more than a couple times. Its clear now that is the future of the Mac in their eyes, but to the rest of us, an iPad Pro just isnt capable enough to do all of thing things that the majority of us Mac users need to do. Actions need to agree with words. If you stand up and say how much the Mac is part of your soul but your actions so far declare that the Mac is just a iPad with an attached keyboard, your actions and words are inconsistent. I was poised to consider a new Mac but instead it looks like Ill go for a Dell with Ubuntu and Enlightenment. I blogged a while back about a roomful of devs at a conference all using Macs where once they would have been PCs now it seems we may be on the way back. Cognitive load imposed by the new Apple laptops line-up is enormous. Having to navigate through high prices, dongle planning, keyboard setups differences, and outdated guts on basic models is very anti usual Apples philosophy. Additionally, theres a suspicion that the only right moment to buy is now, since specs will not be updated for a long time. For people with multimedia servers based on Mac minis due for an upgrade, there are even more headaches. Why not just s it, and go Microsoft, then. It seems like Apple trying to mass-produce innovation by following a checklist with the mandatory thinner, lighter, and new experience checkboxes. This may work for consumer grade devices like iPhones and iPads, but I dont think it is the right way for the MacBook Pro. What pro users want is a adequately portable powerhouse laptop that can transform into a full-fledged, high-compute workstation when plugged in to power. The existing MacBook Pros are already portable enough, so why not just: - Make quad core i7s available to even the 13 form factor - Make the latest Nvidia mobile GPUs available to even the 13 form factor. - Make 32Gb and 64Gb of RAM an option For the issue of battery life, they can use some aggressive undervolting and underclocking when not plugged into power. I am truly appalled that even the best 13 MacBook Pro processor option, which is a dual core i7, is just 37 faster than the dual core i7 in my 2012 11 MacBook Air. Even with such a meagre increase, the MacBook Pro will cost nearly 4k, while the MacBook Air was around 2k. Steve Jobs needs to be resurrected, or at the very least summoned to a design workshop in the near future. Corporate necromancers should send their resumes to Mr. Cook. Apple would do well to remember to see what the alpha geeks are doing and saying. Tim OReilly spoke at the 2002 WWDC conference on the topic: Seems that theyre saying not good things about the Mac ecosystem. Perhaps Apple has lost focus on it, which would not be surprising given where its revenues now come from. 8230 reading:Michael Tsai, Owen Williams, Tim 8230 The computer you want: Its called the Mac Pro, the cylinder-shaped super-Mac Yeah, that was released a decade ago with exactly for what you said youre looking. Not only that, they even updated it to the super-cool super-silent version in 2013-- a great design that is easy on the ears as well as easy on the eyes. You can literally program the next Pixar movie on it. People who want what youre waxing-about, dont sit on the couch with a laptop. So you wasted your own time writing this, you just need a friend who understands tech to help you understand WTF is going on. Larry Tate wrote: You can literally program the next Pixar movie on it. Pixar wants more modern, up-to-date hardware, not Mac Pros that were only fast three years ago. The Mac Pro of a decade ago doesnt stand up very well compared to todays desktop PCs. Wanting to replace my 2008 MacBook Pro for the past year, Friday I bought a new 2015 MacBook Pro from BampH Photo. Thanks Apple. Even Cook questioned why anyone would buy a personal computer instead of an iPad Pro, saying in an interview last year, Why would you buy a PC anymore No really, why would you buy one There you go. Tim Cook doesnt think we should buy laptops anymore. Since hes having a hard time convincing us, hes making them so bad we wont buy them. Hes such a genius, seriously. OK, if he really believes the bullst about nobody needed a PC any more, take away the laptops of all Apple employees in Cupertino and force them to only use iPad Pros. After one week the company would be ready to collapse. No production of graphics, web coding, no Objective C written, or Swift, no hardware designs. Does Tim Cook think his guys can build and manage iTunes, Apple Music, iCloud etc. from an iPad, really Apple should release a licensed version of MacOS to OEMs for machines with n cores or more. That way we can all enjoy the OS without having to build hackintoshes Thanks for this great roundup. I want to push back on an assumption made often in this context, and made in several of the blurbs above, that there are two types of computer users: serious professionals (who need tons of memory, expandability, etc.) and coffee shop weenies (who need nothing, but like pretty logos). Maybe this was true of the Mac user base 15 years ago, but it is not true of the broader PC user base, and no longer true of the Mac subset of that user base. In fact, there are many many professionals who use their computers as critical tools for important work, and who do place serious demands on those computers, but do not require leading edge processing power and will never install an aftermarket component. These are lawyers, doctors, sales people, managers, journalists, small business owners, and the rest of the white collar world who are neither engineers or creatives. These people require portability, reliability, access to enterprise applications, and other considerations. And I would wager they are the largest segment of the Mac user base. The new (as of last year) MacBook is a brilliant computer for these people (I am one, I own a MacBook, it is perfect) as the Air was in its time. Many in the tech crowd grossly misunderstands this market, as witnessed by the screaming about the lack of ports. These customers dont care about ports, believe me. All that said, I am in complete agreement with the criticisms of the new MacBook Pro, because it seem like an overpowered version of the MacBook for the same audience that the MacBook already serves. As a shareholder and long time fan of Apple, I am pretty disappointed, because I think there are important business reasons to continue to serve the engineering and design markets, and I think the refusal to address that market with an updated Mac Pro, updated pro apps, etc, is misguided. But the criticism that Apple is selling toys for children is at least as misguided. I see what people are saying but I think a lot of the dislike is misplaced. People are just quicker and quicker with negative hot takes on everything year after year. For one thing even the GPU link you posted is wrong. People are comparing an older GPU design against what Apple is actually shipping, the specs of which are unknown. The only thing Im a bit unhappy about is the 16GB memory limitation, but even there did everyone suddenly forget that Mavericks introduced memory compression I have a late 2013 MacBook Pro, and frankly I am looking forward to the update (I usually update every three years or so). I think everyone should calm down and do takes based on what is shipping, not what people THINK is shipping (just look at hoe much misinformation around the ESC key has spread). Maybe some of that is on Apple for not being crystal clear on how things would work, but a lot of it rests on the Hot Take culture of today. Sadly, I noticed Apples missed vision when they released the last Mac Mini. I so wanted this to be mid range powerhouse something quad-core with an i7, but it didnt come close to that. Then what seemed so odd, so off track was when the ram was soldered to the motherboard. This was absurd to me. Never in the history of my Mac life did a desktop have this. It was the first nail in the coffin. At that point I knew something wasnt right and so far it appears that the poweruser is being squeezed out of the equation, and we were those who cared most about Apple. Im left wondering How much can you polish a diamond before it turns into dust For a press conference that was supposed to be all about the Mac, why did Apple completely ignore the Macs we need Mac Pro, iMac, Mac Mini. We are waiting to buy all three. We do not need or want laptops. We need desktop power. I really like the new MacBook Pros and Ive been using my 2012 rMBP professionally every day since I got it. Doing 2D and 3D graphics, development, and video editing. I dont need more CPU speed and I dont need more GPU power. I want a machine thats easier to carry and has far better battery life and is at least as fast as my current one. (Also the wide-gamut display, it was the only thing tempting me towards the iMac 5K.) I drain my newly replaced MBP battery in 1.5 hours of work, I hope this new one will give me at least 4 hours of work before I have to find power. I dont get the hate for these machines. Ive used my 2012 MBP professionally every day since I got it. For Xcode, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, Affinity Designer, and so on. Its more than fast enough to build the projects I need to build, and it does it in a form factor that I can carry around. Ive built several products start-to-finish on this machine and theyve been creative, fun, and have generated serious income. Speed has not been an issue. The new machine is attractive because it might let me work longer (I drain my newly-replace-battery 2012 MBP in 1.5 hours of taxing work), with a lighter thing to carry around, and a better (wide gamut) screen. Seems like a great upgrade. After 20 years of using a Mac my new computer of this year is a Hackintosh. It made me appreciate the incredible engineering effort that goes into a Mac. But I didnt want to spent 4000 on 3 year old hardware for a MacPro. Im very disappointed as well, but I absolutely hate windows. Looks like a few weekends building a couple of hackintoshes for me. Back in 2011 I was able to get the best 13 inch MacBook Pro with an i7 for 1600 Canadian. Today getting a MacBook Pro with an i7 (that wont have to clock itself down quickly) with 16 gigs of RAM will cost me over 3000. Thats kind of insane. I really hope that Apple can quickly begin moving their laptops over to their own ARM chips. I imagine theyll still price them insanely high, Tim Cook seems really focused on making people think their products are good because theyre expensive, not just because theyre good. (The state of their Pro, now prosumer software makes that clear.) I honestly am at a loss for why Apple is doing things the way they are. The MacBook should already be on the A10 Fusion Developers should already be tweaking their code for the new instruction set. I imagine Apple could shave off a thousand dollars from the cost of the current MacBooks and still maintain awesome margins by using their A series chips. Ive already moved away from Adobe and towards Affinitys products for most of my graphic work. Id readily buy a MacBook that was thin, light and had a good sized SSD that still allowed for things like torrenting. Intels chips are at a stand still, and Apple seriously needs to get the ball moving on their own chips for their Macs. (They also need to either drop the pro name or start putting in options that pros actually care about.) 8230 I think I have my answer. 8230 The MacBook announcements, the emphasis on the no touchscreen and Jony Ive cult of design over function (thinner and thinner) all have the feel of a corporate cargo cult in lieu of innovation and vision. My two cents on Why Tim Cook is Steve Ballmer and Why He Still Has His Job at Apple steveblank20161024why-tim-cook-is-steve-ballmer-and-why-he-still-has-his-job-at-apple 8230 heavy graphics, virtual reality, or 3D work8221 that in the past Macs were famous for. Actually, many leading Mac observers have written similar things since the last week8217s release of the new Touch Bar MacBook Pros, 8230 The touchbar is to the MBP, what the ribbon was to Microsoft Office. After 10 years of touch, the users have changed. If Apple were still starting at the user and designing outward, then the Mac hardware should have dramatically changed too. But instead the 2017 lineup is just the 2007 lineup with speed bumps and all the components glued down. The 2017 MacBook Pro just teleported in from an alternate universe with no iPads and iPhones. Making MacBook Pro thinner never helped me because it is a portable desktop. I have to plug in a giant graphics tablet just to begin to work. What I need is a MacPad that would enable me to drop the notebook entirely 100 thinner and just carry the MacPad instead of the graphics tablet. Yes, iPad Pro is great, but it only runs half my tools, and not the half that I specifically get paid to use, with a pen, for 20 years now. The biggest trend in pro graphics is not iPad Pro it is that your Wacom tablet now comes with a Windows PC in it so you just login to Creative Cloud and start working without a notebook or desktop hanging off the tablet like a dongle. For me, the Mac lineup should look more like this: - MacBook worlds thinnest and lightest PC notebook (for writers, business people, others) - MacBook Pro worlds most powerful and configurable PC notebook (for coders, scientists, others) - MacPad worlds best PC tablet with Apple Pencil (for creative pros) - iMac the worlds best PC display, works standalone via multitouch, or add optional keyboard, mouse, trackpad, Apple Pencil, or all of the above (for everyone) - Mac Pro a desktop dock that plugs into any Mac via Thunderbolt to exponentially increase your available CPU and GPU at the cost of being stuck on AC power (for super high-performance users) I would literally go tomorrow and buy a MacPad and an iMac if the above were the lineup, but as it is, my hot-rodded Classic MacBook Pro with gigantic SSD cannot be beat by any Mac at Apple Store right now. 8230 Excerpted from Michael Tsai8217s master list of grievances8230 8230 I was saying that Apple lost its way with its users when they released an iPhone sans audio jack. Nobody every thought of removing that before Apple did it. Now 12 or more of their user base is at a disadvantage. A true premium device should not have work arounds, and both the iPhone and now the new Macbooks have work arounds that make using them less of a thrill and more of a chore. 8230 New MacBook Pros and the State of the Mac 8230 8230 Tsai tambm questionou a potncia do notebook em seu blog, e sugere que talvez a Apple no veja mais desenvolvedores e pessoas ligadas s reas de 8230 Why would you buy a PC anymore No really, why would you buy one - Tim Cook Now it is looking like. Why would you buy a Mac anymore. No really, why would you buy one - Those that were buying Macs The other point of note here is that people are saying the macs are not systems meant for creative professionals, but the new MacBook Pros are in fact perfect for one group of professionals - photographers. Everything about them is perfect for a photographer on the go - wider gamut and brighter screen, lighter body, longer battery life. Come to think of it, what filed of creative professionals are these really not good for The only group of people I see who could really use increased specs over what is offered are programmers - and indeed they seem to be the ones whining most vociferously. But even there, I am a full-time developer and I see this as a a decent update - I would have liked more RAM but 16GB has been fine for the last three years for the most part, and going forward Im pretty sure I will appreciate the battery life more than I will miss extra RAM. Everything about them is perfect for a photographer So photographers dont use SD cards anymore And their cameras all have USB Type C cables I dont think so. 8230 O meglio, sembra che non abbia capito quale pu essere il pubblico di questi nuovi MacBook Pro. In moltissimi si stanno lamentando delle nuove macchine, per motivi diversi: Dj, fotografi, sviluppatori e creativi, che dovranno 8230 This level of backlash is completely baffling to me. As a longtime IT professional (system admin and developer), Ive been extremely happy with the performance and reliability of my Macs (Mac Pro (2013 cylinder), 15 MBP (mid-2012)). Im due for replacements for both, so Im a little disappointed that there isnt a newer option for the Mac Pro yet. But the new MBP seems like it will be a great upgrade for me. The 16 GB memory limit on the current MBP hasnt been an issue, even with large Xcode projects, large databases, or the admittedly-too-many web pages that I like to keep open in Safari. And how much faster is the Skylake i7 going to be over the Ivy Bridge i7 that I have now, even at the same 2.7 GHz clock speed From what Ive seen, the Touch Bar is going to be great. Custom interface elements for different apps Yes, please. Escape and traditional F keys are going to be mapped there when it makes sense, so worrying that those have somehow been taken away is silly. You could argue that you really prefer the physical keys, but thats more of a personal preference, ranked right up there with the clickety-clack of traditional, full-travel keyboard keys. I use escape in Terminal (sys admin - gt vi), and some other F keys when I happen to run a Windows VM, but Ill bet theyll still be there in Terminal and Fusion when I need them. The big takeaway right now is that most people havent even seen or tried the new models yet, nor have they seen what app developers are going to do with the Touch Bar in their apps. I think I want to wait and see before calling for a nuke and pave on the whole Mac line. Terrible Ive been working with Mac for more than 25 years. This is not a PC. This is NOT for professionals. Impossible even to think buying one, regardless of the price, which anyway is to high for such a toy. As a longtime Mac user (since a 1991 LC II) who is NOT a video editor, programmer, graphic artist, etc even I am super disappointed by the new MacBook Pro. Im typing this on the last Mac I bought, a mid-2009 15 MBP 2.53 Ghz. If I recall correctly, this configuration was the 2nd best speed offered at the time and I paid 1700 for it shortly after the 2010 models were released. Now even the lowest config of the 15 MBP is 2400 yet it comes with LESS, except for the Retina screen. No optical drive. No Ethernet. No SD Card reader. No regular USB. No FireWire. No video out. No matte screen option. Ive used the Ethernet, SD reader, USB, and FireWire all in the past couple weeks and Im not even a Pro user. Ill admit FireWire is old and I rarely use CDDVD anymore, but Ethernet, USB, and SD are all still valid ports that many many people use frequently at home and at work. Thankfully this machine still runs great, especially after I replaced the hard drive with an SSD 4 years ago. Id like to upgrade it, but not to a machine that is more expensive (arent technological things supposed to get cheaper or at least stay the same price over time) and would require that I either invest in a lot of dongles or dump all the other devices that I use like my backup FireWire drives. What would it cost for Apple to keep some of these ports 15 per MBP Maybe make it 1 mm thicker Could you imagine the CPU - RAM - Battery powerhouse MBP they could build now in 2016 if they kept the dimensions of a 2009 MBP Ive never once thought this machine is too big heavy, I wish I didnt buy it. I bought it because it had everything I needed and the price was right. Now my only choice is to buy something that doesnt have what I need, plus a glossy screen that reflects everything, and a mushy keyboard, with a thinness factor that doesnt matter to me at all, for 2400 dongles at the low end. Thats getting close to 1990s Mac pricing. Yeah, no thanks. Im keeping this 7 year old MBP until it dies, and Apple can keep wondering why their Mac sales are in a slump. They used to innovate Macs year after year. Now were lucky just to get minor speed bumps every year on some of the Mac line. There was a time when every year or two I would think I would need a new Mac because the innovation and speed upgrades and everything else was so strong compared to previous models. Now Mac has become so stagnant its sad () to realize that Im trucking along just fine on a 7 year old machine with no real desire to upgrade. This post started out quite interesting but further down I found quotes from a couple of posts that I read already. And the quote would always be the part that expressed the most disdain for the MBP and Apples direction, even if the quoted article as a whole had a different tone. That makes me question why this should be the go to article for the state of the Mac. Clearly you are not satisfied with the new MBP and that is understandable, but you often seem to cut and paste to make your point rather than to represent the different takes some authors offer. Obviously I will have to read more of your sources, though this post itself have probably shaped a not insignificant part of the later discussion. As an Apple and user who has had many Macs since the 128k Mac, I too am disappointed by these updates. Our 2011 17 MBP is working fine. It is now upgraded with 16GB of RAM and a 512GB SSD. Our 2012 Mac Mini has 16GB RAM, and (now) a 1TB SSD. Pre-announcement, we were seriously considering replacing the 17 and the 2012 Mac Mini (16GB RAM too) with new 2016 Skylake MBPs. We were going to get a large new thunderbolt 4K or 5K monitor (to replace the 2004 30 inch Cinema Display). Tidak lagi. The new machines may be marginally faster, but dont offer more RAM. We keep the computers for 6-8 years since we take good care of them and they usually are quite reliable (shoot, we have a Powerbook 520c that still boots fine, as does the Fat Mac). A few features such as handoff or continuity might be nice to have, but arent must-have features. The problems with the 2016 MacBook Pros, IMHO: 1. Soldered RAM. 2. RAM limited to 16GB (same as my 2011 MBP) - the 2010 MBP could handle 16GB. So 6 years later, the MacBook PRO is still limited to 16GB 3. No 17 model. (ever again) Who cares about thinness Who cares about a lower battery life Sure they are nice, but they have to remain functional and have to be improvements over a 6.5 year old model. Most of these pro models are plugged in a lot or can be replaced by a different model if battery life is key. So, what is the plan now Probably pull the 512GB SSD on the 17 and replace it with a 4TB SSD (e. g. Samsung 850 EVO) sometime in the next 6 months. Consider updating the bluetooth card in the 17. Keep the Mac Mini as is. Then, see in 2017 or 2018 what is available from Apple. If Apple again becomes Pro user focused on the MacBook PRO, hopefully the issues will be addressed. Or the with a Mini update. Or a long-verde Mac Pro update. By all means go for thinness on the Airs or MBs. Keep the Pros Pro and the others whatever. The thing I take from all this is that people think that Apple miss Steve jobs because he was a mastery visionary. Yes he was good at that, but I think the most important part of Jobs was that he was master salesman And thats whats missing here. Someone on stage to explain to people why they need this product, why your fears are unfounded, and why you can trust in Apples judgement that what they make is what you want now, and for the future. Jobs managed to do that time and time again with several controversial products. Some of which were quietly discontinued later on, but when he wasnt on stage you believed in the dream. Even when sometimes, you knew it was bullshit (underpowered Power PCs based macs that couldnt compete with windows machines a third of the price etc.) Apple lack a charismatic salesman to drive these products home. Its the missing link. For example all the noise is about the dongles for the 4 USB c ports but on stage no one really made that a feature. No one really showed you WHY this was good. No real examples of the power of this setup. They just through it out there and hooked up some ugly monitors to it. No real showmen ship from Apple. Thats why their having problems in the mac community. gt Come to think of it, what filed of creative professionals are these really not good for I work in graphicsanimation and in musicaudio. In graphics, the essential hardware feature of this decade is built-in pen support like Surface Pro and iPad Pro but not MacBook Pro. Built-in pen means you can work away from a desk, because external pen means two devices on a desk. External pen means you have to have AC power. External pen requires USB-A and DVI ports, which this MacBook Pro also doesnt have. My backups are on a USB-A 3.0 4TB hard disk that cannot connect to this MacBook Pro. In music, you want FireWire because that is the most popular pro digital audio connector in music studios. Not on this MacBook Pro. Second choice is USB-A which is also missing. Third choice is Thunderbolt 2, which is also not there. You also want a USB-A for MIDI and that is not there. None of these can be replaced by wireless because wireless has latency that is too slow for the musical part of the human brain. In music, you also want a multitouch screen today because music is all about multiple actions happening simultaneously at precise moments. It is not about one action happening whenever the mouse happens to get over to it. This MacBook Pro is almost the only device in its class with no touch. No touch means even more wired MIDI devices like mixer controllers or DJ controllers, all coming in USB-A. That is a bunch of expensive and Kruger stuff on a desk instead of just touching the screen. Now, even if all the adapter dongles I would need actually exist, and even if I have unlimited budget and patience and dont mind all these dongles, I HAVE ALREADY RUN OUT OF PORTS. I had to use three of the four just to workaround the lack of touch and pen. The fourth is switching between my backup disk and my iPad, which has huge storage and often I have to transfer huge files over a wire to get them there with any kind of efficiency. And notice that I got nothing out of Thunderbolt. I am just putting 4 dongles on there to turn them into DVI and USB-A. All that money, new Mac, dongles, cables, figuring out how to hook stuff up I get NOTHING for that. My work is not faster or better or easier or cheaper. So for me, I dont see an application of this MacBook Pro or any current Mac to my creative work. It is actually easier and cheaper to just wholesale switch to a PC that has built-in pen, touch, and 45 standard ports that just plugin to the gear I encounter in the many studios where I work. In 2016 Apple killed: The headphone jack, Glowing Apple logo on laptop, Chime startup song, MagSafe, USB123, Thunderbold12, HDMI, MiniDisplay, ESC Key, Functions Keys, SD Card reader. Thanks Apple. Now I for the 1st time Im considering a PCHackingtosh and an Android Phone. Shame on Cook, Ive and Federighi, I blame them. 8230 If Apple had introduced a new MacBook Air last week, the company wouldn8217t be facing down a mob of angry creative professionals. It might not have Apple software developers questioning whether the company has lost its way. 8230 Sumit REAL photographers scoff at a single SD slot anyway, most even semi-serious photographers buy multi-slot units that are faster than the built in SD reader. consumers are just downloading photos wirelessly anymore so they will not miss it. Not one photographer I know connects the camera to a computer via cable unless they are tethering - which will still work via a simple adaptor cable, and does not need an SD card. Even though I shoot mostly on SD (and there are still other card formats being used and in use from before SD), I mostly use an external card reader because its faster to transfer files. Hamranhansenhansen: You are missing the point of the USB-C - any ONE of the ports can be Firewire Thunderbolt 2 USB HDMI Audio laptop charging and other things - all at the same time. That is why they have such a fast transfer rate, so they can do many things over the same port. search for USB-C breakout box. You can even attach external video cards for increased GPU power The 15 has four full-speed ports so that means you can choose the mixture of direct cables vs. hubs that works for you. The Hubs BTW will not need separate power like good USB hubs all did, because the USB-C spec allows for lots of power to be transmitted (which is why you can charge the whole laptop over any of the ports also). What I see out of the complaints is mostly people either stuck in the past or really not understanding technically what Apple is shipping. What I see out of the complaints is mostly people either stuck in the past or really not understanding technically what Apple is shipping. What I see is that Kendall Gelner doesnt have the slightest clue of the concept of different use-case-scenarios. What I see is that Kendall thinks equipment that best suits Kendall is best suited for all. Kendall wants a MacBook Air, is thus quite pleased with the new MBP, and thinks anyone with different priorities than Kendall is an idiot. Not having the slightest clue of what other users might want, and dismissing them as idiots based on that ignorance, is a pretty nescient position to hold. (But at least Kendalls websites all 404, so we know hes technically proficient.) 8230 upgrade for a product line that had gone four years without a significant redesign, but the move to smaller, thinner, sleeker has sacrificed customizability, repairability, and 8230 Professional freelance web developer. have to agree with the sentiments here, use an external keyboard, laptop is usually plugged in. wanted the new machine to have more ram and more cpu power not lightness and gadgets. I would normally buy a new macbook pro on launch but feel i might as well hold onto my 2012 model and see if they deliver a proper pro machine next year The Apple announcement is the first I have watched live and I was keenly looking forward to this event as I have been waiting a long time to hear news of updated Mac Pro and others in the Mac line up. This was the most boring lack lustre presentation I have ever seen. It was a pitiful performance by Apple and indicates they really dont care any more about their users. Apple are becoming increasingly arrogant towards their users (like Microsoft was in the late 90s early 2000s). And like other corporations that forget they are there because of customers, customers will leave them. No mention of the Mac pro, no mention of iMacs or mac mini. Limited or misleading information about the Macbook Pros (e. g. only half the USB c ports are full speed). In total, the event was a fizzer of massive proportions, an embarrassment to all concerned. I watched the introduction of the new MBP and was, as many professionals, sorely disappointed. I planned to replace my slightly-over-3-year-old MBP this year and anticipated a new MBP, but Im just not sure anymore. The TouchBar is cool but really I dont see it as a revolutionary bit of kit. Its a gewgaw. Since, mostly I use my MBP in clamshell mode connected to what appears to be the last Apple monitor Ill ever own I dont see me developing a taste for a shiny bit that is tucked away 99 of the time. (Remember when Apple monitors were a bargaining chip to hire new talent) Yes, the damn thing is lighter and thinner, but when you add the dongles and adapters needed to connect peripherals and get the machine back to fighting weight Ill have more weight and bulk in my case than before. WTF guys Given that my laptop seldom leaves the office I considered buying a MacPro as my primary work device (and pull the MBP out when I travel) - but the MP design is over 3 years old and wholly ignored so Im not sure theyll be around much longer. A sticking point for me a few years ago was Final Cut but after the debacle that is the current version I moved to Adobes editing suite (as did most of my peers), so for the first time in two decades Im considering buying a PC since most of the software I use daily (Adobe CC) is now truly cross-platform. I just feel sad that after so long LOVING my Macs and soft-selling them to friends and family I may have to carry a shoddy plastic POS and worry about BSOD and viruses. And, once I exit the Mac-verse, do I really need an iPhone anymore The primary draw for an iPhone was syncing contacts and calendar. This is beginning to feel like the Sculley years. Im actually just sad about how the MacBook Pro has taken a turn towards the consumer rather than prosumer. The best machine I ever bought is my current 2009 17 MBP, matte screen, nice keys, tons of useful ports, replaceable drives, etc. I use it every evening, all evening. If I have to render something big I just send it up to my windows machine (but I would rather not). Unfortunately I have patiently waited for a true replacement but nothing has happened. Dont get me wrong Im not an old-fashioned guy, I have an iPad Pro, iPhone 6s plus and three new apple TVs. However, my Macbook Pro still works great with two new big SSDs. but soon Ill have to get a replacement 17 and it is looking less and less like it will be an Apple. Before reading this thread I had just told my wife that I would pay 5 grand if Apple could just cram everything new into this chassis. Imagine that, 17 screen, tons of ports, 18-24 hr battery life Anyway, Apple, not everyone is jet setting around all the time looking to shave another two ounces off their laptop again. Do me a favor, take a step back from your quarterly sales numbers and dont confuse momentum selling with current success. I think the momentum selling from such great machines from 2012 is masking your current failure. Good luck Apple. sangat. The sad thing is that the happiest part for me has been to get this dissatisfaction off my chest. hmmm 8230 little from the 2014 and 2013 modelshave been birthed into this era of frustration. As a result, the initial reaction has been harsher than it would have been if Apple refreshed the Mac with the same regularity that it managed back in 2012 or 8230 Like everyone else so disappointed in apples new MacBook line up, bought a top of the line macpro back in 2012 and was waiting for this refresh before I updated, top of the range will now cost me 4K With the 4gb gfx option and still only 16gb memory option for the same price could get a mammoth gaming laptop with 64gb of ram amp sli 1080 nvidia gfx and a 4K screen, as much as I love Mac I think they have lost touch with a majority of the users. They dont need to make gaming rigs but the latest rendition leaves Mac users so far behind the curve gaming isnt really an option unless you want to play retro gaming. Apple need to start listening to there customers, building computers for designers and artist fine do that but give the rest of us some options. Apple is getting rotten Their lack of really new ideas and love to their computers line is sad. Apple, please dont call it pro any more if you cant deliver something worth of that name. I am for the first time since. well forever in computer terms thinking of jumping ship. There seems to be no real NEW pazazz or innovation that keeps pace with the others. I am used to being able to brag and hold my head high as a mac user. After my co-workers rubbed my face in the new Windows Studio product and other laptops such as the Razor Blade I am very worried about my alliance and allegiance to MAC. I will wait for one more round of new products to decide. But from what I am reading. sighs. Im starting to feel like I did when I was a Windows power user. I didnt want to leave PC, but the choices the company made left me no choice. We (mac users) have sacrificed upgradability for years, but when you cant update basic things like ram amp storage I question your design language amp intelligence. I thought it was form follows function One easy choice Apple could make. manufacture an upgradable mac Pro (desktop). This may be the last stand for a chunk of loudest supporters Its nice to know that I am not the only one thinking Apple has lost their way. Tim Cook is killing the Apple that I have invested 32 years of my life in. It is sad to see that Apple could careless about the users that helped them get to where they are today. I never thought I would say this but I might have to learn how to use a PC Professional for the Cinema and TV for 20 years, Mac users for 8 years, and probable not for another time. Sorry Apple, i start feeling a lack off respect and care about our customers, with who you start with from the botton. I feel almost offended by hoe pretentious your words are, and the final specs on this highly priced notebook, you define as your top of line professional station. I say this with pleasure, but which choice are you offering us we were already quite patient. Apple has had wonderful success with enabling generally computer and tech shy people via iPads and iPhones. These consumers are into social media and connection, movies and news, sharing photos or listening to music. Its consumer tech. Well done. Great technology achievement. I see many happy people that previously would not go near a computer, and Apple has done well in getting these things right for this segment of the human population. Like so many MBP users, I buy an expensive, top of the range MBP because the above is not my interest. I want to push boundaries, do serious research and powerful data analysis, video editing, programming, experimental works - and connect with colleagues while I am doing it if need be. I put out the money, including the extended warranty, for sound reliability and maximum up time, ease of portability so I can work at home or on the go, computational power that enables me to push boundaries and be ahead of the crowd, run big projects, and multiple tasking, as well as quality of OS and work flow design so I can focus on what I want to do, not how to go about being able to do it. All this so I can just get on with serious productive endeavours. In short, I like creating the new world, not playing in the current one. Not everyone wants the lightest most compact streamlined multimedia device to slip in their handbag. Seriously Applying that design ethos, so successful for ipads and iphones, to serious computing hardware like Macbook Pros is a major error of thinking and dangerously monocular vision. At this point you seem to be trying the turn the MBP into the form fit of an ipad, with the cost of a car for doing so. Let this minimalist size design attempt go (and I mean completely), and came back with something serious tailored to the innovators and boundary pushers and surprise us. I dont mean a 5 kg brick, but I do mean replacable battery, choice and upgradable ram, graphics cards, SSDs, and multiple ports so can plug what ever I have and might want into it without fiddling around with multiple connectors and leads and dongles. Handbags are out, backpacks are in. Lets feel the gravity of the device Serious gear, plenty of tolerance, adaptability, robustness, reliability, leading edge performance, with meaningful tech savvy extras not eye candy strips. After reading all the responses and reactions to the underwhelming event, I am glad to see that I am not the cranky, cynical, greybeard. Apple is truly disconnected from its core customers and on the downward slide. If I were a competitor, I would exploit this gap: make a product upgradeable, make a product last but not so much that it kills the bottom end, make a product the customers ask for not what you think they need. Been an Apple fan for many years. Still am. But yes, this new update is hardly that. The Touch Bar is certainly creative and potentially quite useful however, the actual specs are not worth what they are charging. 8230 release of the new Touch Bar MacBook Pro has made a lot of news. There8217s good reason: it8217s a signal to us longer-term fans of Macintosh computers that 8230 The MacBook Air is dead model, the new MacBook is really its replacement. Then, the new MacBook Pros are the new MacBooks, with a newer more powerful and useful Pro model still to come (hopefully). What I see here is the lack of spark to be bold not always safe. The new Mac Pro system was a glimmer of hope, the lack of a followup systems in the line is disappointing While the new Thin Series iMacs have been a success in the marketplace they are not a substitute for a Pro system. Apples failure of making a repairable system is also very worrisome For a company that prides its self on being ecology minded the focusing of people to always buy anew to gain a small step of upgrade is not logical Memory amp storage needs to be a serviceable option not major surgery as seen in the newer 21.5 models Yes, Intels inability to offer Apple the needed CPUs is likely part of it for sure, but theres more here than the processor issue. Its the manic vision of thinner amp lighter, just jettisoning stuff to get us there philosophy which is driving things here that needs to be held in check. Yes We all want thinner amp lighter systems but not at the cost of being useful a device. Basically, Apple is failing us real Pros Which is were the Pro implies in the name here. We need more storage and RAM than these models offer. We also need to have interchangeable RAM amp Storage. So here is what I want, use the older non retina 15 MacBook Pro cases add in the retina display, add in the new touch bar and now this is were we go a very different direction Two high performance memory modules using a ZIF connector system (8, 16, 32 or 64 GB memory options). Two SSD slots allowing either one or two SSDs (1, 2, 4 amp 8 TB modules). I would also offer RAID support so they are still faster. I would even offer a 17 model again and the 13 model would offer only one memory amp SSD module support do it is size limitations. As for ports, I would go back to the MagSafe for power, USB-C is not the best option for AC power input sorry. What made the Mac laptop a seller was not having to worry youll trip on the cord. I would also add back in two older USB 3.1 connections plus the three USB-C ports and an SD slot (three ports per side). The focus here is to remove the need for adapters as much as possible. With the bigger box you can offer a bigger battery as well To add even more power, Yes, it will weigh more I can live with it, maybe in a few years technology will advance so it can be trimmed down. Lastly, I would allow an auxiliary battery option to plug in via the USB-C like a Morphie battery pack we use today with an iOS device. Apple seems to forget we are not always connected to the internet (or have a very slow connection) or have access to AC power sources in the real world, so local storage and lots of battery life is still critical to us. Ive had a Mac since it first came out and throughout its many generations. Sadly, Ill be sticking to my old MacBook Pro for a few more years and when I cant use it anymore hopefully Apple comes though with a real Pros model. Another sad point is I seriously doubt Apple will truly hear the despair or get the message and do anything about it because all theyll look at is how well theyre selling. Expect loads of press about it to offset us pundits as Phil and Tim and company convince themselves and others of what a great job they did. Of course theyll sell a lot. they havent had a meaningful update in over 4 years - the pent up demand is overwhelming Those figures are a false positive though. Like so many others here, I was SUPER excited at the prospect of getting a substantial laptop upgrade from Apple and Im left DEEPLY disappointed. We bought the most killer MacBook Pros over 4 years ago and Apple has provided NO reason to upgrade ever since (a machine that lives up to its name as Pro back then). Theyre too focused on iPhone and we see it now with this shiny new dog. I agree its impressive engineering, but they dumped MagSafe, have a barely improved CPU, lousy ports that require us to dongle ourselves to death for extra , and shockingly still 16mb RAM. Absolutely ridiculous. They really have taken the Pro out of MacBook and forsaken this core group of deeply devoted and pioneering fans. Apple is making Windows compelling with their lack of hardware innovation and performance. Ifwhen I go Windows, then Ill be more free to consider Android too. At least I wont be considered a sycophant always promoting Apple for the first time in my life. I find myself extremely reluctant to upgrade and reward Apple with sales when they ignore the needs of their most ardent customers and developers. Theyre just aiming for volume and money with these consumer oriented machines at this point so theyre products are dumbed down to the masses. Thats why theyve neglected meaningful updates to the entire line of Macs for sooo long now. Very, very sad and I agree that Apple has lost its way with Macs and this incredibly valuable group of users here. No way in the world Steve would have stood for this - his mission was more about insanely great products and less about volume and money. Miss him. Here is my view as a company director of a UK software studio, We own a bunch of Macs at our company and I was one waiting to upgrade my MBP while watching the event in disbelieve. Worse it was when you had just watched the MS event the day before. That was ALL that Apple didnt do, they really nailed and appreciated the fact that EVERYONE in a way or another buys machines that they see real PROs using, it is all about the aspirational thing Apple was so good about The popularity of the Macs (and therefore all other products from Apple) was mostly due to the fact that key creators, artists, authors, videographers, scientists, programmers and innovators where always seen to be using a Mac, so everyone else aspiring to be one or that just want to look like one, would start by simply buying the same machines or BRAND In my case (writing from the UK) no only the new machines are honestly mediocre if compared to the mid-range alternatives around, but it is also a lot more expensive Making us to believe that Apple is really being run by an accountant looking only at the margins and quarterly results but with no vision or sense for the leading edge this products line had to maintain to justify its price-tag, the Pro category title and th e carrying effect into the other products and lines below. Apple need to keep a central focus into the PRO consumer to sell everything else to the general public, I was one expecting some kinda gimmick like the keyboard screen they just released and tediously presented over and over again during all presentation, but also and most importantly, I was expecting as a minimum some REAL dedicated graphics options (for both machine sizes), counting on having more memory like everyone else this days, and it being a PRO machine, at least some of the ports every PRO people actually use on the daily basis and the SD card anyone on image amp video editing NEED all the time. Pro people dont need thinner machines nor the battery life is the key issue here, and given the extensive delay in releasing anything at all, some sort of real design changes wouldnt hurt too. (have you seen the new MBP15 massive spaces between keyboard and screen Ohh man thats ugly). What did Apple offered instead A set of expensive mediocre machines, with NO innovation other then a gimmick strip screen on the keyboard, no real processing power update and a 5 year old memory limit, then unbelievable low grade video option as standard, absolutely no useful ports (or adapters for their lack of), no magnetic power cable connection or anything else that gives these machines any right to be called a PRO in any way shape or form. Apple please, learn (re-learn) ONE thing. We are loyal to a point Even people that wouldnt own the PRO lineup, buy all the other stuff you do because it is from the same BRAND. SIMPLE If you banalise the PRO tag, you basically make all other products look even worse, The no sdcard port and the need to bring dongles everywhere pissed me off. Better fix it Apple or maybe it is a time for changing my faith to another brand We are so disappointed at the state of the Mac. Its looking like a long drawn out painful death, first the removal of the Xserve and pro level rack mount devices then the stealthy removal of the Server orientated Mac Pro and Mac Mini. We are heavy FCP and DVD Studio Pro users as well as web designers, media specialists and education advisors and at the moment our ageing fleet of tower Mac Pros and real MacBook Pros have no replacements available. Short of an iMac 5k what way is there to turn apart from towards Widnows or Linux. The Apple of old could see the value in chasing the creative pro markets, the new one is all about iOS everywhere. Such a waste. Such a shame. How they can even dream of selling Mac Pros that are pushing 3 year old tech and then increasing the price substantially here in the UK, its set up to fail. 8230 Entwickler Michael Tsai zeigt sich enttuscht von dem, was Apple am vergangenen Donnerstag auf der Keynote vorgestellt hat. Seiner Meinung nach 8230 Heftige Kritik am neuen MacBook Pro - Phil Schiller reagiert im Interview Apples hat fr das am vergangenen Donnerstag vorgestellte neue MacBook Pro berraschend viel Kritik einstecken mssen. Auch wenn die Gerte von einem technischen Standpunkt her durchaus einige bemerkenswerte Features bieten, ist es hufig so, dass die8230 I just have to chime in on these new MBPs. I am a creative user (music production and performance), and am completely letdown by the new machines. - Only configurable to 16GB RAM (Should be at least to 32GB in 2016) - Deletion of SD card slot (this form of media transfer, or storage expansion isnt going anywhere) - Quad Core CPU STILL not engineered into the 13 - Unnecessary deletion of ports during USB-C transition - No MagSafe. All of these things could have been accomplished by not making them so thin. If it wasnt so thin, Apple could have engineered the machines to accommodate more RAM and bigger batteries to support it, at least one USB 3 port for our existing USB peripherals, and larger processor options (especially quads in the 13 chassis). Thin is not what I care about in a Pro machine. I care about functionality and utility. These new machines are only pro in their pricing structure. Ridiculous, insulting update to the pro line. 8230 adverse reactions that followed last week8217s new MacBook Pro announcement are 8230 I would have to agree with much of the sentiment here. The new macbook pro seems to have the same problem the trash can mac had when it came out (and still does). Design over function. Not expandable and you have to use a plethora of adaptors to allow it to be useful for pro level work. Ends up looking like an Octopus mess on your desk. Give me the ability to neatly expand the machines ability over the look of it. Of course I know Apple could do both as they designed the G5 (and last gen Mac Pro) chassis that is a fabulous and even today a viable machine. Kudos to that Now update it so I can give you my money and make money faster. 8230 MacBook Pro looks as though it8217ll be a powerful notebook for most people, it has generated massive amounts of skepticism within the professional crowd at which it8217s ostensibly 8230 I have two major issues with the new macbook pro. The removal of magsafe, will render all of the existing chargers we have useless. They should have done a power supple recycle trade in program. Additionally the new USB-C type chargers are only 60 watts, vs. the existing 85 watt power supply. Apple did not announce a new battery design, so I suspect it will take longer to charge the new macbook pros. Second, they changed the wifi from a 3 radio 802.11ac design to a two radio design. This effictively throttles the top range of network throughput of the wifi from 1.2Gbps to 825Mbps. I am buying a few for the office, so we will see how they perform once they arrive. Just went shopping for a new MacBook Pro. I have a great model circa 2013. I decided to stick with the one I have which is still working perfectly. 1. As the article points out--I want a desktop oriented machine--power, accessibility, speed and memory are critical--not weight and thickness. 2. The cost: with memory the new machines are 3K. Nothing wrong with portable laptops, but there is a place for a Pro and the new models do not represent that kind of machine. Nice to have this all summed up in one place. I was waiting to buy before the announcement but now am shopping around for other solutions. I am a pro user and need a pro machine. What exactly did i gain by losing compatibility with most common port on all other computers I didnt need my MacBook pro thinner or lighter - I needed it make my life easier. This computer does less for a lot more money. 8230 from the 2014 and 2013 modelsmdashhave been birthed into this era of frustration. As a result, the initial reaction has been harsher than it would have been if Apple refreshed the Mac with the same regularity that it managed back in 2012 or 8230 I checked out at the iPhone 7 unveiling when people stood up and cheered for an adapter. An Apple customer who waited too long for: 1.a new and proper professional Mac Pro (Samsung copied the old one) 2.the return of a 17 MacBook Pro with or without a Touch Bar. Real professionals and consumers want a 17 MacBook Pro 3.a 24, 27, 30 and 34 iMac for everyone 4.User upgradeable memory up to 512Gb on Mac Pros, upgradeable processors and graphics cards on Mac Pros, 128Gb memory on iMacs and 64Gb on portables. User upgradeable storage for SSDsHDs. Standard user upgradeable modern memory of 32Gb on all Macs 5.a new Mac mini 6.a new Apple TV - 4K now and 8K in 2020 7.new Apple Displays ie 4K or 5K 30, 34, and 38 8.a new iWorks app (we dont want MS Office. We all want something better than MS Office) 9. a price reduction of 15 or more is needed, and 3 year warranty as standard, you can afford both Tim, Apple customers dont want an Apple car, there are plenty of car manufacturers making battery cars already. We want proper computers and updates on a regular basis, not just phones When will you listen to customers and make computers that we want, and not what you think we want Why not ask our opinion and then make what we have suggested Where is all that RampD money going Stop the obsession with thinness all the time. Make batteries bigger, be obsessed with putting in the latest memory, the latest processors, the latest graphics cards instead and not hundreds of stupid emojis, and the gimmicky Touch Bar. MacMan: a Mac User for over 20 years. I was not impressed with 27th Oct 2016 or any other event since 2012. Sometimes when you innovate, you make mistakes. It is best to admit them quickly, and get on with improving your other innovations. SJ The bottom line for me, and others, is if they lose me as a Mac user they lose me as an iPhoneiPad user as well because the integrated ecosystem becomes worthless to me. In the vain of its the economy. For me, all we are seeing out of Apple these days, this hardware release is just a symptom of a greater problem for professional and hardcore users alike. ITS THE SOFTWARE STUPID. The current versions of OSs that Apple are releasing are barely just a shadow of the amazing operating environments developers and pro users came to know. For some reason Apple lost the basic underpinnings of what Apple was - It just worked That was because there were standards for everything, including (and IMHO most importantly) the human interface. Does anyone remember The Human Interface Guidelines We, as developers, had rules we had to follow to write to the hardware or how we protected the OS, but most importantly interacted with the user. None of that seems to be even considered anymore. I switched to back to a desktop with the last round of laptop offerings from Apple. I am now thinking that for my next box I will just run a VM, that way I can run any and all the different OSs I need or want. The thing that kept Apple alive all threw the lean years was the dedication of its Pro users whats going to happen now that even the old school fanboys like me are thinking why bother Thanks so much for this post. Ive been on the Mac straight since 1987. Ive alternately rolled with and been thrilled by the changes. But the hobbling of storage and power for the sake of thinness, and the dongles, dongles, dongles these machines will require, is frustrating and even strangely saddening. The company Ive seen as one, two, three steps ahead of things for so long seems now to be choosing priorities at random and at the expense of what so many people really need in a machine. Yes, thinness and low weight are good, but only to a point. I need to be able to carry the thing around I dont need it to float off my desk. Give me power, give me storage, give me ports. 8230 say that Apple8217s announcement of the new MacBook Pros was given a less-than-enthusiastic reception by the creative community is something of an understatement. Of particular ire is the 8230 8230 MacBook Pro looks as though it8217ll be a powerful notebook for most people, it has generated massive amounts of skepticism within the professional crowd at which it8217s ostensibly 8230 How is this PRO. When your 2016 MacBook has the same 16gb ram limit as your 2010 MacBook. When your 2016 MacBook has the same 720p camera as your 2010 iPhone. When your 2016 MacBook has no powerful quad core CPU option (13). When your 2016 MacBook has no powerful discrete GPU option (13). When your 2016 MacBook cant connect to charge your 2016 iPhone7. When your 2016 MacBook cant connect to your 2016 iPhone7 Headphones (courage). How is this BETTER. Keyboard EscapeKey Magsafe Battery Ports Dongles Prices Values It feels like the 2016 election. We waited 4 years for less capable, less qualified, less competent options. Take it or leave it. I was going to replace my 2009 MacBook Pro with a new macbook. Tidak lagi. gt2k GBP for a laptop which needs an adapter for almost all peripherals touchbar is pretty much useless. I prefer physical keys. 8230 MacBook Pro looks as though it8217ll be a powerful notebook for most people, it has generated massive amounts of skepticism within the professional crowd at which it8217s ostensibly 8230 8230 Developer Michael Tsai worries about the state of the Mac, too, noting that you cant even plug an iPhone into the new MacBook Pros. 8230 I had a new 15 pro on order to replace my 2012 but after some thought I have cancelled it. I agree with all the disappointed people and feel that the updated machine has too much focus on battery power and weight. I used to buy a new 15 MBP every year until 2012 because it is my goto laptop. The weight or battery was never an issue. I have my iPad pro for movies, books and magazines. Most planes have plug ins now days and USB power as a minimum. The MBP was the desktop equivalent that I would carry around on my bike, motorcycle, and travel home to office or out of town with enough power to get the job done wherever I was. At home and office i have a 34 LG 3440x1440 widescreen monitor that the 2012 MBP drives just fine. If i wanted light weight and great battery power, I would buy an MB air. While we are not coding or AV professionals, I would guess that the medical profession is one of the biggest user groups for MBPs, and for years I have personally recommended it as the best blend of power and portability. I like some of the features of the new machine for sure. Better screen, the OLED strip, etc. But I use my SD card reader regularly and I actually wish my current model still had a DVD drive. I really do not care to drive two 5K monitors so how about a regular USB 3.0 port. The build in HDMI port is great when I have to give a talk while on the road as you can connect easily to most data projectors. Apple is 2 years ahead of the game in dropping features, but they are no longer 2 years ahead in adding features to compensate. It is frankly sad to watch. I love apple design but I feel they really have lost their way on what features matter to us. Almost every comment in this thread touched something in me, and I do not think I have been this disappointed since my first Mac (Plus - and definitely not disappointed with that initial model - it was a religious moment every time you played around with macpaint or word). I also have bought every annual iPhone model from the beginning but passed on the 7. I am sure the 8 will be amazing though. I also tried iCloud but find it cumbersome and unpredictable. The whole filephotomusic storage and sync thing is a mess. Thank god for dropbox. Lets face it, Apple has put out a lot of bad software over the years or cancelled things many of us liked on short notice We have systematicaly tolerated this because they compensated in other ways with brilliant hardware or amazing operating systems. But something in me is breaking this year and I find myself more attracted to Microsoft products recently. What the hell is going on This to me is a real turning point in apple history and I really hope my current level of skepticism is unwarranted. I waited for Skylake and Apple rewarded me with higher prices on a machine that has features I dont need while at the same time removing features I use all the time. On top of that, they didnt lower prices on their older models, and eliminated one model all together because it was conspicuously better than their new models. Thats the real slap in the face: Those recalcitrant users who want superior design and function over thinness will have to overpay for outdated hardware if they dont like our new baby. Did the idea that a Magsafe port might detract from the perfect symmetry of the MBP give some designer at Apple the nervous diarrhea 8230 from the 2014 and 2013 modelsmdashhave been birthed into this era of frustration. As a result, the initial reaction has been harsher than it would have been if Apple refreshed the Mac with the same regularity that it managed back in 2012 or 8230 Ive been an Apple user for 12 years. Seriously reconsidering my platform choices for the very first time. I am horrified that I am. But Apple does not have any pride in their Mac products anymore. I cannot shake the feeling the decision makers at Apple either does not care or does not know what their professional users want. Instead they are trying too hard to appear cool by hanging out with hip-hop artists and selling ridiculously expensive watches amp headphones. I bought my first Mac 3 years ago, a MacBook Pro 13. I planned to replace it 3 years later, after the warranty ran out. So I was waiting for this for a while, and am very disappointed. Even if I can swallow the price, even if I can swallow the fact that not one of my devices will plug in to it, even if I can swallow the meager 256GB base storage, the one thing I cant allow is the substandard keyboard. My sent mail folder shows that I have sent over 33,000 emails so far this year alone for work. I want a best-in-class keyboard. The previous Mac Pro keyboard was reviewed as one of the best in the industry, but you can tell that reviewers are settling for this one. Where is the new Apple laptop with a best-in-class keyboard, the one that reviewers rave about There isnt one anymore. Apple no longer makes a laptop for me, and so Im afraid I must get off of this bus at the next stop. The problem with relying on one company that makes a very limited number of models is that something like this could happen. I cant stick around because now Im afraid of what this trend means for the next models in a few years. 8230 a new MacBook Pro looks great, a recoil opposite Apple has been really strong for a past few days. People have been angry about a miss of a Escape key, a fact that we have to 8230 Now we hear that optical digital output is gone from the MBPs headphone jack. Unbelievable. That part cost them what, 50 cents And took up 0.0000001 of the space inside the chassis If youre going to leave the headphone jack for Pro users, why they hell not leave the optical transmitter inside it I mean really, its practically an invisible part. But now its not there for those who need it. for what reason. I mean this is like the new mushy keyboard. what problem did it solve Being able to make the MBP 1 mm thinner Does anyone care about that invisible amount of thinness Doubtful. But MANY people care that the keyboard sucks. Note that nobody anywhere is saying how the keyboard is easier and more comfortable to type on. just that its thinner. again, for what reason. 1 mm of thickness and 1 oz of weight saved It used to be that Apple products solved problems, not created them. Of course, they look at sales numbers and think everything is OK. But pro and creative users are the tastemakers in the industry now. If regular people stop seeing industry professionals using Macs, theyre going to think twice too. Its like how Tim Cook brags that Apple Maps is the most used maps app on the iPhone, as if that also means its the best. Of course its the most used, because its the one installed by default and most users dont know or dont care that you can download Google Maps separately which is still a FAR superior app. I still cant believe that weve come this far since the Apple Maps debacle and, even though I give it a shot again every 2-3 months, it STILL SUCKS. Steve Jobs Reality Distortion Field was one thing, he shot for the moon with some Apple products and made some crazy bets. Tim Cook, though I greatly respect him in many ways, has an entirely different kind of RDF that is not leading us in the right direction. Its incredible not only how bad Apple Maps still is, but also how many obvious and repeatable bugs I find in Apple software these days (especially on iOS) that go many many updates without being fixed, despite me reporting them to Apple in a half dozen different ways (Bug Reporter, Feedback site, Feedback app, Genius Bar, Apple phone support, email directly to Craig Federighi. etc). I used to very rarely if ever find major bugs in Apple software (Im a regular user, not a developer) and now I tend to find at least 6 major ones every year. and I report them, theyre always marked as Duplicates, and if Im lucky half of them will be fixed. It makes me wonder if Apple execs even use some of the features of their products. Im not thinking about switching to Windows or Android, but at the same time, in some ways its very frustrating to be an Apple Mac user right now. especially when I see how much they are spending on making (or not making. ) a car, yet they cant even find the time and resources to update the Mac Pro, or Mini, or iMac. then when they update the MBP, if you take away the TouchBar, the whole thing was a big Thats it. and Where the hell did all my ports go This isnt like the iMac where Macs were using ADB for mouse and keyboard (which no other PC maker used) to USB which was an emerging standard on both sides, and the iMac came with a USB keyboard and mouse, not something that needed a dongle to make it work. Now they are taking away our ports which are current (not outdated) INDUSTRY STANDARDS and replacing it with USB-C TB3 which has yet to get any traction and who knows if it will become a standard (remember how FireWire was supposed to become an industry standard) They should have waited a year or two until USB-C is standard and cheap, and come out NOW with some sort of dock to plug into the side of the MBP (perhaps into one of the ports for the data, with a lock into the other port to hold it securely) that matches the MBP perfectly and provides USB3, Ethernet, FireWire 800, HDMI, SDXC, etc to ease the transition. I could imagine Apple designing something really slick that was only the depth needed to plug in USB3 (the deepest of the ports provided), instead of something on a cable that dangles off to the side. Include one in every box and there would be near-zero complaints. Im sorry, but 16GB being too small indicates some other problem besides anemic hardware. How many library of congresses do you need to hold in RAM at one time Theres a real software problem if gargantuan spaces that would be the size of your hard drive just a few years ago arent sufficient to do something. Maybe 100-tabbed Safari usage just isnt going to work with the horribly extreme memory consumption that webkit uses Or maybe macOSs virtual memory management is in need of serious overhall Now not using the best graphics cards is a more legitimate beef, but sadly this has been an Apple problem for a very long time and I dont see any change there. The port carousel IS annoying, but the industry as a whole is largely to blame. Lets hope USB-C can last for more than the couple of years that seems to be the standard life of a connection technology nowadays. No excuse for the lack of ethernet or HDMI though. But worst of all is the keyboard touchpad. Talk about form over function. I mean hey Apple, you already are making the iPad for touching, see The laptop is for when you need to type and you dont need a square foot of mouse pad to do the rest. Dont keep saying you want the devices to remain separate while trying to make them the same in ways that dont really work. 8230 insistence on this being a pro device has led a lot of actual prosdevelopers, photographers, designers, and video editorsto point out that this new laptop 8230 Max 16GB is not state of the art at all for pro in the scientific data science machine learning community. All data for high speed data science analysis it nowdays kept in InMemory databases. Apache, R, HANA. wherever you look they need huge amounts of RAM. Data science analytics with the full data model will probably not be run on the Macbook pro but on a real workstation ob big servers. But for development and proof of concept you need capable enough machines. An nVidia CUDA capable graphics card would help also for machine learning. The former model had a nVidia 750m that was okay for development. So for me there is not any pro in the new Macbook pro. Much bling, bling but nothing of relevance. I had reported this 32GB plus for the scientific community to the Apple Macbook pro feedback site early this year, probably many other did the same. Apple did not respond at all. After nearly 15 years of OSX loyalty based on a good user experience i am testing already whether a Linux notebook like the XPS15 Precision 5510 with 32GB is mythe future. This just in: The shiny new MBPs wont work with some of the TB3 certified devices. One more reason Im glad I bought one of the crappy last-gen devices. Its scheduled for delivery today Everyone make mistakes. Even Mighty Apple could fall or St. Jobs decisions failed him. Remember Lisa or clones etc The major question here has (mighty Apple) become the new Xerox with huge ideas she was unable to implement herself due to corporate regidity I am sure we will see soon. Or Will it become the new GE or Toshiba And by the way apple stock is not undervalued in any way. It is a history in making. Menarik. 8230 (Michael Tsai did an admirable job collecting the most varied contributions on the matter in his New MacBook Pros and the State of the Mac), Im pretty sure such a MacBook Pro could easily sell for 4,000-4,500 and this intended 8230 I share the same dismayed and disappointed sentiments, I was hoping time would pass and ease the initial shock of this mess, but it hasnt. Recognizing a backlash today Apple reduces the price of dongles by 20, wow, how generous, who cares Youll still need to have 5 dongles just to connect your hard drives, brand new iPhone 7, external display, and input devices. Dongles are a huge nuisance and certainly one thing, but the ill powered and inadequate hardware at an outrageous premium is the real problem. 4000 and you get old CPU, old GPU, and youre stuck with a tiny amount of RAM with a continuously bloated OS that eats 2GB of RAM for kerneltask alone I hope Apple quickly course corrects quickly by middle of 2017 with 32GB (better yet, 64GB) max RAM limits, and 512GB standard SSD sizes, especially at the crazily new high prices. If that doesnt happen, we know this is it and this is the end. No professional can wait another 4 years for a new redesign with more memory and functional hardware. Earlier today my maxed out 2015 MacBook Pro with 16GB RAM was busy paging out 28GB of swap files, grinding to a halt with an endless beachball, so dont let anyone tell you that 16GB of RAM is enough because it hasnt been for years. Really, the writing was on the wall the moment Apple rebranded the generic, boring, and woefully inept iPad Air as an iPad Pro and upped the price to accommodate the new name, which is easily the least professional device ever to carry a Pro monicker. iPad Pro Give me a break, maybe for a toddler. MacBook Pro Pro for who exactly. The Mac is now nothing but an iPad with a keyboard and a more capable OS that is being run into the ground as well, the platform is toast. Its time to find a Linux or Windows machine if you are a serious computer user. Back in the predigital photography days of Kodak transparency film, I once complain to a Kodak sales rep that I had moved to Fujifilm because using the Kodak product meant adding several additional color correction filters just to make the image color accurate. His reply was we dont really care that much about professionals, they are a very small part of our market. Over the next few years I watched the banks of refrigerators that kept the film cool at my local supplier slowly change from Kodak Yellow to Fuji green. And every time I was on a shoot some non-professionals would see all those green film boxes in my case and ask why I wasnt using Kodak. Fuji continued to innovate and Kodak continued to lose market share to the point where probably some of you dont even recognize that name anymore. It was at one time in the top 10 of the Fortune Five Hunderd companies. If Apple thinks that we are too small of a market to worry about, creative taste makers and trendsetters that we are, I fear Apple is on its way to being another Kodak. or maybe just a slick consumer product company aping other better products. Ive been using Apple products for more than 30 years. Sadly, my next MacBook Pro equivalent will most likely be a PC. Clarifying that while the i7-6920HQ processor will support DDR4, it doesnt support LPDDR4 (Low Power DDR4) memory. Rather than put desktop class memory into their laptops, Apple chose older LPDDR3 (Low Power DDR3) that maxes out at 16GB. This low power memory draws less current (allowing for longer runtime while on batteries) and generates less heat (allowing for fewer ugly holes in their cases lol). So if the definition of pro users are lawyers, doctors, academics and creatives that USUALLY work where the power outlets arent handy, then this decision by Apple is sound and these users are more likely to complain about the dongles (being able to use thumb drives, etc) But if the definition of pro users includes finance, engineering and creative people that typically work next to power outlets, then I suspect Apple would recommend they go with iMac 5K (which supports 64GB) or a MacPro (which supports Xeon processors and ECC) and pair it to a 12 MacBook for remote access (which should be FREE with the purchase of a MacPro at this point lol). That still leaves IT pros, software and field engineers (huge users of Apples prior generation of laptops) constrained with 16GB or being forced to be tethered to a power-cord most of the day (which wont happen) or choosing a non-Apple solution. Recouping on dongle hardware for lost sales I was really waiting to upgrade. 10 years of macbooks. OK, In 2011, I purchased my first dongle DVI to VGA. I wasnt happy, but I did it. Upgraded in 2013. they removed a Cat5 and I purchased my second dongle. OK, DVI and I could use my dongle and now HDMI. cool. WTH - now you have to have a dongle for everything I am upgrading to a Microsoft Surface. Way to go Apple. youve lost us. I have to use both Macs and PCs for my work. My machines going back 5-6 years have 48GB or more of RAM. And now 16 is still the max on new ones going into 2017 I have a 2012 Win laptop that is as fast as the new Macbook This current update should have been a couple of years ago. Steve was good with a go your own way attitude that worked. That doesnt mean that others can do the same, even if they did work with him years ago. Its like a fake imitation of know it all that is starting to go wrong. If creatives shift from Mac, schools shift from Mac, kids shift from Mac, no one decides to spend a premium just to try something different. You cant even plug in other Apple things like your iPhone without a dongle. The whole future foundation starts to shake. I used to jokingly say that I might not be able to get a Mac that can build the apps and programs for Apple. Its kind of looking more and more that way already. I will need a bunch of dongles for everything. I dont get how thinner and lighter works if you have to then add a bunch of other stuff anyway. Disappointed and concerned about the future. Ive found the comments on this site extremely illuminating. When Apple came out with the new (trash can) Mac Pro I complained on several Apple centric sites about the fact it wasnt upgradeable and required users to have cables running all over the place to connect their existing peripherals. Most of the responses to my complaints were to just get over it and learn to deal with the future as Apple sees it. I also commented that Apple was placing form over function when it came to the Mac Pro. Reading this thread reassures me that I wasnt living on an isolated island in my own little world. I currently own three Macs, two MacBook Pros and a Mac Pro (Early 2009 that Ive upgraded with 2- 2.95GHz Xeons and 32GB RAM and a new Nvidia graphics card). The MacBooks are a 2007 model I still use to pay bills (and only to pay bills) and a 2012 model that I bought on eBay last year (the last MacBook Pro model that was user upgradeable, which was the sole reason I bought it). Ive installed a 512GB Samsung SSD in the 2012 MacBook Pro and Ive added a Samsung 512GB XP941 to the Mac Pro. Last year I bought a new HP Z820 that Ive upgraded to 64GB RAM, a 512GB HP Z-Turbo card and an Nvidia Quadro M4000 graphics card. I also have two NEC 27 professional monitors (one for the Mac Pro and one for the HP). To be honest, I use the Mac Pro more than the HP, but for high power requirements the HP cant be beat and its incredibly upgradeable (my HP currently has 6 internal hard drives installed with room for another Xeon processor and the ability to upgrade the RAM to 512GB if need be) and its a heck of a lot easier to upgrade than any Mac Pro - no tools whatsoever needed. The bottom line is I would NEVER consider the trash can Mac Pro or any of the new Mac Pros. As many have said in this thread, I could care less about a sleekthin design - its all about function. It seems to me these Pro machines are what the consumer models last announced should have been. They are definitely NOT Pro machines. This is why they used to have two separate laptop lines - MB and MBP. They reached lightthin enough with MBP years ago - professionals know their needs have a weight cost and are generally ok with that. We might wish for a little lighter but arent willing enough to lose portsfeatures for weight savings. I am a professional. I need more than 16GB RAM, USB23 ports(yes, need), wired ethernet, fast charging, as much screen real estate as possible while still being portable, as much battery capacity as possible while still being portable (minimum 4-6 hours, preferably closer to 8). I want: 17 4k screen, 32-64GB RAM, wired ethernet, separate power port (magsafe) with no dongle required to charge as fast as possible, 2 USB 23 ports (I dont care about USB-C), card reader, headphone jack, HDMI (for projectorsTVs etc for presentations), reasonable to high capacity SSD decently priced, and 1-2 TB port for expansionexternal storageetc. Apparently Apple has no interest in providing me what I want. So, I have no interest in purchasing an Apple product for work. If they dont change the path soon, when Im due for a new machine I will be looking elsewhere. I have no interest in carrying around a bunch of dongles. It was bad enough to have to buy an ethernet adapter for additional costrevenue to Apple, now I would need an unknown number of additional dongles with unknown additional cost (after forking out for one of the most expensive laptops in the market), and their extra weight, losetheftability, ease of damage, lesser warranty, and as yet indeterminate quality. As a longtime customer and shareholder, Ive emailed senior management to express my discontent with this years no-longer-really-Pro update. Im in need of a new laptop, but these new MacBooks are underwhelming and expensive. Im leaning toward buying a maxed-out 2015 13 machine, if only to send a message to Apple that this thin-and-light nonsense at the expense of real performance and versatility has got to stop. If nothing changes in the next couple of years, this will be my last Mac purchase. Heres an update for you, regarding their decision to discontinue any form of AirPort networking devices: As per MacRumors: Apple has dissolved its division which develops wireless routers and is now sending engineers who worked on the AirPort lineup into other product teams, including one currently working on Apple TV. The news comes from a report by Bloomberg, who said Apple has been slowly shutting down the division over the past year and made the decision to try to sharpen the companys focus on consumer products that generate the bulk of its revenue. THAT, colleagues, right there, tells us everything weve been fearing - sharpen the companys focus on consumer products. nuff said. They are done with Pro and they are done with anything thats not running iOS. Such a sad sad shame, a total waste :( Bought one of the new 13 MacBook pros. Setting it up, very happy, great lightweight machine. Then tried to connect my Acer 28 4k display port monitor. Didnt work, spent 2 hours on phone with Apple support. No joy, they blamed 3rd party USB-c to DP cable, yet same cable works with a 12 MacBook. Took my MacBook and cable to local Computer shop, tried plugging it in to 5 different monitors, same result non would work. Now decided to take a hit and sell my new MacBook for a loss. I see that many people are talking about switching platforms. Im a switcher but from the other direction. Windows was used in the job I had for 20 years and I continued to use Windows machines for 10 years after I went on my own. I noticed my sister using a MacBook Air and I loved it. Not long after that I bought one and am still using it. By that time I was disillusioned with Dell and with Microsoft for constantly diddling with Windows - they never could get user interface r ight. I am still very happy with my Air and have found that with relatively modest specs I can still run Photoshop and Lightroom and a few other apps with no problem (though I wouldnt object to more speed). I, too, was thinking of upgrading when the new MacBook Pros came out and was dismayed by the high prices, but before you think about migrating platforms consider this: if youre considering a Windows setup, you need a computer with twice the power of the Mac just to achieve the same performance experience. I have a Lenovo Windows 10 laptop with SSD and more power than my Air, but it runs like a dog compared to the Air and I have to put up with Windows annoyances. Then, as others have pointed out, the quality of non-Apple laptops is very variable. Customer service is also poor, as I have found out. Dell used to have decent CS but now its hit or miss - usually miss. Check out Consumer Reports. What I plan to do given the issues surrounding the new MacBook Pros release is to wait a year (if I can exercise enough restraint) and see what happens. Since my MacBook Air is still adequate for what I do, I can afford to wait and see what Apple does of the next year. The Air is my go-to machine and I only use my Windows computers when I have to. Going from Windows to Mac was delightful I would recommend extreme caution going the other way. I was going to buy a new MacBook Pro in 2016. Ditto the sentiments of all the comments left here. Apple is going for the general audience mass appeal. As someone said earlier - Steve Jobs wouldve fired the lot of em for what theyve done to the MacBook Pro. I was on the verge of selling my MacBook Pro Retina from 2012 when the new MacBook Pro came out. Ive had a tenuous relationship with it as there were plenty of issues I had initially from screen ghosting to replacement logic board from screen blackouts. So not the best experience for my first Mac, but the support was excellent and thankfully exchanged without question. Later on when out of warranty and a foot came off and I was looking at 400 for a new foot. because they couldnt just put a foot on, but had to replace the entire bottom panel. Thankfully since Id had the numerous previous issues they store manager let me have it for free. Fast forward to the new MacBook Pro. Any problem you have and you will likely have to replace the entire logic board including your entire OS, Programs amp Files. This would be alright if they were still supporting timeMachine backup, but they have walked away from wifi backup and discontinued airport development. Good luck if you have issues with their fancy new keyboard as you will likely have to replace the whole computer as it is so deeply enmeshed in the device thanks to a Fetishism towards thinner and thinner design. I used to think Apple had a reasonable balance of aesthetics and functionality (except for their mice and iPhone cables). Now I find myself wondering if Jonny Ives has lost his way, or simply now values style well over substance. Thankfully the Hackintosh is still a reality. It looks like it will be my next machine wont be Apple, but still use MacOS. Hopefully they continue developing MacOS. I have gained an appreciation of OS X when I bought my first Mac, the MacBook Pro Retina Mid 2012. Involved in the web design and development field I found its unix like base worked well with many dev tools and OS X had garnered quite a design following with decent apps not available on Windows. I now find myself uncertain. Hardware supporting windows has certainly gained, and in some cases exceeded that of Apple design. Windows has come out of Win 8 teething problems and Microsoft as a whole has taken a new direction in terms of openness and support of various platform. Microsoft also has some interesting new relationship in the Linux and Arm worlds. Google Assist, although a late starter in the voice assistant realm has comparable or more functionality then the long lived Siri. If Apple dont want to see the position they have gain fall again into oblivion they would do well to create a true Pro option. Unless they want to pursue the style and little substance of their mobile platforms. This is not necessarily a bad direction, but they should own up that they are no longer supporting working Professionals. 8230 may not be totally out of line, though. Shortly after the Pro launched, a number of would-be users expressed disappointment in what they saw as a notebook that sacrificed too many high-level features for design 8230 8230 I would have expected to see more people using it. There are already 1.49 using the new MacBook Pros with Touch Bar, despite shipping delays. Itrsquos frustrating that Apple sees the MacBook One as a worthwhile 8230 Glad they have people working on new emoji and not fixing longstanding bugs: Really. A press release for fucking emoji. Theyve lost their minds. Had coffee with a friend today. Her: What kind of iPhone do you have Her: Dont upgrade to the 7 Plus Its the worst. Its slower than my 6 Plus was and takes 3 or 4 seconds just to get ready to take a picture. I hate it. (and yes I know this isnt a typical experience as far as I can tell but it is telling. ) 8230 That comment seemingly stems from Apple customers who arenrsquot impressed with the new MacBook Pro models, even though criticsrsquo reviews are mostly positive. Many have complained about the AMD graphics chip, the inability to upgrade the storage at a later date, Applersquos inability to address the needs of the professional market, and more. The new MacBook Pros have even been described as ldquowatered downrdquo and ldquoincredibly underwhelming. rdquo 8230 8230 would this have even become an issue if Apple hadnrsquot made the new MacBook Prorsquos battery smaller This smells like a software bandaid for a hardware problem, like when they 8230 I think its more likely that they just need to improve their algorithm for calculating time remaining, and all of the new design elements have kept them from doing that in a timely manner (pun completely intended :-). Its not a very good excuse, but better to take time reporting out than to continue showing erroneous numbers. Ive never really liked the time estimates anyway, including the ones they give during software installationsupdates. I dont know how many times Ive had an install tell me that it had 5 minutes to go, only to sit there for 20 minutes or more. -) Btw, why would anyone think that theyd get the rated 10-hour battery life while also powering an external HD display Ive read every comment on this page (yes, this was my christmas eve and christmas fun ha ha). It has been apparent for a few years to me, a non professional user, that Apple has been going in a direction that does not keep lovers of computing excellence in sight as an important group to win respect from. Apple store service was the first to decline, then they started to refuse servicing machines that were older than 5 years, and some of the priceyness (yes, theyve always been pricey) went way beyond what you were getting in return. I used to say that iPhone was the windows of phones in terms of its restrictive and monopolistic tendencies when it first came out. I only got one for the first time a year or so ago, because it was 50. The seamless syncing was fun, and I realized it would be nice to stay in the ecosystem. But last year, I realized that the only useful and worth-it machine from apple was the imac (again, Im not a developer). No need to explain the ins and outs, the laptop simply did not do it for me at the price point. I bought a late 2013 iMac, upgraded the memory to 16GB from 8 (just because), and kept away from the wireless keyboard. The new trackpad is too expensive for me, and the old one still works but its clicking rubbers at the bottom fell out. No problem, no big deal. I write, I write a lot. For a change of pace, I was thinking of getting a laptop again, and as soon as I saw the butterfly keys, I knew that it might be over for me and macs. They are absolutely crap. I dont want to get used to crap. Ive been here since OS9, and respected the companys focus on design excellence. Never bought an ipod but was happy that they could do well with it (song downloads net them a clean revenue of 2.0bn in one of the early years). Always disliked iTunes. Windows (and the manufacturers that use it) still does a bunch of virus and bloatware stuff that is not attractive, but Ive been told it is much better than before (Windows XP was my last regular use OS from them, worked in an office). Im on the fence as far as switching over goes, but I am not on the fence vis a vis these new macbook pros. They suck, and I wont waste money on them. Never was a fanboy, but I really liked Apple as a company. Now, I am finally quite completely disenchanted with these shareholder value driven - tweenie fools buy shiny things obsessed quartet at the top. And I dont want to spend money on dongles. It does not make business sense though - everyone knew that apple was the computer for creative and high end work, that people who created films and interesting programs used it, that you got more bang out of the same buck compared to windows in terms of processing and smoothness, and that things just worked. This was a niche that always stood as a core group that did not make too much money for Apple in sales, but added strength to the brand and attracted more people to Apple. Just give them a good laptop and keep them on board And this disaffection that I am seeing on this page and on many others, isnt it eventually going to affect the app store and what developers do in there Maybe not. But it sucks nonetheless. That microsoft studio desktop looks beautiful (there, another statement that was reserved for apples computers). Thinking about a macbook air from a few years back. 949.0. Mungkin. Maybe something else. A question - what do you think of microsoft office and scrivener on an iPad pro with a logitech Create keyboard and apple pen Makes any sense I dont know what to do about my mobile writing needs anymore. Really - laptop battery time should be measured DAYS not hours All this talk of this many hours or that, Apple PLEASE just put a hugh battery in the PRO. I REALLY would like to see a 17 MacBook PRO, the best processor, 64G of memory for VMs, full connectivity, MagSafe PLEASE, great GPU and a huge battery. I dont get the thin thin thinner thing on the Pro model, save that for the Air. I do software development. 8230 reliability and integration of Mac OS X and the excellent quality hardware it runs on. However the current state of the Mac has me considering whether itrsquos still the right platform for 8230 I feel so liberated. The anaemic MBP announcement was truly a wake-up call for me. I realised I had become one of the sheeple: mindlessly upgrading laptops, desktops and even the media server every few years. Simply because Apples devices were shiny. And in the past few months, Ive taken a hard look at the technology in my life and asked myself if it worked. Is this the best it could be And frankly, except for the go-everywhere MacBook Air they simply arent. The MacMini used for a media server is no better than the one that replaced it so it still does its very limited job. But after that. The wireless keyboards dont have number pads. The wireless mice are annoying and fidgety. The iMacs are significantly less upgradeable than their predecessors. The 4 MacBook Pros in the house are acceptable, but compared to their competition, the technology is dated and the machines are basically impossible to upgrade. I long touted the longevity of Apple laptops but the truth today is that they are engineered to be useful for about 3 years: and you cant upgrade them. You just have to buy new. A 500 Windows laptop lasts the same 3 years before it needs replacing. The iPhones are fragile, flimsy and stupidly thin. The Cupertino crew shaved a few millimetres off MOST of the devices but theres still the unsightly camera bumps -- so theyre not really thinner than other phones. And bc theyre so damn fragile you MUST use a case with them bulking the devices up larger than comparable non-Apple devices. The headphones dont fit well and their sound quality is subpar. And now were supposed to want a pair of ill-fitting earbuds that will fall out of our ears 4 times on a tube ride I dont think so. I realise Im done with Apple. I no longer care what they manufacture and I refuse to engage in the reality distortion field. I encourage you to consider whether you are really using the best possible devices. Really think about it. Dont blindly say its the best operating system or the hardware is so damn sturdy. I bought into that for 15 years and during that time the computing world has changed. Just not so much at Apple. 8230 della sorte o forse contrappasso dantesco 8212 dimostra ulteriormente che il MacBook Pro 2016 non proprio un modello adatto agli sviluppatori, uno dei target naturali della linea di notebook professionali di 8230FIGURE SKATING N. 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