Sunday, 6 August 2017

Pokemon trading card game online gamefaqs

Pokmon Bank und PokMover PokMover ist eine zustzliche Software, die es ermglicht, Pokmon aus der fnften Generation sowie den Konsol Virtual - Titeln der ersten Generasi di Pokmon Bank zu transferieren. Inhaltsverzeichnis Ankndigung und Verffentlichung Di Jepang und Sdkorea erschien die Software, wie angekndigt, zunchst am 25. Dezember 2013. Durch Serverberlastungen im Nintendo Network war die Software jedoch bereits nach etwa sechs Stunden nicht mehr nutzbar, sodass die Verffentlichung einen Tag spter wieder zurckgezogen wurde. Bis zur Neuverffentlichung am 22. Januar 2014 perang es di Jepang dan Sdkorea nicht mehr mglich, mati Software neu herunterzuladen. Wer sie bereits am 25. 26 lainnya. Dezember erfolgreich heruntergeladen hatte, konnte die Software aber weiterhin nutzen, als die Serverprobleme behoben waren. Die Neuverffentlichung erschien als Versi 1.1. Laut offiziellen Angaben wurden mit diesem Software-Update Manahmen getroffen, um den Serverberlastungen entgegenwirken zu knnen. Di Europa, Australien und Nordamerika sollte die Software ursprnglich am 27. Dezember 2013 erscheinen. Aufgrund der Serverberlastungen di Jepang dan Sdkorea wurde die Software jedoch nicht, wie geplant, verffentlicht. Erst viele Wochen spter, am 4. Februar 2014, erschien die Software in der Versi 1.1 di Europa und Australien, ohne vorherige Ankndigung im Nintendo eShop. Die Verffentlichung fr Nordamerika folgte einen Tag darauf am 5. Februar 2014. Zeitgleich erschien auch PokMover in der Versi 1.1. Von offizieller Seite aus sind keine nderungen bekanntgegeben worden. Jedoch konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass dieses Software-Update der Mglichkeit entgegenwirkt, den Quellcode von Pokmon jadi zu manipulieren, dass sie aus der Kalos - Region stammen wrund und flschlicherweise ein blaues Fnfeck erhielten. 91193 Transferierung von Pokmon aus Pokmon Rote Edition zu Pokmon Bank melalui PokMover (nach dem Software-Update im Januar 2017). Ein weiteres Software-Update fr Pokmon Bank erschien am 18. November 2014, das die Software auf die Versionsnummer 1.2 hochstuft. Durch die Aktualisierung wird mati Kompatibilitt mit den beiden Hauptspielen, Pokmon Omega Rubin dan Alpha Saphir. Gewhrleistet Eine ausfhrliche Analysierung des Software-Updates durch Kapothics ergab, dass die Icons der Pokmon. Die icons der item Bonus-Ei-Attacken. Attacken beim Levelaufstieg dan beragam Item-Texte teilweise hinzugefgt und ersetzt worden sind. 91293 Am 25. Januar 2017 erschien weltweit ein Perbarui fr Pokmon Bank (Versi 1.3) und PokMover, durch welches die Kompatibilitt zu Pokmon Sonne und Mond sowie den bis dato verffentlichten Konsol Virtual - Spielen (Pokmon Rot, Blau. Grn und Gelb) nachgerstet wurde . Auch mati Funktion des Nationalen Pokdex, di bawah Pokmon Sonne und Mond nicht gibt, ist seit dem Update di Pokmon Bank verfgbar. Pokmon Bank Konzept zur Funktionsweise der Software. Nach dem Download der Software kann man in 100 Online-Boxen. Di denen je 30 Pokmon Platz haben, insgesamt bis zu 3000 Pokmon lagern. Diese werden auf Online-Servern gespeichert und knnen rund um die Uhr verwaltet werden. Neben den normalen Boxen im PC des Spiels kann man juga viele weitere Pokmon online lagern. Auch jatuh das Spiel verloren geht, knnen mati gelagerten Pokmon di ein neues bertragen werden mati Pokmon sind juga nicht a ein Spielmodul gebunden, wie es zum Beispiel bei My Pokmon Ranch der Fall war. Mit einer Suchfunktion kann sich der Spieler auch bei groen Mengenalkan Pokmon zurechtfinden. Das Ablegen von Item ist di Pokmon Bank nicht mglich. Alle getragenen Items werden vor dem Ablegen automatisch in den Beutel des Spiels bertragen. Die Software Pokmon Bank ist kostenlos im Nintendo eShop herunterladbar, allerdings ist eine Lizenz zwingend erforderlich, um die Software zu nutzen. Eine Jahreslizenz fr Pokmon Bank kostet di Jepang 500 Yen, di den AS 4,99 USD, di Europa 4,99 EUR und di der Schweiz 7 CHF. Whrend der Probezeit, mati bis zum 14. Mrz 2014 andauerte, wurde allen Benutzern eine 30-tgige Gratis-Lizenz eingerumt, die ab dem ersten Benutzen der Software startete. Wenn die eigene Jahreslizenz abgelaufen ist und man sie nicht verlngert, werden die Pokmon in den Online-Boxen bei Pokmon Bank nach einer gewissen Zeit gelscht. Es ist daher ratsam, eine neue Jahreslizenz zu erwerben oder smtliche Pokmon wieder zurck auf die Spiele zu transferieren. 91393 Nicht bertragbare Pokmon Pokmon knnen nicht von Pokmon Omega Rubin und Alpha Saphir auf Pokemon X und Y bertragen werden, wenn sie Attacken besitzen, die erst mit Pokmon Omega Rubin dan Alpha Saphir eingefhrt wurden. Das Cosplay-Pikachu aus Pokmon Omega Rubin dan Alpha Saphir kann nicht auf Pokmon Bank bertragen werden. Auerdem ist es nicht mglich, Eier auf Pokmon Bank zu bertragen. Pokmon von den Spielen Pokmon Sonne und Mond knnen weder auf Pokemon X und Y noch auf Pokmon Omega Rubin dan Alpha Saphir bertragen werden. Das rilt auch fr Pokmon, die ursprnglich von einem dieser vier Spiele kommen und zeitweise auf Pokmon Sonne und Mond waren. Pokmon-Link im Hauptmen von X Y. Gelegentlich gibt es als Dank fr mati Nutzung von Pokmon Bank Geschenke, die je nach Geschenk auf ein Spiel der sechsten oder siebten Generasi bertragen werden knnen. Wenn ein neues Geschenk verfgbar ist, wird es direkt nach dem Hauptmen von Linette vorgestellt. Dieses Geschenk wird nach Wunsch melalui Pokmon-Link sebuah ein Spiel der Sechsten Generasi bertragen. Anschlieend kann es im Hauptmen des entsprechenden Spiels empfangen werden (rechts abgebildet). Um weitere Geschenke aus Pokmon Bank empfangen zu knnen, muss zunchst Platz geschaffen werden, indem das vorherige Geschenk ber Pokmon-Link abgeholt wird. Pok-Meilen und Gewinnpunkte Beim ersten Softwarestart und in regelmigen Abstnden gibt es fr mati Nutzung von Pokmon Bank Pok-Meilen als Geschenk. Die Menge der verschenkten Pok-Meilen steigt mit der Anzahl und der Dauer der eingelagerten Pokmon. Auf diesem Weg erhaltene Pok-Meilen knnen auch direkt als Gewinnpunkte (GP) eingelst werden. Jeweils 10 Pok-Meilen entsprechen dabei einem Gewinnpunkt. Alle Benutzer erhielten ab Verffentlichung der Software einschlielich bis zum 30. September 2014 das Pokmon Celebi als Geschenk. Dieses konnte, wie oben beschrieben, empfangen werden. Dies perang pro Nintendo Network ID lediglich einmal mglich. Celebi erschien erst nach dem Abholen der ersten Pok-Meilen bzw. Gewinnpunkte ber den Menpunkt Pokmon-Link di den Spielen. Pokmon Bank musste somit auch mindestens zwei Mal genutzt werden, damit Celebi schlielich erschien. Tornupto, Impergator und Meganie Ungefhr ein ganzes Jahr spter fand die nchste Geschenke-Verteilung statt. Dieses Mal wurden meninggal Johto - Starter-Pokmon di ihren Endformen verschenkt. Tornupto. Impergator und Meganie besitzen auerdem ihre Versteckten Fhigkeiten. Die Verteilung fand im Zeitraum vom 27. Februar 2015 bis zum 30. November 2015 statt. Regirock, Regice und Registeel Vom 3. Mrz 2016 bis zum 31. Oktober 2016 fand eine weitere Geschenke-Verteilung statt, bei der alle Benutzer Regirock. Regice und Registeel mit ihren Versteckten Fhigkeiten empfangen konnten. Seit dem 25. Januar 2017 erhlt jeder Nutzer von Pokmon Bank als Geschenk einen Mewnium Z. mit dem Mew in den Spielen der siebten Generasi eine besondere Z-Attacke namens Supernova des Ursprungs einsetzen kann. Das Event luft bis zum 2. Oktober 2017. Zusammen mit Pokmon Bank ist auch der PokMover als Software fr den Nintendo 3DS erhltlich. PokMover kann ausschlielich innerhalb von Pokmon Bank heruntergeladen werden und ist im Nintendo eShop einzeln nicht auffindbar. Die Software ist, wie Pokmon Bank selbst auch, kostenlos, jedoch wird eine gltige Pokmon-Bank - Lizenz vorausgesetzt, um PokMover verwenden zu knnen. Der PokMover dient dazu, Pokmon aus der fnften Generation. Juga den Spielen Pokmon Schwarze Edisi und Weie Edisi deren Nachfolgern Pokmon Schwarze Edisi 2 und Weie Edisi 2 und von den Virtual Consolen-Spielen von Pokmon Rot, Blau und Gelb di Pokmon Bank zu bertragen mati. Es knnen beliebig viele Pokmon bertragen werden, jedoch mssen die zu bertragenden Pokmon in der ersten Kotak platziert werden, da PokMover ausschlielich diese Box bertrgt. Item. Die von Pokmon getragen werden, knnen nicht mit bertragen werden und werden automatisch in den Beutel der Ursprungsedition gelegt. Sollte im Beutel kein Platz fr weitere Item sein, gehen die Items verloren. Bertragene Pokmon knnen nicht mehr zurck auf die Spiele der fnften Generation bertragen werden. Pokmon-Spitznamen, die nur aus Grobuchstaben bestehen, werden beim bertragen sebuah die neue Namensgebung, die Grober und Kleinbuchstaben vorsieht, angepasst. Aus SHNURGARST wird somit Shnurgarst. Falls man ein Pokmon aus einem anderen Land erhalten hat und dieses bertrgt, dann ndert sich bei der bertragung in die sechste Generasi automatisch der Nama dalam versi die fremdsprachige. Ein franzsisches Dragoran erhlt beispielsweise den Namen Dracolosse. Alle Pokmon Die von PokMover di Pokmon Bank bertragen worden sind, landen in der sogenannten Transferbox, die sich vor der ersten Online-Box und hinter der 100. Online-Box befindet. Nicht bertragbare Pokmon Die Software erkennt Pokmon, die nicht auf vorgesehenen Wegen erhalten wurden. Deshalb knnen viele ercheatete. Gehackte oder auf andere Weise modifizierte Pokmon nicht mittels PokMover bertragen werden. Dazu gehren alle Pokmon, mati nicht di einem von Nintendo lizenzierten Spiel gefangen oder bei einem offiziellen Event heruntergeladen wurden. Im Falle eine ercheateten Item Acara erkennt die Perangkat lunak ebenfalls, dass das dazugehrige Pokmon nicht auf den vorgesehenen Wegen erhalten wurde und bertrgt es nicht. Pokmon, die durch Tweaken di der 4. Generasi gefangen wurden, knnen genauso wenig bertragen werden. Pokmon mati di den Virtual Consolen-Spielen von Pokmon Rot, Blau und Gelb durch einen Glitch gefangen wurden knnen mit Ausnahme von Mew ber den PokMover in die Bank bertragen werden. Pokmon Rot, Blau und Gelb Am 25. Januar 2017 wurde mit der Versi 1.2 des PokMovers die Kompatibilitt mit den Konsol Virtual-Spielen von Pokmon Rot, Blau und Gelb ermglicht. Bei der bertragung von Pokmon aus diesen Spielen werden Eigenschaften die erst mit spteren Generasi hinzukamen automatisch generiert. Das Geschlecht wird auf Grundlage der prozentualen Geschlechtsverteilung des jeweiligen Pokmon zufllig generiert. Alle EV - Werte werden auf 0 gesetzt. Drei DV - Werte werden zufllig auf 31 gesetzt. Die anderen drei Werte werden zufllig generiert. Ausnahme bildet ein bertragenes Mew. Hier werden fnf Werte zufllig auf 31 gesetzt und nur einer zufllig generiert. Alle Pokmon erhalten bei der bertragung ihre Versteckte Fhigkeit. Die Ausnahme sind Nebulak. Alpollo Gengar. Smogon Smogmog und Mew, da diese Pokmon lediglich eine Fhigkeit besitzen. Das Wesen wird durch die erhaltenen Erfahrungspunkte berechnet. Berechnung Schillernder Pokmon Die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ein Pokmon bei der bertragung auf Pokmon Bank schillernd ist, liegt regulr bei 1: 8192. Sie kann jedoch zustzlich durch die DV - Werte wie bei der bertragung mit der Zeitkapsel von Pokmon Rot, Blau und Gelb nach Pokmon Gold und Silber beeinflusst werden. Ein Pokmon mit den DV-Werten bei VERT, INIT und SPEZ auf 10 und einem DV-Wert bei ANGR auf 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 oder 15 ist immer schillernd. Durch diese Berechnungsgrundlage ist es mglich ein legales Schillerndes Mew zu erhalten. Berechnung des Wesens Das Wesen basiert auf der Rechenoperation Modulo. Die Erfahrungswerte werden durch 25 geteilt und der brig gebliebene Istirahat (0 bis 24) legt das jeweilige Wesen fest. Bisasam Lv. 10 mit 560 Erfahrungspunkten 560 mod 22 10, da 560 25 x 22 10 22 passt 25 mal di 560 und es bleiben 10 brig der Istirahat ist juga 10. Es erhlt nach der bertragung aufgrund des Restwert 10 das Wesen Scheu. Taubsi Lv. 10 mit 560 Erfahrungspunkten 560 mod 22 10, da 560 25 x 22 10 22 passt 25 mal di 560 und es bleiben 10 brig der Istirahat ist juga 10. Es erhlt nach der bertragung aufgrund des Restwert 10 das Wesen Scheu. Taubsi Lv. 16 mit 2535 Erfahrungspunkten 2535 mod 101 10, da 2535 25 x 101 10 101 passt 25 mal di 2535 und es bleiben 10 brig der Istirahat ist juga 10. Es erhlt nach der bertragung aufgrund des Restwert 10 das Wesen Scheu. Taubsi Lv. 16 mit 2613 Erfahrungspunkten 2613 mod 104 13, da 2613 25 x 104 13 104 passt 25 mal di 2613 und es bleiben 13 brig der Istirahat ist juga 13. Es erhlt nach der bertragung aufgrund des Restwert 13 das Wesen Froh. Nach der bertragung werden mati auf dem aktuellen Level erhaltenen Erfahrungspunkte zurckgesetzt. Da sich Bisasam und Taubsi di der Gruppe Mittel-Langsam befinden knnen sie auf Level 10 zwischen 560 bis 741 Erfahrungspunkte besitzen. Diese werden nach der bertragung auf 560 zurckgesetzt. Beziehungsweise auf Level 16 werden diese auf den Wert 2535 zurck gesetzt. Istirahat (Erfahrungspunkte 25) Die letzten zwei Zahlen der Erfahrungspunkte Charaktere Linette ist der Hauptcharakter von Pokmon Bank und PokMover. Sie ist auf beiden Startbildschirmen abgebildet und begleitet den Nutzer bei jedem Starten der Software. Beim erstmaligen Benutzen der Software fhrt sie den Spieler dalam das System von Pokmon Bank ein. Sie besitzt eine Schwester namens Lanette und feierte ihren ersten Auftritt bereits di Pokmon Box: Rubin und Saphir. Pokmon Bank und PokMover ist bei der breiten Masse ganz gut weggekommen und hat durchschnittliche Werte bei der Fachpresse als auch von den Nutzern erhalten. Kritikert wurde jedoch, dass aufgrund der Verbindung zu auslndischen Servern und der stndigen Sinkronisasi langezeiten anfallen. Des Weiteren wurde die zwingend erforderliche Verbindung von PokMover zu Pokmon Bank kritisiert, da, um Pokmon aus den lteren Generasi bertragen zu knnen, eine Pokmon Bank - Lizenz erforderlich ist und die Software nur im Zusammenspiel mit Pokmon Bank funktioniert. BildmaterialFeatured Bottom Ini adalah area widgeted yang disebut Featured Bottom. Ini menggunakan widget Genesis - Feature Posts untuk menampilkan apa yang Anda lihat di situs demo tema Serenity child. Untuk memulai, masuk ke dasbor WordPress Anda, lalu buka layar Appearance Widgets. Di sana Anda dapat menarik widget Genesis - Feature Posts ke area widget Unggulan Bawah di sisi kanan. Agar gambar bisa ditampilkan, cukup unggah gambar melalui media uploader di layar edit halaman dan publikasikan halaman Anda. Widget Featured Posts akan tahu untuk menampilkan gambar posting selama Anda memilih opsi itu di antarmuka widget. Pemodelan 3D Neco menggunakan versi SolidWorks dan AutoCad Mechanical Desktop terbaru untuk membantu pengembangan proyek Anda dari titik manapun. Mulai x02026 Read More. Feature Top Right Ini adalah area widgeted yang disebut Featured Top Right. Ini menggunakan widget Genesis - Feature Posts untuk menampilkan apa yang Anda lihat di situs demo tema Serenity child. Untuk memulai, masuk ke dasbor WordPress Anda, lalu buka layar Appearance Widgets. Di sana Anda dapat menarik widget Genesis - Feature Posts ke area widget Unggulan Top Right di sisi kanan. Agar gambar bisa ditampilkan, cukup unggah gambar melalui media uploader di layar edit halaman dan publikasikan halaman Anda. Widget Featured Posts akan tahu untuk menampilkan gambar posting selama Anda memilih opsi itu di antarmuka widget. Layanan CAD 3D Neco Inc. dari Denver, Colorado, menyediakan Layanan Desain dan Bantuan Komputer 3D yang terutama terkait dengan industri barang manufaktur dan barang konsumsi. Perusahaan telah, selama sembilan tahun terakhir, tumbuh dalam reputasi di industri manufaktur sebagai salah satu perusahaan konsultan desain teknikal yang paling dapat diandalkan. Dari desain konseptual ke bagian manufaktur, kami dapat menempatkan organisasi Anda dengan tepat di garis depan teknologi dan membantu Anda mendapatkan keuntungan dalam dunia yang semakin kompetitif. Perangkat Lunak yang DigunakanList of Glitches in Generation VI Lumiose City fence glitch Pagar melingkupi area hijau di sekitar podium Prism Tower di pusat kota Lumiose. Di dua sudut kanan pagar Photo Spot. Pemain bisa naik di dalam pagar, karena batas yang tidak dapat ditolerir terletak tepat di dalam pagar yang terlihat di titik-titik ini. Pokmon-Amie glitch hadiah Pokmon satu-satunya yang seharusnya bisa memberikan hadiah di Pokmon-Amie adalah Pokmon-Amie Pokmon yang aktif. Jika seorang pemain menginap di Hotel Richissime saat Pokmon yang tidak aktif berada dalam 30 poin untuk memberikan hadiah kasih sayang dan Pokmon aktif memiliki kasih sayang maksimal atau lebih dari 30 poin dari pemberian hadiah, biasanya, tidak ada hadiah yang harus diperoleh. Namun, jika pemain belum melihat Pokmon-Amie sebelum menginap di Hotel Richissime, maka saat mereka beralih ke Pokmon-Amie, mereka akan menerima hadiah dari Pokmon aktif yang mencocokkan kumpulan hadiah kasih sayang terakhir yang diberikannya. Pokmon kloning Pok Radar glitch music Glitch ini sangat membutuhkan penelitian. Alasan: Apakah glitch hadir di Versi 1.1 Anda bisa mendiskusikannya di halaman pembicaraan. Saat pemain menggunakan Radar Pok Radar di atas petak rumput, game tersebut mengubah musik saat ini yang diputar ke tema Pok Radar. Jika pemain menetas Telur sementara temanya sedang bermain, permainan akan memainkan musik yang salah tergantung pada waktunya. Jika pemain menekan tombol A atau tombol B saat musik memudar setelah melihat pesan Oh, maka tema Pok Radar tidak akan diputar setelah menetas Telur. Selain itu, jika pemain mengalahkan atau berlari dari Pokmon liar setelah melakukan kesalahan, tema evolusi akan bermain alih-alih yang tepat. Kesalahan ini bekerja di Versi 1.0, 1.2, dan 1.3. Kesalahan ini membutuhkan penelitian. Alasan: Apa yang terjadi jika pemain melakukan ini dan tanggal sistem telah berubah keesokan harinya Anda dapat mendiskusikannya di halaman pembicaraan. Setiap kali pemain terhubung ke fungsi game online atau layanan melalui menu PSS, pemain akan diminta untuk menyimpan game saat ini sebelum sebelumnya. Di antara data yang tercatat dan login di save ini adalah sistem waktu dan tanggal sekarang. Jika pemain berulang kali terhubung ke layanan online yang membutuhkan penghematan permainan setiap saat, waktu dan tanggal yang direkam akan gagal diperbarui. Ini akan tetap terjadi sampai menu PSS telah keluar sepenuhnya oleh pemain. Data seperti game saat ini bermain tidak terpengaruh, dan akan terus update dengan setiap save baru. Santalune Gym tenda pengawasan Tenda sebelum mengalahkan Viola di dalam Gym ditutup untuk mencegah akses ke tangga di luar. Jika pemain pergi ke pojok kiri belakang tenda dan bergerak maju mundur antara tempat itu dan satu titik di sebelah selatan, permainan akan membuat bagian atas tenda transparan untuk menunjukkan karakternya. Sementara tenda transparan, tidak akan menunjukkan dinding belakang ke tenda, meski sudah ada sampai Viola dikalahkan. Simpan korupsi Kesalahan ini membutuhkan penelitian. Alasan: Semua info yang diketahui didasarkan pada laporan. Dan apakah itu juga terjadi pada salinan ritel Anda bisa mendiskusikannya di halaman pembicaraan. Telah dilaporkan bahwa beberapa file penyimpanan salinan unduhan yang didownload secara digital telah menjadi rusak. Masalah ini telah mempengaruhi game lain yang bisa diunduh di Nintendo eShop seperti Mario Kart 7 dan Mario amp Luigi: Dream Team. Telah disarankan bahwa cara yang mungkin untuk menyimpan data yang korup untuk permainan apa pun yang menggunakan kartu SD adalah membiarkan baterai Nintendo 3DSs mati saat permainan mengakses data dari kartu SD. 91393 Video ini tidak tersedia di Bulbapedia, Anda dapat menonton video di YouTube di sini. Kesalahan interaksi Sky Trainer Jika pemain bertengkar dengan Sky Trainer. Maka Sky Trainer tidak dapat berinteraksi dengan dan tidak akan berbicara kepada pemain saat permainan kembali ke dunia luar. Jika pemain mengisi ulang area tersebut dengan berpindah ke area yang berbeda dan kembali, dia akan diizinkan untuk berinteraksi lagi dan berbicara dengan Sky Trainer. Kesalahan ini tampaknya disebabkan oleh bendera yang tidak semestinya yang dikoreksi saat memuat ulang area tersebut ke dalam memori. Stereo sound glitch Jika player menyetel suara ke stereo dalam pengaturan sistem, permainan akan mereproduksi audio seolah-olah sudah diatur dalam suara mono. Ini lebih terlihat saat bermain game dengan penggunaan headphone. Agar dapat menikmati suara stereo yang sesungguhnya, konsol harus dikonfigurasi untuk mengelilingi pengaturan sistem. Sejauh ini tidak ada game 3DS lain yang diketahui memiliki masalah ini. Menu Super Training yang memicu glitch Jika player mengetuk ikon pada layar sentuh untuk membuka menu Super Training, maka segera berinteraksi dengan objek di overworld dengan menekan tombol A 3DS. Efek suara akan diputar tapi menu tidak akan terbuka. Keluhan entri Sylveon Pokdex Jika pemain belum mendapatkan entri Pokdex, mendapatkan Pokmon atau mengembangkan Pokmon yang diperoleh dari game generasi sebelumnya akan mendaftarkan entri Pokdex dengan tanda Pok Ball. Namun, berkembangnya sebuah Eevee yang diperoleh dari game generasi sebelumnya menjadi Sylveon akan gagal mendaftarkan entri Pokdex. Ada kemungkinan para programmer lupa untuk mempertimbangkan bahwa Sylveon bisa berasal dari Eevee yang diimpor dan oleh karena itu tidak memperhitungkan kemungkinannya. Keajaiban Kartu bentuk glitch Dalam Mystery Gift s Card Album, gerakkan kursor secara langsung di antara dua bentuk Pokmon yang sama (termasuk dengan mengubah halaman) tidak akan memperbarui formulir yang ditampilkan, meskipun teks Wonder Card berubah. Kesalahan ini tidak terjadi jika Pokmon yang berbeda (atau entri Wonder Card kosong) ditampilkan di antara (misalnya, jika pemain melihat Vivillon, lalu Torchic, kemudian Vivillon). Hal ini diyakini bahwa ini terjadi karena Pokmon adalah spesies yang sama (entri Pokdex) dan permainan tidak diprogram untuk mengenali perubahan dalam desain atau sebaliknya mengeluarkan Wonder Card yang ada sebelum memuat yang baru. Saat ini bisa dilakukan dengan Vivillon dan Arceus. Yang beberapa bentuk berbeda telah didistribusikan di game wilayah yang sama. Versi 1.0 sampai 1,2 hanya bola basket animasi pengawasan Jika pemain mulai bertempur dengan Pokmon yang tidak dalam Pok Ball standar. Permainan tidak akan menggunakan efek yang sesuai dengan bola yang digunakan, dan sebaliknya akan menjadi default efek Pok Balls. Ini tidak terjadi saat mengganti atau mencoba menangkap atau gagal menangkap Pokmon liar. Versi 1.3 patch memperbaiki kesalahan ini dengan benar menampilkan animasi untuk setiap Pok Ball. Keluhan Vivillon Friend Safari Jika pemain menemukan Vivillon dalam Safari Friend Bug-jenis yang bukan Pola Meadow default, permainan akan menampilkan ikon Pok Ball kosong di tempatnya, seolah-olah belum pernah ditemukan di safari. Hal ini karena permainan default untuk memeriksa apakah pemain telah menemukan Pola Meadow Vivillon dalam safari dan bukan pola Vivillon yang biasanya ditemui oleh pemain, berdasarkan lokasi geografis mereka. Versi 1.3 patch memperbaiki kesalahan ini dengan benar memeriksa dan menampilkan ikon Vivillons untuk pola lainnya. Jika pemain telah menemukan Vivillon di Friend Safari sebelum patch, bagaimanapun, tidak akan secara otomatis ditambahkan ke dalam daftar tiga safari Safari itu, dan harus ditemukan lagi untuk ditambahkan. Versi 1.0 dan 1.1 hanya Glosari PR PR Pelatih Terkadang, pemain tidak dapat membuka widget PR PR Trainer tertentu, meskipun memenuhi persyaratan untuk membuka gembok teks. 91493 Dikabarkan, NPC dalam Aksi Caf yang membuka caption baru setiap hari akan terjebak dalam caption Terima kasih telah mencintaiku, semua orang dan berhenti membuka yang baru. 91593 Orang ini memiliki daftar keterangan yang bisa dia berikan dan mulai di tempat yang acak dalam daftarnya. Karena judul bermasalah adalah yang terakhir dalam daftarnya, permainan tersebut mungkin terbengkalai untuk memulai daftar sejak mencapai akhir untuk terus memberikan teks yang tersisa. Ilmu Pengetahuan Evolusi Wonder Trade Initiess Glitch Pada tanggal 12 Desember 2013, patch Versi 1.2 dirilis, yang memperbaiki kesalahannya. Patch ini diperlukan untuk menggunakan semua fitur online, termasuk Wonder Trade. Versi 1.0 hanya Lumiose City save glitch Peta yang dirilis oleh Nintendo. Saat menabung di Jalan Selatan dan Selatan Kota Lumiose. Permainan mungkin menjadi tidak responsif saat mengisi ulang. Beberapa tekstur tidak akan terisi dengan benar dan tidak mungkin bergerak atau menggunakan layar sentuh meskipun musik latar tetap normal. Kesalahan ini secara resmi diakui oleh Nintendo. Yang mengungkapkan sebuah perbaikan sedang direncanakan. Perusahaan juga merilis sebuah peta yang menandai area di mana pemain tidak boleh menyimpan permainan. 91793 91893 Pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2013, patch versi 1.1 dirilis, yang memperbaiki masalah ini bahkan jika permainan telah ditanggung olehnya. Patch juga memperbaiki kesalahan filter GTS. Jika pemain tidak memiliki akses internet untuk mendownload update, menekan tombol home beberapa kali setelah memilih untuk melanjutkan permainan bisa mengatasi masalah ini, tapi pastinya sebelum musik Lumiose City terdengar. GTS filter error Kesalahan ini membutuhkan penelitian. Alasan: Apakah filter lain menyebabkan kesalahan komunikasi Anda dapat mendiskusikannya di halaman pembicaraan. Dalam Global Trade System. Setelah mencari Pokmon. Adalah mungkin untuk menggunakan filter untuk mempersempit hasilnya ke Trainer yang mencari Pokmon yang dimiliki pemain tersebut. Mencoba memulai perdagangan bisa menyebabkan kesalahan komunikasi dimana game akan menampilkan A communication error yang telah terjadi. Tekan tombol Power, dan akhiri pesan permainan, memaksa shutdown. Pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2013, patch versi 1.1 dirilis, yang memperbaiki kesalahannya. Patch juga memperbaiki kesalahan Lumiose City save. 91993 Kesalahan ini membutuhkan penelitian. Alasan: Apakah ini terjadi jika permainan disimpan di tempat lain Anda bisa mendiskusikannya di halaman pembicaraan. Pada kesempatan tersebut, game akan membeku jika pemain memuat file save setelah menyimpan berbatasan langsung dengan pintu dari Lilycove Department Store. Sama halnya dengan softlock Lumiose City di Pokmon X dan Y tidak seperti glitch yang terakhir, pemain dapat terus bermain game secara normal dengan mengatur ulang permainan dan memuat ulang file save. Route 112 Hiker Movers Glitch ini perlu penelitian. Alasan: Memeriksa lokasi berikut untuk pelatih, yaitu mengambang (air) atau tidak bergerak anymoredisrepearing (darat). Air: Rute 126, Perenang utara saat menyelam updown. Lahan: Kota Mauville, cewek timur dan barat, saat berkendara dengan sepeda cepat naik turun bisa lenyap. Anda bisa mendiskusikan hal ini di halaman pembicaraan. Jika pemain berdiri di tempat tertentu di luar Cable Car di Route 112, ada kemungkinan Hiker di sisi kiri area akan masuk ke dinding yang tak terlihat. Jika menu dibuka, Hiker akan berhenti bergerak total, meski menu tersebut kemudian ditutup. Jika pemain pindah dari ubin tempat mereka berada, Hiker akan terus berjalan. Video ini tidak tersedia di Bulbapedia, Anda dapat menonton video di YouTube di sini. Primal Reversion Zoroark glitch Dalam pertempuran ganda. Jika Zoroark dikirim keluar sebagai salah satu dari dua Pokmon pertama, Ilusi akan mengubahnya menjadi Pokmon di slot akhir partys, dan jika Pokmon ini adalah Groudon atau Kyogre. Zoroark akan berubah menjadi bentuk standar Groudon atau Kyogre seperti biasa. Namun, jika Zoroarks Illusion masih aktif saat Groudon atau Kyogre yang sebenarnya keluar, dan Groudon atau Kyogre mengalami Primal Reversion saat tampil, kedua pemain yang menargetkan menu akan menampilkan menu Primal Reversions sprite untuk Groudon atau Kyogre sebenarnya dan yang menyamar. Zoroark, yang masih akan berada dalam kedok Groudon biasa atau Kyogre. Video ini tidak tersedia di Bulbapedia, Anda dapat menonton video di YouTube di sini. Fainting Status glitch Jika Pokmon menggunakan gerakan yang merusak yang memiliki kesempatan untuk menimbulkan kondisi status dan kepingannya melawan Pokmon lawan, jika status akan ditimbulkan, animasi untuk status itu akan muncul untuk beberapa frame sebelum menghilang. Versi 1.0 dan 1.1 hanya pembekuan Hall of Fame Sebelum update 1.2, permainan terkadang akan membeku sebelum beralih ke video akhir setelah Hall of Fame. Berpotensi menyebabkan pemain kehilangan kemajuannya di Pokmon League. 911093 Di semua game Baton Pass Own Tempo glitch Jika Pokmon dengan Own Tempo bingung karena mendapatkannya dari Baton Pass. Itu tidak akan sembuh dari kebingungan sampai setelah Pokmon mengambil gilirannya (menggunakan bergerak, switch keluar, dll). Kesalahan Evolusi Persahabatan Jika Pokmon yang bisa berkembang dengan persahabatan ditransfer ke permainan yang berbeda dengan menggunakan Pokmon Bank. Itu akan diblokir agar bisa berkembang melalui persahabatan. Ini tidak berlaku untuk Pokmon ditransfer menggunakan Pok Transporter. Jika Pokmon itu memiliki evolusi yang tidak memerlukan pertemanan, seperti sebuah Sewaddle menjadi Swadloon, maka tetap saja bisa berevolusi, tapi tidak akan bisa berkembang melalui persahabatan. Pokmon akan dapat berkembang melalui persahabatan lagi jika ia ditransfer kembali ke Pelatih Aslinya melalui Pokmon Bank dan akan dicegah lagi jika Pokmon ditransfer menggunakan Pokmon Bank lagi. Selain itu, Pokmon akan bisa berkembang melalui persahabatan jika diperdagangkan antar game. 911193 Kisi-kisi cache pembilasan glitch glitch ini membutuhkan penelitian. Alasan: Apa penyebab dan pemicu Anda bisa mendiskusikannya di halaman pembicaraan. Perilaku tidak teratur terjadi saat mematikan efek 3D saat berada di area yang menggunakannya, kemudian mengaktifkan kembali efeknya di area yang sama selama penggunaan fungsi dalam game yang menggunakan 2D (seperti memicu gerakan lapangan). Mungkin karena adanya pengawasan dalam algoritma pengumpulan sampah. Data grafis 3D akan tetap tersimpan dalam cache (tetap terlihat) sampai grafik 2D dihapus. Video ini tidak tersedia di Bulbapedia, Anda dapat menonton video di YouTube di sini. Glitch Pokmon-Amie glitch Glitch ini dipicu saat pertama pemain berinteraksi dengan Pokmon yang diberikan di Pokmon-Amie. Petting Pokmon akan menghasilkan reaksi yang sama terlepas dari apakah benda itu digoda di tempat yang disukai atau tidak disukai, meskipun perbedaan efek suara gosok pada nada yang lebih tinggi untuk tempat yang disukai, nada yang lebih rendah untuk tempat yang tidak disukai masih dapat didengar. Solusi yang menghasilkan solusi permanen untuk Pokmon spesifik adalah agar pemain melakukan tindakan yang menyebabkan munculnya cinta Pokmons. Ini bisa memberi makan itu Pok Puff atau membelainya setelah bermain atau keluar dan membuka kembali Pokmon-Amie. Pokmon-Amie sprite glitch Ketika pemain tidak bergerak dan Pokmon-Amie Pokmon yang aktif belum disadap, Pokmon benar-benar tidak bergerak dan berada dalam posisi netral. Saat pemain memilih Pokmon aktif, sprite-nya akan rock bolak-balik. Jika pemain membuka layar saklar, sprite Pokmons akan membeku dan, jika pemain kemudian keluar dari layar saklar tanpa mengubah Pokmon aktif, Pokmon akan berada dalam keadaan yang tidak dipilih tapi (tergantung pada posisi yang dibekukannya) mungkin berada di Posisi non-netral. Tapping the Pokmon or moving will reset the Pokmons sprite. Symbiosis Eject Button glitch If an Eject Button is consumed and Symbiosis activates and transfers an item to the Pokmon that held the Eject Button, when that Pokmon is switched in again, its items effect may be applied twice until it is switched out again. Type-changing Curse glitch In a Double Battle. if the user is not already Ghost-type and becomes Ghost-type before executing Curse (due to Color Change or Trick-or-Treat ), Curse will now target the users ally if the user is on the right side (from its Trainers perspective), or a random opponent if the user is on the left side (from its Trainers perspective). In a Triple Battle. if the user is not already Ghost-type and becomes Ghost-type before executing Curse (due to Color Change or Trick-or-Treat), Curse will now target a random adjacent opponent. If the user is not already Ghost-type and becomes Ghost-type due to Protean upon executing Curse, the user will use the Ghost-type Curse on itself (regardless of Follow Me or Rage Powder ) this cannot be blocked by Crafty Shield. Self-Imposed Challenge Pastime reserved for the hardcore. You see, most gamers dont have unlimited funds, and are disappointed if their most recent 3650 investment doesnt require and reward a months worth of attention. However, thanks to the gradual demise of Nintendo Hard over the years, its becoming increasingly difficult to milk that kind of commitment out of most new games, which can be completed in a weekend without much effort (well, by the hardcore). Enter the Self-Imposed Challenge. A Self-Imposed Challenge is a playthrough of a game wherein the player plays under a restriction not required by the game itself in an attempt to increase the difficulty (or immersion) and replay value. These restrictions can range from the fairly simple (a refusal to make use of a Game Breaker. for example) to the near-impossible (Hey, can you beat Super Mario Bros. without pressing the B button ). Check a message board for a game thats been out for a while and youll undoubtedly find players reporting on their progress in various exotic Self-Imposed Challenges. Gamers will occasionally record these runs and post them on various archive sites. As noted above, the rise of Casual Gamers make these even more of a dedicated pastime than ever before. Some of these can overlap. This type of gameplay is one of the staples of the Challenge Gamer. See also House Rules. I Am Not Left-Handed is an in-universe example of this, or rather, an in-universe example of giving up on a Self-Imposed Challenge. openclose all folders The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask has the three-day-only challenge, where you can only play the Song of Time once, and thats when you get the Ocarina of Time from the Skull Kid from the first time loop. For a game thats made of sidequests. it leaves you with barely much to face the final boss with. Youll be rolling and spinning everywhere . And dont get started on the Zora eggs. Its been done, too. With the entire 2nd Night and Final Day to spare . Think thats good Try it gathering SEVENTEEN non-transformation masks . A significantly less insane one is, once all the masks and Heart Containers have been collected, to try and help as many people as possible in one cycle. It helps that, once Link completes a dungeon, he can go straight to the boss on subsequent visits. Also in this game, beating the boss Twinmold using only the sword (no Giants Mask). Another popular challenge for most of the Zelda games is the three-heart challenge (impossible in some of the games in the series, as you are forced to collect some heart fragments), which is exactly what it sounds like: beat the game without collecting any of the Heart Containers that increase Links Life Meter. This is easy at first, but quickly gets more difficult as you tackle later dungeons and the game expects you to be able to take more damage than you can. If you dont mind using glitches and are willing to spend a few hours trying to activate them, you can keep the wooden sword for the entirety of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess . This sword deals half the damage of the Ordon sword, increasing the difficulty. As a bonus, using the glitches you dont even need to get the wooden shield, which saves you the trouble of having to burn it. While not required to beat the game and technically being a side quest, it might be worth trying to beat the Cave of Ordeals using these restrictions if you dont quite fancy your sanity. Keeping the original Ordon Shield is a minor example. The game obviously expects you to have it burn up on you once you get to the Goron Mines (which is why the nearby shops have replacements, which are functionally identical but dont look the same ). However, there is nothing stopping you from refusing to use your shield against fire-type enemies until you can get a fireproof Hylian Shield to use, instead. It was theorized that the original The Legend Of Zelda could be beaten without using the sword (because you have to get it yourself). This is actually impossible, although it is possible to beat the entire game except the final boss (for whom a sword of any sort is required). Using the sword only on Ganon has remained a popular challenge. A three hearts, minimal sword challenge turns this Up to Eleven. A Link to the Past is a good example of a game in which to attempt this, and due to an easter egg, when the Master Sword is seemingly required to deflect Aghanims beam back at him, one can use the Bug-Catching net instead. Daniel Kareshi Brown . a well-known speedrunner, took The Legend of Zelda no-sword challenge several steps further with his aptly-named Extreme Challenge. Rules: No sword, shield, boomerang, ring, potion, heart container (3-heart challenge), power bracelet, blue candle, magic key, or book of magic. Must collect arrow, bow, bombs, both bomb upgrades, recorder, ladder, raft, meat, wand, red candle, and silver arrows. Cant kill any overworld enemies. Must visit every room of every dungeon, collect every map and compass, and kill all bosses in each dungeon (even ones that arent the dungeons main boss.) The challenge ends in Ganons room since you cannot defeat him with no sword. Completing a Zelda game without ever dying is a challenge, because some games such as The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past have a counter for number of deaths. This feat is acknowledged in The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening . which includes a special addition to the ending sequence if you complete it without dying. The Oracle games feature the Cursed Ring. which halves your sword damage and doubles the damage you take it seems to have been made for this trope. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword features Hero Mode. a mode where you take double damage and enemies can take more damage, and the enemies never drop hearts (but your sword beam starts off at its endgame strength). Now try playing the mode without potions, extra heart containers, upgrades and any medal, and using only the most basic shield available (or no shield at all). And no using the Sword Beam either, except when its absolutely needed. Go ahead, try it. Hero Mode returns in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD . and you can select it right from the start if you dare. Hero Mode once again makes an appearance for The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds after you beat the game. Hero Mode quadruples the amount of damage enemies deal. How about a three-heart run The weakest of enemies will deal two hearts of damage, and once you get into Lorule almost everything will one-shot you. Too easy Try three hearts, no upgrades, no buying gear, no shield, and a death count of zero (which means restarting from the last save after every death), all on Hero Mode. Itll test your sanity once you get into Lorule, and the final boss. phew. Hero Mode returns once again in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD . and not only can you select it from the start, but you can also scan the Ganondorf amiibo to double the damage Link takes on top of that Combine both of the above with a Three-Heart Challenge, and you will have your hands full Zelda II: The Adventure of Link includes various challenges involving keeping one (or even two) of your stats (Attack, Magic, Life) at Level 1 for the entire game. Fighting Thunderbird with Level 1 Attack and Level 1 Magic means you can only use Thunder to make him vulnerable, and it takes 96 sword slashes to take him down With the dawn of Castlevania games with inventory systems and equipment, the idea of naked runs stand out as an obscene challenge that requires no weaponry, armor, magic, or equipment that boosts anything but luck. It gets quite difficult at times. The 1-kill playthrough of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night . requiring you to kill ONE enemy throughout the entire game. Youre still beating it at 200.6 youre just limited to killing a puny Blademaster. This is quite difficult, as the mandatory boss fights count as kills. Once you become extremely adept at glitching through walls, its not terribly difficult, but it will give you a run for your money if you arent mentally prepared. Even in the oldschool games, people have challenged themselves to beat the game without using subweapons or even upgrading their whip. Good luck beating Death without Holy Water An Untitled Story allows and encourages self-imposed challenges. Finish as fast as possible Complete with highest completion percentage Finish collecting as little as possible Finish while saving as much as possible Finish without saving. The Hard mode in Genji has the very same enemies, encounters and bosses as the Easy mode, all of them with the same stats too. However, while on Hard mode you cant level up, purchase or forge weapons, armors or amulets and not even obtain items from boxes. The only form of power up are the Amahagane fragments you can find around (which are almost always hidden) and the special weapons you obtain midway through the game. Getting 2500 clones in Badland is already Nintendo Hard but 2500 clones is not the limit. As in the page quote, a few go beyond that, with the leader, Ogster, reaching 3200 clones . Other self-imposed challenges include finishing all missions for one level at once. A popular God of War challenge is the NUR (No Upgrades Run) which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Less famous but even more sadistic is the Pain run note hardest difficulty, no upgrades, no weapons aside from the Blades, no magic (unless forced to in a tutorial), no chests, and no special items (like the Amulet of Fate or Golden Fleece). This has been done for every game in the series by various authors on YouTube. Devil May Cry 3 and 4 encouraged players to take on self-imposed challenges in the form of getting the S and SS after-mission rankings in order to collect bonus artwork completely unnecessary for gameplay. In 3, the most difficult-to-get one required a No Damage Run on top of making the time limit, collecting enough Red Orb currency, getting enough style points and using no items. The famous player Keith Pokey 86 Poke pioneered the idea of the Dante Will Die run, which is a run on the highest difficulty of Dante Must Die . with a fresh game, lacking the usually maxed character that would normally be used. It really forces players to use different strategies, given the lack of moves and weapons that would normally be available. Even more crazy and skilled players have combined the SS run and the DWD run. Die hard fans of the first game also like performing fresh runs on Dante Must Die. Its worth noting that, excepting the last few boss fights, its much easier compared to DMC 3, simply because DMC 1 doesnt beef up the enemies vitality and defense to the insanity that DMC 3 does. Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox featured a Karma system that encouraged players to gather points. Players then took it beyond what Team Ninja had expected, performing Karma Runs that required ridiculous precision and perseverance. Some have also done no item and No Damage Runs. which unlike aforementioned Devil May Cry are much harder to pull off. Considering the Nintendo Hardness of the base product. The game also features an extremely weak (well, initially weak. ) wooden sword weapon. Naturally, people decided to see how far they could get using only that weapon. For example, check out this video of a player beating one of the hardest bosses in the game using only that wooden sword and Ryus kick attack. In Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links . the Vagabond duels you using special rules, such as having only three cards in your opening hand. Winning against him gives more EXP than normal. Gran Turismo 5 s online seasonal challenges have performance points (PP) limitations, which determines how much your car can be modified, and how good the car was to begin with. However, having light enough modifications can double your prize money. Some people might want to get all the cars in the game. Metropolis Street Racer lets you choose your challenges, such as lap times or giving an opponent a head start in duel. The more challenging, the more kudos. First Person Shooter Half-Life 2 challenges you to complete a level using only the gravity gun. Gets EXTREMELY difficult when youre on the rooftops circular saws will pass right through enemies and go clattering into the streets. Even if you carry a cinder block with you everywhere you go, theres still about a 50 percent chance that it will bounce off any given zombie and go flying over the edge. It helps considerably if you just run like hell through most of the level. Episode 1 ups the ante and challenges you to fire one bullet throughout the entire game: to shoot a lock off after you get the pistol. Sadly, similar challenge (beat the game using only a crowbar) cannot be done in first Half-Life as youll need to use explosives from time to time and by the appearance of Alien Grunts, game is essentially Save Scumming and gambling over every health point. The Vidmasters Challenge in Marathon . complete with charter that appears when attempting to use the Skip Level cheat. Rules include using grenades whenever possible, punching every switch (instead of pressing the action button on them), not to use the default Caps Lock key as the run key (i. e. not using what today would be an Always Run option), and to never ever leave a single one of the allied humans (Bobs) alive. Another is the Fists-Only on Total Carnage (hardest difficulty) - especially impressive on the special Vidmasters arena level, with the grey enemies. In most of the Halo games, you have the option to turn on various skulls for the campaign mode (in some games you have to find them before you can use them, in some games not) which effect the gameplay in various ways. Theres one that causes your shields to recharge only upon meleeing an enemy, one that causes every enemys health to double, one that removes your entire first-person HUD and arms . leaving you with no way to tell what gun youre currently using unless you fire it or tediously look at its shape with your own shadow, one that causes you to restart the whole level if you die on solo or revert to the last checkpoint if ANY player dies on co-op, and those are just a few. Some skulls are actually helpful (though those are mostly just in Halo 2 and Combat Evolved Anniversary ), but in most cases, they greatly increase the games difficulty in many unique ways. Community members also have the LASO (Legendary, All Skulls On) challenge, which is to complete any level on the hardest difficulty with every skull on (even Bungie got it in Halo: Reach . with some of their weekly challenges requiring you to beat a certain level on LASO to earn a big fat stack of credits). If you try it, its a nightmare, to say the least. GoldenEye and its Spiritual Successor Perfect Dark feature unlockable difficulty settings (called 007 and Perfect Dark respectively) that allow the player to alter the challenge by fine-tuning certain enemy properties: their health, accuracy, damage and reaction times. Level runs done with minimum enemy health and all other settings on maximum (meaning both player and perfectly-accurate guards will die in a single hit) are known as Licence to Kill (LTK) settings. Runs with everything set to maximum, so that guards have ten times more health than normal, are known as Dark LTK runs. In GoldenEye this is stupidly hard since a dead foe doesnt drop enough ammo to kill the next one in Perfect Dark its marginally more manageable thanks to the games quirk that headshots on unshielded NPCs are always instant kills. The last GoldenEye level to be beaten with Dark LTK settings wasnt conquered until April 2013, over 15 years after the game was released. The above customisable difficulties (as well as the standard ones) can also be used in conjunction with the games many unlockable cheat options. Turbo Mode has obvious effects on the sort of record times that can be attained, while All Guns and other weapon options allow the player to impose even more restrictions (its particularly fun trying to kill all guards in a level using nothing but duel-wielded throwing knives ). However, some of the cheats make the game much harder, such as the Enemy Rockets cheat, which gives every enemy in the game a rocket launcher with infinite ammo. Yes, that too is possible to complete. And whats more, at the end of each level, various statistics are displayed about your performance. So, can you do one or more of the above. but with 100 accuracy And within a certain target time The utterly crazy Doom fanbase. Among the challenges on offer: Speed: Your standard speedrun. Currently, the lowest recorded time for a completed level is five seconds . Pacifist: Complete a level without directly or indirectly harming monsters, effectively restricting the player to causing infighting. Fast: Complete a level while the monsters are faster than normal. Respawn: Complete a level killing every monster at least once in an environment where they respawn. Max: A speedrun where all secrets must be collected. Tyson: The level must be completed with every monster killed as quickly as possible. with no weapons other than the fist, the chainsaw and the pistol. One Doom speedrunner has a series on his YouTube channel called Trials of a Doomgod where he does crazy self-imposed challenges on various Doom maps, some of which include: Plutonia Map 32 (Go 2 It) UV-Max from pistol start without using the BFG 9000 Plutonia Map 31 (Cyberden) UV-Max from pistol start without using the Rocket Launcher TNT Evilution Map 1 (System Control) UV-Max from pistol start in Solo-Net mode Ultimate Doom Episode 4 Map 1 (Hell Beneath) UV-Max from pistol start without taking damage Deus Ex . Pacifist Run is pretty standard, and the game encourages it. How about an ultimate run . No items. No skills or bio-augmentations, either. Deus Ex: Human Revolution can also be beaten with a pacifist run. The Missing Link DLC has a more difficult one: No weapons, explosives, or Praxis Kits (augments). A No Bullet Time run of First Encounter Assault Recon earns you the Real Time achievement. Doing it on Extreme difficulty is optional. Left 4 Dead and its sequel has both fan challenges and in game challenges via achievements. Some in-game challenges involve completing a campaign without any survivor getting incapacitated (Stand Tall), using pistols only (Akimbo Assassin), using melee weapons only (Confederacy Of Crunches), finish a game without ever causing friendly fire (Safety First), etc. Some fan challenges include playing a whole campaign on Expert difficulty without any bots helping you. Left 4 Dead 2 s Mutation gamemode adds different mechanics for players to tackle. Challenges include the whole team being forced to use swords only (Four Swordsmen), doing a solo run with the Magnum only (Lone Gunman), playing a VS game where all special infected are buffed up Jockeys (Riding My Survivor), and many others. With the Workshop also allowing for mutation add-ons, you have a whole gamut of options. Some people have tried a melee only run in where youre only allowed to attack zombies by meleeing them to death. The only exception you get is for the Tank where people are allowed to set it on fire. The sequel even has an achievement for this called Confederacy of Crunches. Well, two, technically, since killing the Tank with melee weapons (Tank Burger) is going to come up sooner or later if you take this on. The original concept for Left 4 Dead was for the scenery to be pitch black and the flashlight to play a vital role in seeing where youre going, but this was dropped in favor of the Chiaroscuro Hollywood Darkness effect for the final version because players kept being ambushed too often without being able to see where the infected were coming from. The Darkness Falls add-on (not to be mistaken for the ultra-realism mutation, which also fits this trope but in a different way) takes the visuals back to those roots, just in case the player thinks he sees too much to be made tense by the game. In both games, a good way to balance difficulty with gun script and bot AI enhancing add-ons is to play on a higher difficulty level. The balance is further skewed to the challenge side because in harder difficulties the Infected act and react faster, and the friendly fire is increased (which is further compounded by the extra firepower from the add-ons). Officially, JFK: Reloaded is about trying to recreate three hardest three shots in American history. In reality, its used for either causing as much chaos as possible, or pulling off trick shots, like shooting off the first ladys hat, hitting a special agent in the ass, hitting Kennedy with a ricochet, or shooting Governor Connallys hat out of his hand. The flexibility of many 4X strategy games with regard to Self Imposed Challenges is almost limitless. Some of the more notable variations include: One-City Challenge: Complete the game while maintaining only one city (base, planet, etc.) Mostly used in games where there is an alternative to global conquest or where cities can be easily razed. The Civilization V expansion Brave New World eventually added Venice as a civ designed to cater to precisely this play style. It cannot train or capture settlers, and while it can puppetize cities (either through conquest or through using a Merchant of Venice to buy a city-state), it cannot annex them directly. No Tech Trading: Your faction must research all of its own technologies. There is another far more useful reason for this option stopping the AI begging for tech, then getting uppity at you because you didnt give them free toys. No Wars of Aggression. Your faction must never declare war and may only wage wars in self-defense. Conquest is allowable only to reclaim territory previously lost to another faction. Manipulative Bastard. Ostensibly similar to the pacifist, the player eschews military aggression, focusing on the use of diplomacy and subterfuge to keep other factions locked in a state of perpetual war, while manipulating alliances and trade to ensure that no faction is able to gain the upper hand. The Civilization community has the long-established challenge of Always War, which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Youre always at war. This can mean Youre always at war with at least one other civilization or Youre always at war with everyone . Naturally, when Civilization IV decided to recognize Always War along with the One-City Challenge and No Tech Trading in-game, they opted for the latter form. On the other hand, they also offered Always Peace, which is also Exactly What It Says on the Tin. No AIs will declare war on you, and you cant declare war on anyone. Speaking of Civilization . Revolutions has a few Achievements for this. Absolute Power is Kind of Neat means playing the whole game under a Despotism (the simplest and worst form of government, by near-universal consensus). No Trade Initiation, which makes it much more difficult to exploit the AI which can normally be done one way or another in most games. For added danger, agree to all proposals made by the AI. Paradox Games dont really ask you to do anything except surviving. You can generally play as any country and have no stated goal, so you can choose a very hard mission for a very weak state. Europa Universalis allows you to play as any state at any date of the RenaissainceEnlightenment era, even if its a vassal or backward tribal nation. Playing as small GermanRussian city-state next to powerful and ambitious countries is not easy. This, however, isnt considered hardcore in the community: the real challenge is playing as a minor Native American (weak, decentralised, and technologically inferior to Europeans who will inevitably invade with fancy guns), African, or Asian state. Theres even achievement for conquering the world as Ryukyu 8212 an almost impossible goal. Master of Orion and other 4X games with customization of alien racefactionetc. puts a hard limit on the advantages the player can give the side being played as via a point system. However, all bets are usually off when it comes to the disadvantages that can be piled on. Well, it can be a good laugh to conquer the galaxy with a diplomatically challenged race with penalties to farming, research, ground combat and space combat, that started off in an arid, low gravity homeworld. These even exist in MMORPGs. City of Heroes has the MAN challenge. Essentially, attempting to see how far you can get without using any superpowers beyond Brawl and Sprint. Its considered cheating (and probably rude) to join teams and leech XP from more conventional characters. Due to the way mission enemies spawn, other MAN characters are fine if you can find someone else to join in your insanity. City of Heroes also added an in-game version in late 2007 with the Flashback system. A character can revisit old or outleveled story arcs and complete them with various restrictions, including a time limit, powered-up enemies, or only certain powers and abilities allowed. City of Villains has the petless Mastermind. Masterminds are the pet job of the game, and as such playing one without any minions is really, really hard. World of Warcraft has at least one example in the melee-only hunter (a class normally used primarily for ranged attacks), where the player refrains from using any ranged weapons whatsoever. Gweryc is probably the most well-known example. Theres also a player who levelled without any weapons or armour, and at least one pacifist . Leveling a priest as holy used to be this, though it would get you huge friends list when you hit max level. Recent changes have made holy considerably more efficient for basic questing. The Iron Man challenge has recently gained a lot of popularity for Wo W. The basics are that you may only use the worst gear in the game (no magic items at all), you can not spend talent points to improve your character, you may never trade with another player to get any stuff, and a lot of other more or less ridiculous requirements. And the big one: if you die, youre out. One player reached level cap without joining either the Horde or Alliance, by grinding to level 100 without leaving the Pandaren tutorial area. The webgame Kingdom of Loathing has one of the best-integrated self-imposed challenge systems, featuring (once you beat the game) the option to restart with any of the following restrictions: Cannot consume food (which normally lets you use more adventures per day), cannot consume booze (ditto), Oxygenarian (combination of both), Hardcore (cannot receive outside help from virtually any source), and Bad Moon (which dumps you back at the start with none of your items or familiars from previous games, in addition to being in Hardcore and occasionally subjecting you to adventures which give you advantages that are counterbalanced by disadvantages). If you successfully complete a game under these restrictions, youll obtain special items after defeating the Naughty Sorceress. such as extremely potent food items or powerful equipment. Another challenge is the 100 Bad Moon Black Cat run, where in addition to being in Bad Moon, you must find a Black Cat, make it your familiar, and use it for every combat. The cat doesnt like you using skills, steals your MP, decreases your stat gain and blocks you from item drops. The reward for this is the permanent ability to play Bad Moon. Unlocking Bad Moon in the first place requires its own Self-Imposed Challenge of completing a hardcore run without using any ten-leaf clovers, and this only unlocks it for your next run unless you follow the additional steps to permanently unlock it. Since clovers dont drop in Bad Moon and you cant access your items from previous runs, you can always follow one Bad Moon run with another one (unless you retrieve your items and use a clover for some reason after freeing the King but before Ascending). The seasonal challenge paths, with a new one introduced every three months. If you complete a challenge run when it is still is season, you get a huge boost of karma. Many of these paths had their own Item of the Month released to facilitate them. In order of release: Bees Hate You: The letter b is now your enemy. You take damage for every B in the names of your equipment, enemies become stronger for each B in their names, you cant use non-quest items with B in their names (and the quest ones hurt you), and bees randomly attack you. Way of the Surprising Fist: You become a Bare-Fisted Monk. You can learn impressive skills, but you cant equip weapons or off-hand items at all, and you have a vow of poverty which slashes how much Meat you earn and cuts off non-combat Meat gains. IOTM: The Tome of Clip Art, which allows access to powerful items - including halos, which grant powerful bonuses, but only if you fight unarmed. Trendy: Any limited-time content thats more than a year old is unusable. Avatar of Boris: You become a special class with its own skill tree. Mighty Boris can feast all day long and is aided by the versatile Clancy, but he Cant Hold His Liquor and will not even contemplate using any weapon but his trusty axe, Trusty. IOTM: The Helm of Boris, which pulls itself in Hardcore and provides great bonuses. including one that lets you tweak it for massive Monster Level gain. Bugbear Invasion: Bugbears invade the kingdom, radically shaking up the quest structure and completely changing the end-game. IOTM: the Artistic Goth Kid familiar, who draws monsters with his crayons. The wax shavings you get from these fights can be used to copy bugbears, helping to greatly speed up some areas. Zombie Slayer: You become a special class with its own skill tree. The names misleading, though - you are a zombie. All you can eat is brains. you cant consume as much booze as usual, and you can summon hordes of the undead to aid you (while at the same time being limited to undead familiars such as the Hovering Sombrero or the Spooky Pirate Skeleton). IOTM: the Box of Bear Arms, which pulls itself in Hardcore. One arm is a powerful weapon, the other is a strong off-hand item, and wearing both together grants access to useful skills which are even more useful in a Zombie Slayer run. Class Act: Non-class skills are unusable. IOTM: Thinknerds Grimoire of Geeky Gifts. In addition to summoning a variety of silly gift items, players in a Class Act run who use the Grimoire get a combat item that, when used, temporarily banishes a monster from a zone (useful if youre trying to farm an item from a specific monster). Avatar of Jarlsberg: You become a special class with its own skill tree. Jarlsberg, the Great and Powerful, knows incredibly potent magic, but his rampant fear of germs prevents him from eating or drinking anything he doesnt make himself in his Cosmic Kitchen, and he wont contemplate attacking physically. IOTM: the Pan of Jarlsberg, an off-hand item that greatly enhances Jarlsbergs skills and can be set to Cosmic Pan mode, turning food and booze drops (which Jarlsberg cant use anyway) into Cosmic Calories that can be converted into potions. Jick also released a Cosmic Bucket (which had the effect of giving its user the equivalent of 30 Jarlsberg runs - allowing access to all Jarlsbergs skills at Level 1), but begged players not doing a Speed Run to not buy it. BIG. You start the game at Level 15 (in a game where youre encouraged to fight the Final Boss at level 13 ). However, the enemies are tougher. too. IOTM: The Mini-Adventurer, a smaller version of you that gains new abilities in whichever class you chose as you gain levels. It learns its last ability at Level 15. which means that it has all its abilities from the start in BIG. KOLHS: Your character is reincarnated as a teenager. Theyre forced to spend the first 40 adventures of the day in a specific zone (Kingdom of Loathing High School) where all the monsters scale to your stats, and the school rules forbid hats and familiars with a base weight of over ten pounds. Fortunately, you can ingratiate yourself with one of three cliques depending on the skills you have: Muscle class skills earn you points with the Jocks, Mysticality class skills impress the Nerds, and Moxie class skills wow the Greasers. And after school, you can craft items from ingredients found while adventuring at the school, go on a photography side-quest for the Yearbook Club, or get some buffs. IOTM: the Over-the-shoulder Folder Holder, an accessory that pulls itself in Hardcore and that can hold up to three folders (five in KOLHS), each of which has its own useful effect and the Steam-Powered Cheerleader, a familiar that increases item drops, delevels your opponents, occasionally provides useful buffs at the start of combat, and is not bound by the normal ten-pound limit on familiars, but becomes less effective the more you use her. Class Act II - A Class For Pigs: You cannot use any non-class skills, but have access to all guild skills from the start of the run. In addition, the system for gaining stats and the effects of Monster Level alteration are greatly changed. (This challenge run debuted shortly after all of the classes were revamped.) Avatar of Sneaky Pete: You become a special class with its own skill tree. The cool and cunning Sneaky Pete has a variety of Moxious skills at his disposal, and is a heavy drinker, but a light eater. Instead of a familiar, he has his trusty motorbike which he can trick out, as well as a loyal Studio Audience that follows him around everywhere and interacts with his skills depending on how much they love or hate him. IOTM: Sneaky Petes Leather Jacket, a shirt that increases Moxie and the influence you have on Sneaky Petes Studio audience. It also gives one of two sets of bonuses depending on how the collar is adjusted. Slow and Steady: You gain 100 turns a day, instead of your usual 40. Those are the only turns you earn each day - that is, you cant use anything to gain more turns . Food, booze, and spleentacular items only give you substats, and items and gear that give you extra adventures at rollover have no effect. Heavy Rains: The Kingdom has flooded. Areas are filled with water to a depth depending on their elevation, radically increasing the strength of monsters, fish have invaded the land, and strange sentient water-beings have replaced most of the bosses. Whats more, your familiar cant withstand the tides, regularly disabling it without a life preserver, and the rain has a chance to wash away items. However, you can steal the power of the storm for yourself if you know how. IOTM: Thors Pliers. Aside from being a strong weapon and an efficient tool for jewelrymaking, this set of pliers allows you to recharge Lightning (one of the three storm powers and normally the only one that does not replenish over time). Picky: At the start of the run, you pick three familiars and up to eleven permed skills. They are the only ones you can use for the entirety of the run. You can learn skills from your guild, but otherwise thats it. Actually Ed the Undying: You become a special class with its own skill tree. As Ed the Undying, rise from your tomb to wreak vengeance upon the meddling adventurer who stole your Holy MacGuffin. Ed starts with no stomach or liver and cant use most healing items, but can upgrade his body (including boosting his spleen capacity to a whopping 35 ) and buy items with which to heal himself by slaying most monsters for Ka coins, which can then be spent in the Underworld. He can also learn a host of invocations to buff himself and curses and evocations to unleash upon foes, and instead of using familiars he can unlock a host of mummified servants from his tomb. And because of the whole undying thing, when slain in combat Ed can jump right back into the fray after a quick trip to the Underworld to healupgrade himself. IOTM: The Crown of Ed the Undying, a hat that gives boosts to maximum HPMP and initiative and lets your servants level up faster. It can also be adjusted with one of six golden animal figurines, each with a different bonus (allowing you to boost one of your three stats, monster level, item and meat drops, or give you health regen and let you auto-dodge your enemys first attack). Guild Wars has two notable challenges which were so impressive the developers eventually commemorated them with in-game titles. Legendary Defender of Ascalon required the player to reach maximum level in the Forced Tutorial of Prophecies . Because the monsters stopped giving experience well before that, players resorted to getting themselves killed by monsters, which caused them to level up and be worth experience. Nerfed with the introduction of daily quests. Survivors reach the maximum level without dying once, while Legendary Survivors gain ten times that amount of experience. Nerfed when the developers allowed the title to reset on death rather than being permanently removed. Super Mario Bros. games can get harder by avoiding power-ups. Avoiding everything but mushrooms is good avoiding those as well is a No Damage Run. Theres also the low score speed run in which you end the game with the lowest score possible as fast as you can by not touching anything at all . which means no contact with power-ups, coins, or enemies period . The current record is 500 points in a little under 9 minutes. Super Mario World in particular invites the challenges of not using Yoshi and not visiting the Switch Palaces that activate helpful blocks in other levels. Or even worse, try playing it without getting ANY non-mandatory stage points. raocow has completed such a run . Also, if youre in top shape, try playing the game using a DDR controller . Super Mario Kart allows players to shrink their characters on the select screen as if they had been struck by lightning or a poison mushroom. This way theyre slower and more easily crushed, ratcheting up the challenge of an already hard game. Find a hidden green mushroom in Super Mario 64 and collect the 8 red coins and the star before it catches you. That mushroom will not stop until it grants you an extra life. Now try it on a level thats not Lethal Lava Land (where the coins are all close to each other). Currently, theres the A Button Challenge in SM64, which is spearheaded by pannenkoek2012 . The object is to finish Super Mario 64 in as few A Button presses as possible. Currently, theres only 34 left for the 120 Star run and only one in the Any run. Try to beat as many New Super Mario Bros. 1 levels as you can using the turtle shell dash for the entire level. Fun times. Try to beat every single level with a single turtle shell, and restart from the very first level if you get hit. At all. Youll need to start after youve found a turtle shell, though, so youll have to play a little ways into the game at least to try it. Also extremely fun in New Super Mario Bros. . Complete as many levels as you can ducking the entire level. Its surprisingly easy to do this on the final level, but thats one of the few levels where its easy. Buddhist Mario, where you kill no enemies. collect no coins, and have to walk through the gate at the end to show humility. This guy does a parody challenge run of Super Mario Bros. . Unfortunately, he fails before even pressing the Start button. Interestingly, New Super Mario Bros. U contains challenge mode, that has you play through levels under certain conditions. Among these, there are challenges where you have to avoid collecting coins, and challenges where touching the ground instantly kills you. Hmm. Theres a whole LP on raocow s forum about this, called Super Stipulation World. Basically, an LPer called GVirusG plays Super Mario World . and every single level has a different viewer imposed self imposed challenge or stipulation that he has to adhere to. Like double emulator speed, no spriteobject layer, ascetic rules (basically Buddhist Mario), anti ascetic rules (collect every possible point), changed controls, no standing still, reverse controls. you name it. You can find the topic here . For added fun, the Bowsers Castle rooms are gonna be edited so every stipulation used in the corresponding world is in play AT THE SAME TIME So for room 5, youd need to bring two Goombas to the end, while constantly holding up, as well as bring a Bob-omb to the end, duck jumping the entire time, no flying and a game genie involved, no layer 1 or 3, while singing the Roys Castle song. Metroid players seem to love self-imposed challenges. Super Metroid in particular seems to attract them besides the traditional Speedruns. low-percentage runs and 100 runs. theres also runs where you dont collect some items usually required to progress, morphball-runs (only get out of morphball when its absolutely required), runs where Sequence Breaking is used to defeat the four main bosses in the reverse of the order in which they are normally fought, and of course the NBMB-run (no bossesminibosses), where you see how high percentage of items you can get without killing any bosses (its possible by exploiting sequence-breaking bugs in the game). Here are a few popular, obscenely hard challenges: The original Metroid without beating the minibosses. You get into Tourian by freezing an enemy. Then the Metroids kill you a whole damn lot. Metroid II: Return of Samus with just three items: bombs, ice beam, and one energy tank (the final boss is impossible without it). Yep, you can climb all those open vertical rooms with only bombs. Super Metroid . 11 completion. You need glitches to reach Mother Brain. And man, good luck with Ridley. Metroid: Fusion . 1 completion. This only works because required suit upgrades dont count toward your percentage. Its actually possible to get zero percent, but skipping that one missile tank (affectionately known as Bob) requires such precision that it was believed to be impossible to accomplish real GBA, as opposed to emulators with slowdown functions. At least, until BioSp4rk and spideyMZM pulled it off. Any of the Prime games on Hard with the minimum collection rate. (For instance, the current minimum for Prime 3 is 22.) Hard mode in these games is murderous without your stuff . its strictly for the hardest of the hardcore. Metroid: Zero Mission is the first (and to date, only) Metroid game that was designed with self-imposed challenges in mind. 15 item completion and a finish time of under 2 hours is required for the best ending, but the item completion can go as low as 9 (10 on hard), and the time to well under an hour. In Metroid Prime 2: Echoes . its possible to skip the Dark Suit. The challenge lasts until you obtain the Light Suit, which is obtained after conquering the third major area of the game. You normally obtain the Dark Suit after conquering the first major area. The Dark Suit reduces the damage taken from Dark Aethers air from oh god Im gonna die in 15 seconds to thisll probably become a problem if I stay out here too long, on top of boosting your defenses. This challenge requires a lot of Energy Tanks. guts, luck, and retries, and the Light of Aether better shine on you if you try it on Hard mode. A fairly common one in the Mega Man classic and Mega Man X series is to defeat all the robot masters or mavericks using only your arm cannon, without using an Emergency Energy Tank. For extra challenge, use no charge shot and battle all the bosses and WilySigma fights in the castle levels in this fashion as well. For the truly determined, try taking no damage at all. Exceptions must be made for those bosses who are only vulnerable to a specific weapon. Difficulty can vary wildly between games, from Slightly more challenging but fun, to Borderline impossible. As an example of Borderline impossible, lets player HideofBeast has done a minimalist, no damage speed-run of Mega Man X4 - 6 on Extreme mode. The X6 run in particular looks so painful to pull off that just watching it could be considered a masochistic activity. Powered Up . the remake of the first game, acknowledged the arm cannon only variant defeating a Robot Master with just your arm cannon will unlock them as a playable character. YouTube user RoahmMythril has actually finished every Robot Master stage in the main Mega Man series, Mega Man amp Bass . Mega Man Powered Up and the Game Boy games without taking damage, using only the uncharged arm cannon as far as possible. Four other Lets Players are attempting this challenge with an additional twist. On top of not taking damage and only using the uncharged Mega Buster throughout each stage, theyre also trying to pull it all off without missing a single shot. Mega Man 9 and 10 both have an item called The Book of Hairstyles that can be bought for the ever-so-low price of 20 screws. This item removes Mega Mans helmet, revealing his hair. But wait. Without his helmet, Mega Man takes MORE damage, and if he loses even ONE life, his helmet comes back, thus requiring the item to be bought. AGAIN. If youre looking to obtain the achievement for beating all 8 bosses without your helmet, expect your screw expenses to overflow to be screwed over. Also these games have the Mr. Ms. Perfect trophy run, which is a No Damage Run through the entire game . so if youre going to do this, you might as well combine it with the No Helmet Run mentioned above. Thanks to people who spent their time figuring this out, theres a not-so-obvious Mega Man X challenge: Beat the entire game without any upgrades from the get go. Unfortunately, since its not possible to defeat Chill Penguin without running into the Boots upgrade, its technically not from the get go. The password you need is: 4764 8488 7716. To make this even more fun, try without using boss weapons. If youre really brave, try beating Mega Man X4 as Zero using only his Raijingeki technique (which must be first obtained from Web Spider), excluding bosses that cant be hurt by it like Sigmas first form where hes dressed like the Grim Reaper for example. Try beating a Sonic the Hedgehog game without touching a single ring while doing a Speed Run. This takes a No Damage Run s difficulty Up to Eleven. A Sonic the Hedgehog 2 mod called Sonic 2XL plays with the no ring challenge by making the rings themselves deadly to Sonic. The rings become onion rings and collecting them makes Sonic gain weight. Get too many rings and Sonic gets fatter and more sluggish and should he get way too many, he becomes immobile from his fat and then dies from a heart attack. Even Super Sonic is not immune to becoming fat And if you have Tails as a partner, the rings he collects transfer to you . At least you can lose weight by running around the level or hitting a special item that cleans off that fat, unless youre nearly morbidly obese, then good luck finding a good spot to exercise. A different Sonic mod (this one based on Sonic the Hedgehog 1 ) called OMG THE RED RINGS takes this even further . with the rings being an instant kill. Even better The rings BOUNCE . and some levels are nearly impossible to beat normally. Catekillers, Marble Zone, and the scariest Sonic mechanic of all: water. After the Geek Critiques Kalin made a habit of complaining about these three ingredients, a ROM hacker took it upon himself to combine them into one horrifying concoction. The result Should really just be seen for yourself, most especially that ending. The Kirby series leaves itself open for these. One example is to not use Kirbys copy abilities, either for a game or the duration of one boss battle. Another is to not take any damage while fighting a certain boss. A challenge among Lets Players is the Haddaway Challenge, thought up by Butt8745. The LPer must play Kirby s Dreamland on Extra mode. while listening to What Is Love by Haddaway the whole way. and singing it on its first loop. Kirbys Dream Land features the Config Mode, which lets you adjust how many lives and how much health kirby starts out with. Combined with the above challenge, it is absolutely brutal. Good luck with the Boss Rush in the final stage. In Kirby Mass Attack . try beating the game completely with a minimum Kirby run, which means you complete the objectives list completely including Gold Star Champion which is received by beating every level and boss without taking damage. and you use the minimum amount of necessary Kirbies in each level without gaining any more, even if some of your Kirbies are defeated along the way. This means also going for a low score run, as youll have to dodge all of the fruit in every area to prevent other Kirbies from being created. In Kirbys Return To Dreamland . try beating the entire game by yourself with only one player. That includes EX-Mode and the True Arena. For added fun, try doing it without ever switching characters, and never having Kirby use an absorbed power to attack an enemy, which means only using powers to complete necessary puzzles in order to obtain gears. Iji has loads of this, some even implemented in-game. The hardest difficulty, Ultimortal, limits you to only upgrading your health - meaning youll have to stick with the first weapon, the shotgun, for the entire game until the final boss. The game encourages a Pacifist Run. as morality plays a large part in the story. Theres an optional timer for speedruns. Right before the final boss, if youve already beaten the game at least once, theres a computer that supercharges his shields, giving him loads of health. Not just loads of health it kicks him up to full power, increasing the rate and power of his attacks, the number of projectiles and the size of their hitboxes, and so on. You are specifically warned that doing this is a very bad idea if you dont know what youre doing. Expert players of Spelunky have attempted many different flavours of this. Theres the common stuff, like speedruns, no-damage runs, high-treasure runs, and so on. The game has some built-in optional challenges which unlock stuff, but these are generally considered extremely easy. That is to say nothing of the no treasure, no kills, no action button, no damage runs in Gates of Hell Spelunky that people have attempted. Try playing a Ratchet Clank game without ever buying ammo from a vendor, i. e. ammo crates are your only method you have of reloading weapons. For added challenge, never use a max-level weapon, and play on the highest difficulty, if possible. Warning: In the games where ammo doesnt reset if you die, this becomes a major case of Unstable Equilibrium. the more you die, the harder it gets. Doing this in Deadlocked on Exterminator difficulty is next to impossible. In the Future games, try Omniwrench only. That means never buy a weapon, and never use your starting weapon. Semoga berhasil. Rolling Thunder has been completed without the machine gun . The flexible sequence of La-Mulana lends itself well to many self-imposed challenges, which range from the easy (no ScalesphereIce Cape Pfff) to the murderous ( No Life Jewels ). Deliberately setting off the Hard Mode Tablet seems to be fairly popular with players of the remake. Yoshis Story has an official self-imposed challenge, the Melon Run. This requires eating all 30 Melons hidden in a level. The game goes out of its way to encourage this behavior, and it is the way to get high scores on levels. However, theres also the Thirty Lucky Fruit challenge, which is more true to the trope. This challenge requires eating 30 Lucky Fruit instead on a level. However, each level only contains 12 Lucky Fruit normally. The way to get the others is via an Easter Egg. When you do a Ground Pound near a Shy Guy while invincible, it turns into a Lucky Fruit. Actually making sure youre in the vicinity of several Shy Guys while invincible is another story entirely. Its not even possible on all levels, or with all Lucky Fruit on a particular level. Cave Story has a number of these, mainly the 3 Life challenge which is done by not picking up any Heart Containers. and the Basic Weapons challenge, which forces you to only use the three weapons you cant avoid getting throughout the entire game. There is also a timer for Speedruns in the bonus level. By finishing the last level in under 3 minutes you unlock a bonus song heard nowhere else in the game. Completing the last level is in itself an achievement, but finishing it with Minimum Health, Basic Weapons and under the time limit is almost impossible and very much luck-oriented - there is a section where blocks start falling from the ceiling and their locations are completely random. Doing this challenge has been known to test the sanity of some people. Whats particularly insane is that Pixel (the developer) seems to have expected people to try the Minimal HP run because every single boss in the Normal Ending Final Boss Rush has attacks that do 1 or 2 damage. That normally wouldnt bother the player, having 40 to 50 HP, but with only 3 HP, these attacks really hurt. Mighty No. 9 invokes the trope name in one of its achievements, where you have to defeat every boss in the game (the other Mighty Numbers, the intro stage boss, the Robot Factory and Prison bosses, and both phases of the Final Boss ) using only your default blaster. Fantastic Contraption . a Flash-based physics-puzzle game, lends itself to this. Players will try to complete the goal with as few pieces as possible, or without using certain kinds (gravity power, no catapults, etc.). The fact that you can save and share your contraptions for others to watch in action aids in this. A popular challenge among Japanese Tetris players is to stack blocks to form a stack as wide and tall as the playing field, but with holes in it that form the shape of a greater than (gt) sign. In the Tetris: The Grand Master series, if you successfully form at least half of the stack, youll get a secret grade proportional to how complete it is. Playing one-handed in TGM is also a mildly popular challenge. One-handed GM runs have been done. Playing Tetris: The Grand Master 2 without using hard drop. This seems trivial, and loses relevance once you hit instant-drop speeds, but using only soft drop slows down runs enough to impact grades, espeically if youre trying to get the GM rank. Tetris: The Grand Master 3 introduces the Hold feature, which would become a mandatory requirement for later Tetris games. Which means naturally, some players attempt no-Hold runs. Including no-Hold Grand Master runs. Playing with one rotation button may be typical of casual Tetris players that dont care about speed, but in TGM . it is very much this trope, since rotating three times just to achieve a particular piece orientation is very time-consuming and will probably result in Yet Another Stupid Death. Many people have completed levels in World of Goo for trying to get either as much goo per level as possible, complete the level with least moves or the shortest time. Often it turns the gameplay into something completely different. Free Cell . The most obvious one is reducing the number of free cells, sometimes even to zero (69 out of the original Microsoft 32000 can be solved with no freecells). Some software implementations will have this as an option. Another is to make the biggest flourish note cards automatically going to the home row at the end of the game you can. There are a few games where it is possible to set up a 52-card flourish, taking the home row from empty to full in one move flat. It is possible to complete a lot of co-op chambers in Portal 2 without any help from a partner (as in they dont place a portal or interact with anything) and very few of them require glitches. Finding a partner who will let you do this is a problem, though. Guitar Hero 2 and III have a cheat code called Performance Mode, which removes the fret board, requiring you to play by memory . GH III also has a precision mode which cuts down the lax (if not too lax) default timing window to a very picky one. Also, the strumming in GH and Rock Band becomes trickier if you use a pick (or actually strum with your hands, as opposed to gripping onto the strum bar). Instead of using all of the fingers on their fretting hand to hold down notes, some players make things more difficult by choosing to forgo the use of their pinky, or their pinky AND ring fingers, the latter of which is sometimes called Django Mode after the guitarist Django Reinhardt, who only had full use of two of his fingers. Amazingly, at least one player has five-starred every song on Expert using only two fingers. Dance Dance Revolution . in a similar vein, has similar self-imposed customization options for the absurdly hardcore. Would you like to play this dance backwards with no visible steps at several times the normal step speed If youre playing backwards, then the increased step speed doesnt make much of a difference 8212 it only changes the rate of speed the arrows scroll at. It doesnt change the songs actual tempo. BUT What about playing with the arrows at an inconsistent scroll speed (BoostWaveBrake), with the pattern randomized (Shuffle), and the arrows appearing - just before theyre supposed to be hit - (Sudden) On the other side of the spectrum, we have actual performance players, who will put out elaborately choreographed routines, complete with knee drops, innovative use of the safety bar, spins and sometimes even flips just for the sake of doing so. To say nothing of the all-Great challenges. MUCH harder than it seems. Or try clearing a song with a score of 0. This makes it Good attack. You cant get anything higher, and are only allowed a very limited number of lower ratings. Or, try playing a level 14 (DDR X and beyond ratings) WITHOUT using the bar. For extreme pain, try a level 19 without using the bar on doubles. Popn Music has even more opportunities for self-imposed challenges. Newer installments have Challenge mode, which is essentially the games normal mode, but after picking a song, you can choose up to two objectives to complete within the song for extra Challenge Points. These challenges range from the tame (such as scoring x points or getting less than y misses) to the not-so-tame (having the scroll speed of the notes multiply or notes do spiraly animations at regular intervals) to the insane (having song characters go into Dance Ojama mode and block your view of the notes or completing the song with a perfect score). If you get enough Challenge Points, youll get an extra stage. Should you desire even more challenge, theres the Cho-Challenge Mode, which is the same as Challenge Mode but with the Cool note judgment (in addition to Great, Good, and Bad), which makes scoring Nintendo beatmania Hard. BMS player Lunatic Rave 2 has a secret option called Extra Mode. You know all those notes in the background channels expect to play a lot more of them. To put this in perspective, Scripted Connection (Long Mix) normally has 4459 notes in it. If youre playing an accurate BMS of it in Lunatic Rave 2, Extra Mode increases the number of notes to 6118 (This has the side effect of making some songs nigh-impossible) Another secret modifier called Loudness (itself a reference to The Dirty Of Loudness, famous for its all-button mash sections ) is less a Self-Imposed Challenge than it is something thats fun to screw around with. It can add surprising flavor to an otherwise bland chart when set to 10 to 30. Siccing this at 100 on Diavolo A yields 9880 notes. In O2Jam . playing a song with no speed modifiers (which most players use) is referred to as slowjamming, and is a commendable skill. On the other hand, in Guitar Hero . using Hyper Speed is the exact opposite and is regarded by many Stop Having Fun Guys as a Game Breaker. HyperSpeeds designation as a player-specific OPTION in Guitar Hero 5 (alongside FOCUS MODE) should remedy the HyperSpeed flame wars. to put it plainly, the player gets to pick what hyperspeed they want for themselves and ONLY for themselves, everyone else is not affected by one players HS choice. beatmania IIDX has the Hard modifier, which starts your gauge at 100 and removes the requirement of ending with 80 or higher to clear the song, but it makes your gauge drop much faster with each missed note, and it fails you if your gauge hits zero at any point. This is partially a subversion, particularly where One More Extra Stages (Which require a specific grade with the HARD gauge on a specific song on Another as your fourth stage) are concerned. The Hazard modifier, added in IIDX 16: Empress, is this trope played very very straight, as one miss causes you to fail out and scratches out your grade. This means you have to Full Combo the song. Did I mention that some charts have yet to be Full-Combod Its also a subversion, cornering on Unishment territory, concerning songs with all their (fake) difficulty concentrated at the end of the song. If youre a good enough player to hold your own until the ending massacre, the fact that a Hard gauge removes the 80 requirement can make songs easier to pass than on the regular bar. The EX-HARD modifier, introduced in IIDX 19: Lincle, is much harsher than HARD mode, playing the trope straight again. DJMAX Technika tournaments have employed the Nobody Knows Next ruleset, in which each round, instead of just trying to get a high score, youre also required to fill another condition, such as playing with only one hand, playing with only your pinkies, or playing with the machine muted while you listen to completely different music via headphones hooked up to a portable player. Theres also the Miss Attack challenge in which you try to get as many Misses as possible without failing . and roulette mode in which multiple players line up and take turns on the machine on a per-swipe basis. Space Channel 5 and its sequel leaves room for these. Failure mode where you rescue nobody and get the minimum view rating, Mirror mode is when you play through the game with the mirror code activated. and Purge mode, in which you shoot the hostages and rescue the robots. StepMania has Song Attacks, or this . This is the game intentionally messing you up. A simple one in Rhythm Heaven is to play the game blind8212that is, blindfolded, with the game video disabled, looking away, or doing something else to divert your attention completely away from the screen. This works on most minigames in the series, though some games like Night Walk in Rhythm Tengoku (GBA) require you to use some visual cues. NetHack features a bevy of voluntary challenges, including a Pacifist Run. an atheist run (not using the pray command to ask favors from the gods, or dropping anything on altars to test for alignment, or chatting with priests, or. ), an illiterate run (not reading anything, and not writing anything beyond the letter X), a foodless run (not eating anything, including non-foods), and for the truly psychotic, combinations of any or all of the above resulting in things like wishless genocideless polyitemless polyselfless illiterate atheist weaponless vegan (actually achieved). You get nothing for completing these other than satisfaction, but the game will keep track of what youve accomplished. Nethack is already Nintendo Hard of itself, so these challenges add replay value only for the truly hardcore. It gets even more bizarre when you get into the fan-created challenges. The strangest: Zen 8212 going through the entire game blindfolded. Only a tiny handful of recorded Zen completions are known: samurai (one of the two classes that can start with blindfolds in the inventory), rogues (the other class who can start with a blindfold), and at least one tourist . The tourist used a towel. Angband . No artifacts a serious challenge in a game where your only protection against instadeath on deeper levels is wearing the right magical bling. The Ironman challenge, where you can never go up any staircase, and can never return to the surface by any means, until victorious. There have been attempts to win with no artifacts or ego-items (such as angband. oook. czladder-show. phpid10574 ) none of them have been successful. Ancient Domains of Mystery has a series of self imposed challenges, some of which involved the Infinite Dungeon (the only dungeon in the game to not save visited levels, making it similar to Angband ). Such challenges include: Ironman: Your typical ID dive. You must use any down stairs you see. The object is to retrieve a powerful artifact from level 67. Leadman: Ironman, only you are allowed to stay on a level as long as you please. Goal is to find the bottom. Aluminum Man: Ironman, only you are allowed to do the Village Dungeon quest first (gives you6 levels before you enter). Steelman: Survive in the wilderness, and the wilderness only until level 50. Eternium Man: Never enter a village or city, may not read books in the wilderness. Now stand in one place in the Small Mountain Cave. This is difficult because the SMC is the most dangerous location in the game: monsters spawn faster and have double your experience (typically a character can fight something up to about 5 to 10 levels higher than he is, depending on what it is8212even small white mice get dangerous in the SMC). Survive to level 50, then you can leave. There is only one recorded winner, which got extremely lucky and was able to abuse game mechanics to become godlike thanks to lucky spawn. Titanium Man: Complete the game lowest level possible (Low Level Run ). One player ran a troll (which, as the dumbest race, learns very slowly) and finished at level 1, with 86 xp. The only monster slain was Andor Drakon (worth 1 xp, presumably the rest of the xp was from sacrifices). Mercuryman: This one is fun. Use melee weapons as ranged, and ranged weapons as melee. Rocks (an abundant missile) make a great melee item. Goldman: Never spend any money. Be as greedy as possible: any time you see a store you must sell all of your items. You are not allowed to drop or sacrifice any money. Gold is heavy (I hope you find a girdle of greed and bless it). Carbon Fiber Man: Never carry more than 100 stones. An extremely harsh equipment restriction, especially considering that there are five plot-necessary artifacts which each weigh 100s and each need to be brought to the bottom of the Caverns of Chaos, which you have to do while naked in this challenge (and without wearing a signet ring needed to peacefully pass a very nasty monster). Astonishingly, it has been completed at least once. Archmage: Raise a character capable of casting Wish at will . Brimstone Man: Go straight to the Tower of Eternal Flames (guess what its like ), and dont exit until you have the Chaos Orb of Elemental Fire in your possession. Extremely difficult, as most level 1 characters will be burned to ashes within several turns (along with their equipment), and the Tower contains many high-level monsters and a nasty boss. Ultra Paragon: Complete an Ultra Ending with Paragon of Order status. Becoming a Paragon of Order requires, among other things, that you never commit a single chaotic act. Maintaining Paragon of Order status is hard enough in a normal game its nigh-impossible for an ultra ending. In Azure Dreams . try leaving the monster tower for the first time, then putting Kewne away, going in with no items, and making it to the top of the tower using only items you find inside the tower on one run . This borders between Luck-Based Mission and downright Unwinnable. Dwarf Fortress s Self Imposed Challenges come in four varieties: Self-imposed challenges where players abstain from some gameplay feature like not brewing any liquor, starting build-related challenges like starting with only unskilled dwarves, location-related challenges like building a fort in a place with an aquifer or goblin tower, and megaprojects, which are huge constructions undertaken only to satisfy the players ego. There is a huge list on the df wiki . There are also Stupid Dwarf Tricks . Several of them have listed Usefulness ratings of none, none, by definition, but highly amusing , negative, limited, questionable, marginal, but very cool , and, for the underwater statue room, absolutely, positively none. Particularly notable is the so-called Hermit Challenge where 6 of the 7 embarking dwarves and every single immigrant get killed off and caravans are ignored or killed. Check out One Dwarf Against The World . the story that made the name Urist popular in the DF fandom. Theres also Drunk Fortress , where the challenge is from Alcohol Induced Stupidity instead of in-game. The games of the Dark Souls series are hard enough on their own. but the New Game kicks things up a notch, and players who are patient enough to git gud love to find ways to make things even more difficult. One Dark Souls speedrunner, Lobos Jr, spends a large amount of time streaming himself coming up with and playing various challenge runs. Of them include: The Shield-only run: can only defeat enemies with a shield (which can be equipped in the main hand as a particularly weak weapon) The Straight sword hilt-only run The Roll only run: can only defeat enemies by rolling into them with Kirks Thorn Armor (which deals a small amount of damage) The 100 Achievements run, which can only be done in a minimum of three playthroughs of the game (up to NG2) The Cheese all bosses run: Defeat all bosses only using strategies that require the minimum effort possible. Ironic, since some of the bosses cheese strats are severely harder to set up or pull off (such as Ornstein and Smoughs, or Quelaags) than if he had just fought them normally. The Use What You See run, where he had to equip any item he saw, and drop the item whose slot it took up. Particularly hard when, in Anor Londo, he spent about two hours going through most of the castle incapable of running, rolling, blocking, or parrying because he picked up and had to equip all of Havels armor and shield because he didnt want to fight OampS with a very weak weapon. The No RollNo Dash run. The upside down run, where everything displayed except his HUD is completely flipped upside down. The Limbo ModNo HUD run, where all the textures are turned black a la Limbo. and he cant see his HUD at all. The Twitch Souls challenge run, where he can only see the game in his Twitch window, complete with a 13 second visual delay. The SUPER Speed run, where everything is at double speed. Twitch Plays Dark Souls, where he tries to run through Dark Souls while his Twitch chat messes with his controls a la Twitch Plays Pokmon. The Clear Lordran challenge, where, after defeating all bosses sans Gwyn, he goes through each area and kills every enemy without replenishing his estus at a bonfire. He made it as a sort of farewell to Dark Souls I before starting Dark Souls II, but he died very close to the end and procrastinated restarting and finally finishing it until late 2015. EarthBound has numerous 1-in-128 items. These range from items you cant find in stores (such as the Sword of Kings and the Xterminator Spray) to items you can get well before stores stock them. Numerous fan quests have arisen as gamers try to get every one of them. Theres also the t-rex bat challenge, where you try and buy the t-rex bat (a weapon for Ness that you arent supposed to get for 2 more full areas) when you are leaving Winters with Jeff by selling the random drops you get from enemies untill you reach 36698. Playing Final Fantasy I with a party of four White Mages is a popular one. The early-level characters are so weak that a battle with goblins can reach epic proportions. Solo quests are also popular, and the truly hardcore will try both 8212 that is, soloing with a weak class. This is so hard that there are whole FAQs available for beating the game with one Thief, one White Mage, etc. Due to Sequence Breaking. it is possible to reach the Castle of Ordeals much earlier than thought possible, as well as getting the airship very early. This has led to the Level 11 Class Change, which is only possible by running from all battles and fighting only the mandatory fights before Class Changing. Final Fantasy IV has a Cecil-only challenge. God help you in the Sealed Cave. Final Fantasy V . predictably enough, has at least a couple to call its own: Freelancers-only, Four Class Challenge, and a popular variant of the latter, the Four Job Fiesta where each character is assigned one class per crystal. Having all characters be the same job is also popular for this one. As both games have Job Systems. most of the aforementioned variants are also popular in Final Fantasy III . Final Fantasy VI has quite a few of these. The Natural Magic challenge, where you forgo the use of all Espers (or any equipment that offers spells) thus, the only magic that is available are characters who learn Magic through the natural process of leveling (hence the name). This also nixes any form of Esper-based stat boosting, so it is quite difficult. The CES challenge is another popular one you must beat the game using only Celes, Edgar, and Setzer when the game doesnt force other characters onto you. These are the only three characters you must have when assaulting Kefkas tower. Combining CES and Natural Magic is only for the highly skilled. Solo Character Runs with Natural Magic are also popular. Difficulty ranges from the challenging but doable Terra to the near impossible Relm, Cyan and Umaro. Low Level Runs are common, too, through skilled use of Gaus abilities, among other things. And if Natural Magic games arent hard enough, you can attempt the No Equipment Natural Magic Game(NENMG). No Espers, armor, weapons, or relics can be used at any point during the game, so your characters ability to deal damage comes ONLY from their natural abilities (Blitz, Rage, etc.). Simply grinding to level 99 is forbidden, and every optional quest must also be beaten, except for the Magi Master. Several people have tried going through Final Fantasy VII without getting better weapons or using any materia. Some mixed self imposed challenges are: Low Level, No Materia, No Items Low Level, No Materia, Initial Equipment, No Accessories Lowest Level, No Items, Initial Equipment, No Accessories, No Enemy Skills No Summons, No Items, No Limit Breaks, No Accessories, No Enemy Skills Try beating Emerald Weapon and Ruby Weapon without items, materia, or using a Limit Break. meaning you can only use physical attacks. The Limit Break only challenge: you can only use Limit Breaks to heal or deal damage in battle. Its nowhere near as easy as it sounds, especially since the main character with a healing Limit Break dies at the end of Disc 1. Final Fantasy VIII arguably has the nastiest of these in the form of the no junction challenge, sometimes known as No GF challenge. No character can ever equip a GF at any time for any reason throughout the entire game. This cuts off access to every skill you get other than attacks and limit breaks, meaning you only get three characters capable of healing your party in any way, get one way to resurrect fallen characters (albeit completely random through Angelo Recover), and no access to the stat boosting junction system which is required to get stats that are in any way passable. Despite all this, apparently somebody did this without resorting to the games Game Breaker. It apparently took him 200 tries to beat the final boss. Final Fantasy IX steps up the Low Level Run to the unique Level 1 Challenge, requiring players to skip and avoid all possible experience in battle, resulting in a Level 1 team against the final boss. Final Fantasy IX has another challenge unique to that game. Obtaining one secret weapon requires reaching the final dungeon in 12 hours from the start of the game. Therefore, a perfect game requires completing a speedrun and picking up along the way all the games missable items and sidequests, of which there are a lot. The diehard Final Fantasy X community is the king of them all. Not satisfied with the already insanely difficult bonus content, such as the Monster Arena or the Dark Aeons and Penance, theres a massive array of guides on GameFAQs devoted to beating the game with various limiters mixed and matched, from No Sphere Grid (which entails no stat bonuses or new abilities whatsoever), to single character challenges, to the current king of them all, The No Sphere Grid No Summon No Overdrive No Escape No No-Encounters No Blitzball No Customize Challenge, which mainly involves stealing and throwing items with Rikku and praying for certain equipment drops. Notable in that none of these challenges have ever got past Braskas Final Aeon, so theyre generally abandoned before the game is truly completed as actually beating the Final Boss is considered virtually impossible. Final Fantasy strikes again with Final Fantasy XII . which has a great system for these challenges. Take a sampling: Theres the classic No License Board challenge, which leaves you with an extremely limited pool of abilities and equipment. This is usually obviously paired with No QuickeningsNo Summons. Another one is the 122333 challenge, named for the levels each character starts at when they join your party (Vaan at 1, Balthier and Fran at 2, and Basch, Ashe and Penelo at 3) and involves running from every monster encounter except bosses until a certain item can be found. This can be combined with the NLB challenge above, if youre extremely masochistic. Theres also the classic solo character run, and since anyone can learn any ability, wear any armor and wield any weapon, you can pick any character for almost equal challenge. Probably the easiest challenge available is the ECC, or Enforced Class Challenge, which mimics the Zodiac Job System and forces each character to become a certain class - e. g. Penelo is now a White Mage who can only purchase licenses for magical armor, staves, white magick, and magick-based Augments. Another popular one is called the DCHLB challenge, or Dual-Character Half-License Board. One character takes the bottom half of the board, meaning they can wear any armor and use any weapon, but they can only use their starting abilities, while the other takes the top half and has access to all the Magick, Technicks, Augments and Accessories, while staying in their original equipment. Decoy is pretty much your best friend here. Final Fantasy XIII goes a slightly similar route to Final Fantasy X by having the NCU (No Crystarium Usage) challenge. Players can also attempt the PRO (Primary Roles Only) challenge, allowing players to only upgrade the Crystarium in the first three roles a character unlocks. On the opposite end, they can choose to do SRO (Secondary Roles Only) meaning the game would be played as an NCU until Chapter 10 of the game and only allowing to upgrade the Crystarium in the Secondary roles. Not to forget the Initial Equipment challenge, No Accessory challenge and similar ones. Have fun coupling those together with NCU. Star Ocean: Till the End of Time s Battle Trophy system actively encourages this. You get in-game rewards for beating bosses in under a minute, for beating them without actually moving the player-controlled character, for beating the optional bosses with only one character, for a Low Level Run. for beating the entire game armed with the games weakest weapon, et cetera. Star Ocean: The Second Story has an option to turn the final boss into a God-like being with insane amounts of HP and spells capable of killing your entire party in a single hit. The game also provides a dungeon specifically designed to help train your party to a high enough level so that this battle wont be completely impossible. But, even at level 255-highest possible level one can achieve-this battle is ridiculously hard. Defeating Unlimited Indalecio is less a matter of level grinding to 255, and more a matter of skill and knowing Game Breaking strategies you can use to bring him to his knees. One effective but somewhat unorthodox strategy requires not using Rena, the best healer in the game, because she cant use Bloody Armor (which grants invincibility at the cost of constantly draining your HP). Instead, use Opera or Noel and have them use full-party heals as necessary. The fight is still pretty tough though because Indalecio flies all over the battlefield while spamming spells and you have to watch everyones HP so nobody gets eaten by their armor. Unlimited Indalecio is widely regarded as one of the most difficult bosses in any RPG ever made add in a higher difficulty level (Universe mode) where all enemies strength, defense, blocking ability and health is doubled for a new level of controller-meets-wall. And thats with a full party of mini-gods armed with their best moves and ultimate weapons. Additionally, you can refuse recruitment of all other characters, leaving you with only the two forced upon you (Claude and Rena). Combined with the above, controllers will be snapped. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion has the Chuck Norris challenge. You play as a fighter with no weapons or armour throughout the whole game. The Elder Scrolls series is made for this sort of thing. Theres an additional Live Off The Land challenge, begun by Morrowind players, that requires leaving all possessions and gold in town, traveling on foot, and surviving missions only with what the player comes across. A monkalchemist build has the most success at making the use of any possible scavengings and loot. This challenge is also doable in Oblivion . but without unarmored skill the player needs to rely on acrobatics, athletics, and arcade reflexes. Also, its permissible to use alchemy equipment only if left where its found looting it means that it has to be left in town, and inaccessible for future adventures. Quite possible in Fallout 3 . when using the paralysing palm perk and V. A.T. S (vault assisted targeting system ). A blogger named Christopher Livingston decided to play Oblivion as a Non-Player Character. and wrote about it here. PC Gamer magazine later hired him to give Skyrim the same treatment (look here ). Another blogger, Tom Francis, decided to play using illusion spells . And nothing but illusion spells. Another challenge is to play The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as a vegan. It sounds simple, but gets harder the more you think about it. No food with any meat or animal components. No potions made from any animal components (which means no buying potions or using found healing potions, because who knows whats in those things). No hide or leather armor, or any armor that must be upgraded using leather, even leather strips. In the same vein, no Dragonbone armor. Same thing for weapons, which meant no arrows (because of feathers) No Forsworn equipment because it all appears to be made out of bones. No killing animals of any kind - wolves, bears, sabrecats, etc - so theres a lot of running and sneaking involved. No horses ever, not even Shadowmere. No animate dead or command animal spells. Only dragons that die for plot reasons can be killed. No dragon souls (animal by-products to the extreme), meaning the only available shouts are a partially-upgraded Fus Ro Dah and Whirlwind Sprint. Its common for players who enjoy role-playing to write a character and play as that character, flaws and all. For example, a noble paladin who cannot loot corpses and must leave them to rest in peace, or a warrior who refuses to use any form of magic, including enchanted items. According to Elder Scrolls lore, the first Redguards to arrive in Tamriel did this In-Universe they made the decision to settle the Alikr Desert, one of the most inhospitable environments on Tamriel, because according to Redguard philosophy, something that can be obtained without struggle is not worth obtaining in the first place. Fallout: New Vegas . with the addition of Hardcore Mode (ammo has weight, players must eat, drink, and sleep, stimpaks only heal over time, companions can die and crippled limbs can only be healed with a doctors bag or the addictive drug Hydra), allows for its own inbuilt challenge. Many players have chosen to up the ante by restricting themselves to realistic carry weights (in the realm of 50 to 100 units of gear maximum) and sometimes realistic carry methods (such as only having one or two longarms and two one-handed firearms, and not carrying anything that couldnt reasonably fit in a rucksack). PC gamers, with access to mods, can increase this even more: realistic damage and armor values that make armor much more valuable and allow for the player and enemies to be taken down in a single good shot, purchasable backpacks for an in-game increase in carry weight, mods that add weight to all items (even money), and even a hideously complex needs system that requires players to keep track of proper protein and nutrition intake as well as calories and hydration, follow their circadian rhythm and get the right amount of sleep at the right time of the day, and keep track of their levels of stimulants and alcohol in their system its even possible to suffer water intoxication from drinking too fast, or to put yourself in a food coma from overeating. To put it simply, combining the many realism mods (which are often patched or outright programmed to integrate well) with self-imposed challenges allows for the game to be made into a maddeningly difficult simulation of post-apocalyptic life. The YouTube channel Many a True Nerd has even gone through and completed the game with no healing, including DLC. That also includes not healing Rads, crippled limbs and addictions. Hes now working on Fallout 3 under the same rules. Fable allows you to bet your money for one or more boasts before quests, which include a mix of standard challenges (such as wearing no armor or killing no enemies ) and quest-specific ones (such as perfectly defending all civilians ). Following them earns you extra cash, while breaking them forfeits the bet. In The World Ends with You . the player can adjust hisher level as preferred the lower the level used, the better the drops and experience. On top of that, one can get a 100 completion rating from collecting everything that is to be collected, and defeating all the enemies. Though, it has no bearing on your game, other than showing off your game card to someone over wireless connection. Even the noise reports detail all the item drops, collecting them will add a star, which has no effect, except to inform you what it drops, and make it look pretty in the report. You can even fight any of your previous bosses too, on any level and difficulty youre on, and compete in a boss rush, and fight an absolutely Nintendo Hard boss. Finally, there is the ability to finish the game with only your starting weapon (a badge with the ability of pyrokinesis), no clothes to give stat boosts, and no food eating to increase attack power and defense. The game must be played on the hardest difficulty level available at each stage of the game on level 1, and the Retry on Easy feature for bosses is not allowed. Play the Later Shin Megami Tensei games that have a demonic compendium, but do not use the compendium. Or do a Nuzlocke run of the game. Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne has a fairly well-known challenge: Solo Hard True Demon Ending mode. It consists of starting the game on Hard mode, playing only with the main character, and going the TDE path, which requires you to finish the Labyrinth of Amala. and then fight the Bonus Boss right after fighting the Final Boss . Since in this game you can only have 8 skills at a time, and you can never relearn skills once forgotten, it consists of planning your skills for each single boss and dungeon before even starting the game. In the first two SaGa games: using a horribly unbalanced party. Probably the most infamous is four monsters. In the first game, you can simply choose not to recruit anyone and attempt a Solo-Character Run. Romancing SaGa . After completing the game once, you are given the option to power up the final boss using however many Cosmic Keystones you have collected. Five or fewer means only his HP will increase, while six or more (up to ten) means his other stats will increase as well. In all cases he becomes more powerful and hits multiple times in one turn. To enhance the challenge, tack on a solo-character restriction. The fight reaches near Serial Escalation status. Another popular one is to take on his elder siblings Shirach and Death mano-e-mano 8212 both of whom can be challenging even with a full party. Try to defeat That One Boss Ewei without Multi Hit techs. His meat shields protect him from damage, and he regains them two turns after both are defeated, and those protect him from damage. Ewei also uses a Hit All magic spell and he can recover his own HP, plus he has a magic shield applied at the very start of battle to minimize the damage dealt to him. Pokmon players can try the Mono-Type, Solo. No Evolutions. Speedruns. or Scramble challenges. Scramble entails other players picking your team for you its possible to end up with a team of Magikarp and Wurmple, for example. And you cant evolve them. Which sucks for you. A fairly common challenge is to not use any healing items in battle, or at least, only use one or two like important A. I. opponents do. The game noticeably becomes much more challenging when you cant spam potions or revives, with a few areas and battles requiring near Smogon levels of planning to get through. One of the more common amp less intense self-imposed challenges is not using legendary or pseudo-legendary Pokemon. This puts you on an even playing field with the AI, which (usually ) doesnt use them. Try the Permadeath run: If a Pokemon faints, it gets released. Good luck with the Elite Four. And the No-Whiteout challenge. If all of your Pokeacutemon in the party faint, the game is over and you have to restart. Getting that Pokeacutedex completion can really suck. A more minor challenge is challenging Gym Leaders with exactly the same number of Pokemon the Gym Leaders use. Theres a related version called the Nuzlocke Challenge . named after the comic of the challenges creator. The challenge is simple: All faintings are permanent (either via releasing, just keeping them in a box permanently, or transferring to a later gen game if you really want to), and youre only allowed to catch the first Pokeacutemon you see on any given route or cave. Also, you need to give all the Pokeacutemon you catch nicknames. Completing the challenge Less simple. There are also optional rules some players add to make it even harder like not using items. or only using items. note i. e. no healing at Pokeacutemon centers Taken Up to Eleven with the Wedlocke Challenge officially created by Marriland. where the Pokeacutemon you catch you create pairs out of that must fight alongside each other. Once a pair is created, its permanent until one of the Pokeacutemon dies or you release it at will (which you probably wont want to), and you cant deposit any Pokeacutemon in your PC barring that situation. Once you choose your Pokeacutemon for battle, you can only switch for its partner. So much for switch training and being able to easily level up your entire team at will. Yeah, good lock with that. Pokmon X and Y brings us the Wonderlocke Challenge, where you follow the standard rules of the Nuzlocke Challenge, except you must Wonder Trade away whatever you catch and use what you get from that instead. The catch Wonder Trade is entirely random. Optionally, instead of releasing fainted Pokeacutemon, you must Wonder Trade them again. This results in something similar to the Scramble challenge mentioned above, only even more random . Some players would combine the above two and do a Wonderwedlocke Challenge. Also the Poke-Ball only challenge, where you only use standard Poke Balls to capture every Pokemon on the pokedex including the Legendary Pokemon. The only exceptions for this are in places like the Safari Zone and Bug-Catching Contest, which force you to use specific types of balls. Another challenge would be facing uber-high level Bonus Bosses using only level one Pokeacutemon. For even more challenge, try it without Focus Sash or a Pokeacutemon with the Sturdy ability. The Christian (Fundamentalist) Playthrough (though it mischaracterizes some Christian beliefs ): No evolving your Pokemon No Dark, Psychic, or Ghost pokemonmoves No Ekans, Arbok, Seviper, or Serperior Pokemon must be Level 22 before they can breed Pokemon of the same gender can not share a daycare center It is your duty to keep any egg pokemon in the party til LV 18 You are not the avatar. You gotta deal with it. You may catch a pokemon if it will became a type of your nation (I. E. Earth can have a Torchic because it will become a Fighting type) If it evolves and is not a part of your typing scheme, then out may not use it anymore. Normal and Fairy-types are free game unless they have a secondary typing. (I. E. Everyone can have a Ratata, but only Air tribes can have a Pidgey, Water Tribes can have a Bibarel, etc.) For Pokmon Mystery Dungeon players, their biggest challenges involve Kecleon. Firstly, theres recruiting one - even under the absolute best of conditions, they have about a 0.1 chance of recruitment. Craftier players can try to steal from Kecleon. This is obviously more difficult than it sounds, since stealing will result in swarms of extremely high-level Kecleon that can double the speed of any other Kecleon in the room, and being defeated will turn the entire players inventory into the totally useless Plain Seeds. And for the truly gutsy, theres defeating Kecleon. Completionists and collectors have the Living Pokeacutedex challenge, which requires one of every species in the PC at once, in National Pokeacutedex order. If you dont have access to previous generations or cheats, good luck. True Poke-maniacs can take even that Up to Eleven with the Living Shinydex challenge, which is the same as above, only with the ultra-rare Shiny Pokemon. This includes one-time-only Legendaries. Have fun spending literal days soft-resetting the game 1,000 times until you get that Shiny starter Pokemon Due to the way the level up system works, its possible to go through Lunar Knights without any status boosts. This is especially amusing when you can be at level 99 with stats of 1 in everything. Vagrant Story has an in-game list of challenges, most of which can only be completed in New Game mode. These range from using a specific weapon type thousands of times, to finishing the game in less than 10 hours, to doing each block puzzle in record time, to completing the bestiary, to getting the ultimate sword from one enemy in one room of a mapless dungeon, to playing the whole game without saving. Contact can be made so much more fun by limiting yourself to using only one costume and one type of weapon. Since the game only forces you to use other suitsweapons once (Aegis), there really isnt anything stopping you from doing this. A further challenge could be to use the costumes and weapons not designed for battle. Literal Lethal Chef. anyone Kingdom Hearts . The Critical Mode (Nintendo Hard ) Lvl. 1 Challenge with NO DAMAGE for scripted fights, boss fights and Data battles ( more Nintendo Hard ) from KHIIFM. Enter Bizkit047 . who meets the above description and has more restrictions for several of these fights. Want to get an idea of what it takes to be this good Watch some of these hard Lvl. 1 CM no damage fights with restrictions: Terra and Saix Data . Xigbar Data with all these restrictions is simply insane. His several hacked fights. One Sephiroth Make it two . Watch this Xigbar x2 Xaldin fight . Make sure to look at related videos and look at the other hacked fights from there (such as triple Sephiroth and quintuple SephirothTerra). In Re:Chain of Memories . Bizkit 047 also takes up the no HP Challenge on Proud. Meanwhile, apulapul2000 has some very good time attack videos. Try beating KHIIFM Sephiroth in 37 seconds . Try beating him without Ultima Weapon, and use only the very first Keyblade with no abilities or accessories in any game . 358 Days2 features an item called the Extreme Ring, which puts your HP down to one, and seems to have been made for this trope. Likewise, because of the games unique level-up system, Days is quite easy to do a Low Level Run with. Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix adds trophies for doing a few basic challenge runs. You get one for finishing the game without using any continues (you are allowed to die, but if you do you have to select Load Game rather than Continue, which usually results in losing a lot more progress) and for completing the whole game without changing Soras equipment (which includes both keychain and accessories). Extra challenge can be gained from not changing Donald and Goofys equipment, doing both at once, or doing either (or both) on Proud Mode. Try beating any Suikoden by recruiting as few characters as possible while doing a Speed Run using no runes whatsoever. Some of the boss fights and Imperial Army battles are practically Unwinnable unless you are very lucky. The flexible nature of Baten Kaitos Origins lends itself well to various types of challenges. Given how hard Origins is normally, these tend to be murderously Nintendo Hard. Single character run (those Cross Pendants are a godsend ), no specials run, specials-only run, basic attack only run. Since the discovery of a glitch making it possible to skip most of Mercury Lighthouse (where Mia is recruited), no Mia runs of the first game have become mildly popular among Golden Sun enthusiasts, along with the usual minimum Djinn or starting equipment only runs for the rest of the series. Since every enemys attacks in the Mario Luigi series can potentially be dodged or countered, low level runs are quite a common self imposed challenge among players, with Mario Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story even rewarding you if you manage to beat it at level 17 or less. Good luck in Mario amp Luigi: Dream Team though One particular instance of this involved an attempt to only kill bosses and required enemies during the run, and it quickly became apparent that every boss from Big Massif onwards kills either of the Bros in just one hit as a result. For those who dont think that Demons Souls isnt hard enough we have the Punchyfist run. The rules are simple. No shields, no attack spells, and no weapons that cant punch. As demonstrated here it relies heavily on back attacks and parry ripostes while also making the latter very risky because failed parries dont prevent damage if you dont have a shield. Bravely Default has customizable difficulty settings allowing you to turn off EXP gain, money gain, and set the random encounter rate as high or as low as you want. Combine this with Hard mode, and you have a Challenge Gamer s paradise. Final Fantasy XIV allows players who are in a preformed party to tackle dungeons, trials, and raids in any formation they want rather than the standard set amount of DPS, healers, and tanks. People have ran content in a party of healers only or even fighting primals solo and thats just a few examples. Eiyuu Senki: The World Conquest encourages the player to do these as there are rewards for conquering more difficult nations ahead of the easier ones (causing those easier nations to get stronger) and several of the games trophies are tied in to self-imposed battle limitations: fighting with only the main character, not taking damage in battle, etc. Undertale actually acknowledges the player doing certain challenge runs - you get a special message if you manage to complete the game under a certain restriction. These are: no saving, no using healing items, finish the game wearing the Bandage (the weakest armour, which turns into a healing item when removed, meaning you cant re-equip it), finishing the game at level 1 (easier than it sounds, as killing enemies to gain EXP is actively discouraged in this game for spoiler-intensive reasons) and finishing the game with a Snowman Piece in your inventory (a healing item that you can get early in the game that heals 45 HP, in a game where if you play normally (i. e. as you would a standard RPG) youd have about 35 HP by the time you fight the pre-final boss). You can turn it Up to Eleven by doing many or all of them at once Doing No Healing Items, Bandage, and Level 1 all at once even gets its own message saying You really like to challenge yourself, huh There are also many no-hit runs on YouTube. where players defeat bosses without taking any damage. No-Hit Sans and No-Hit Photoshop Flowey are particularly popular. Note that Toby Fox, the creator, actually didnt think the latter was even possible . In fact, since Undertale is a game that actively deconstructs many standard gaming tropes, the GenocideNo Mercy run could be considered a deconstruction of the Self-Imposed Challenge. When you gain enough LOVE, most bosses die in one hit, but there are a couple of bosses whose difficulty level is far above anything you would encounter on a Neutral or Pacifist run. The latter, Sans, even explicitly says that you know you wont gain anything from doing it, and the only reason you are doing it is to prove that you can. R-Type skill runs generally involve non-use of the Force Device or Wave Cannon, not killing anything but bosses that would kill you and things that directly obstruct your progress, or some combination of the above. Oddly, the games appear to have anticipated this, since in III, Delta and Final the game will give you a Force Device for the final stage of the last boss if you dont have one. Delta and Final also keep track of various handicaps you might impose on yourself, like beating the game without Force or Wave Cannon. Ikaruga . or at least the Xbox 360 version, actually provides for a scoreboard for Dot Eater play - meaning you dont fire a single shot, collecting points by surviving and by using your shield to absorb every last bullet you can. This is much harder than you may think, as there are points throughout the game that are literal walls. Without the ability to fire and destroy these walls, you have to align the Ikaruga just right to slip through the single pixel holes in them. Many hardcore Shoot em Up fans attempt to beat Shoot-Em-Ups on a single credit. In fact, one could argue that this is the only legitimate way to beat such a game, since having and utilizing unlimited continues defeats the challenge of avoiding enemies and enemy fire. Playing any of CAVE s shmup games and beating them on a single credit. Were not lying when we say that their games are some of the hardest in not just the entire shmup genre, but the hardest ever . period. Especially if you play the Donpachi games theyre notorious for having absolutely no distinguishable attack patterns generated by both the Mooks and the bosses. You would deservedly be crowned the KingQueen of all gamers if you manage to actually 1cc these games. Certain Shoot Em Ups where its possible (e. g. the Touhou games) have challenges such as No HorizontalNo Vertical, which, depending on the stage or the game, can be deadly hard, if not outright impossible, even on Easy. Others include no Focusing, which requires innate knowledge of the players hitbox, 1lc, which is not dying at all, 0b1lc, which is the same thing. but no bombing either. For a particularly masochistic challenge, try hacking Embodiment of Scarlet Devil s rank to the highest point, as seen here (or worse ) 8212 Flandres formerly simplistic non-spell patterns turn into nigh-unavoidable death traps, and her final card is nightmarishly fast. Scoring high in the games itself is a Self-Imposed Challenge. Scoring high in Touhou involves making things as dangerous as possible: grazing thousands of bullets, often using your bombs to clear away bullets, then suiciding to reset your bomb count and get even more points. A compendium of world records can be found at Touhou Wiki. If you download the replays on the page, you will be astounded at the challenges the players put themselves through. The former world-record Subterranean Animism replay by yukarin is particularly notable, getting very close to maxing out the graze counter at 97,585 graze. Pacifist Runs in general. In Touhou, all enemy attacks are on a timer, and timing them out is a victory condition the catch is that these timers are a lot longer than the amount of time you should need to beat the attack by shooting at it. One particularly extreme case is Virtue of Wind God from Mountain of Faith, which has a timer that lasts two and a half minutes . which for a shmup is absurdly long - and its That One Attack when youre shooting at it . Timing out this card is practically the Challenge Gamer holy grail. Additionally, some attacks amp up the difficulty if the boss isnt damaged during them, sometimes making the attacks even harder than if you were shooting at them. A particular challenge that seems exclusive to Touhou is running the game at 90FPS, or 1.5x speed. Strictly speaking, its possible to set the FPS in Touhou to any amount higher than the default 60 with the right patches, but 90 is easily the most popular. Reasoning Setting the FPS much higher than 90 would result in a game that borders on unplayable, while setting it much lower wouldnt be much different from the vanilla game in many cases. Its even possible to combine the above and time out attacks at higher FPS, resulting in videos like this . While Virtue of Wind God itself has never even come close to being done at 90FPS, one Challenge Gamer did manage to do it at 75FPS, as seen here . Giga Wing is infamous for its ridiculously inflated scores. Some players play just the opposite of the way it was meant to be played by aiming for the lowest score possible, or even not scoring at all for as long as possible. The latter is essentially a Pacifist Run on steroids you get awarded points for having bombs at the end of a stage. Zero-score runs are much easier to do in its sequel. Your score multiplier starts at 0, which means you wont score a single point if you never collect a medal, letting you kill enemies and remain at 0 points. Same with Spiritual Successor Mars Matrix . Turn Based Strategy Final Fantasy Tactics . already a challenging game with a cheating computer. overwhelming odds and some of the hardest bosses in all of video game history (though strongly mitigated by almost all class having at least one Game Breaker ), has a whole FAQ on GameFAQs dedicated to different challenges. It has been completed with one character with a single class and no out-of-class abilities with almost every one of the 20 classes in the game. It has also been beaten using a single class and no out-of-class abilities with every class, though with a full party. This notably includes the Calculator, whose ability is to cast other classes magic on all characters fitting certain criteria on the battlefield - but you dont learn any of that other magic in this challenge, and the Calculator chassis is weak, fragile, and incredibly slow. Another FAQ was written to tell you how to fight every battle with the Calculators, sometimes all the way to turn-by-turn strategies. It still comes down to pure luck for many of them. The only solo class run that has been deemed impossible is the Mime. The Lucavi boss QueklainCuchulainn has no abilities that can be mimicked, so there is no way to damage him. A popular way to mix up your next Fire Emblem playthrough is to limit what units you can use. The most common are lord-only runs, bu these can range from Solo Character Runs to broad restrictions like generals-only or redheads-only. Another common challenge is no-promotions. One of the very oldest classic challenges is permadeath - all decisions are final, no Rage Quit to restart the chapter. This is a common tack-on to other challenges (and some fans would say that this is the only real way to play the game, period, since Save Scumming defeats the point of a Final Death mechanic). Archayanamis Female Only Challenge on Gamefaqs. Its not truly female-only, since youre still allowed to build up your main lord, and if youre playing Hectors story, building up Bartre is also allowed because this is necessary to get Karla. The toughest one of these is probably the communist playthrough, in which youre only allowed to take your lowest levelclass characters. Obligatory characters are only allowed to carry anything if their level doesnt exceed the highest level of the other units in the group. It could be argued that completing a runthrough without allowing a single character to die (which, given that every unit is uniquely characterised and not easily replaceable, is a common practice) is a self-imposed challenge in itself after all, the survival of only the Lords and mission-specific characters are necessary to progress. And, since many of the games that Western players know autosave after every move made, the player must restart the mission from the beginning if they wish to keep a character that had just been killed. In fact, a playthrough in which all deaths (that dont result in a game over) are accepted could well prove to be a test of the players willpower. Try KOing Kishuna in his second appearance, in the chapter Genesis. You know, the one where he retreats after taking a single attack8212or after you open the door to his chamber, so only ranged attacks can even reach him, and he prevents all magic use within a 10-square radius so no OP Luna crits for that One-Hit KO you need Yeah. Now, if you thought that was hard in Hectors Story, where you can use either the Brave Bow to get two attacks off despite him being too quick to double or the Killer Bow to greatly increase your critical hit chance, try doing it in Eliwoods, where he doesnt move from the center of his chamber and can therefore only be hit by the Longbow, which has no innate critical hit chance and is weaker than any other bow. The Jagged Alliance series is fairly open ended, and lets players choose their own method. Most go with the get money, buy more guns, hire more mercenaries approach, but some (more masochist) players will make a drive for the final city with one team, or even with a single soldier. There was even one who attempted to finish the game by sneaking and only using a knife, which can be tricky later on against the hordes of machine-gun-wielding commandos and tanks. Even the Super Robot Wars games are not exempt. Examples: no-upgrade challenges, no pilot improvement (in those games that have it) and for the particularly sadistic, using only a small group of units when not forced to field others, usually from a certain series, such as only using Gundams, only using the ATX team, or only using Tekkamen. Using only Tekkamen doesnt seem too hard, given that theyre all ridiculous Wedlocke ChallengeGame Breakers. The True to the Show Challenge forbids you from deploying anyone who was not present in the episodes the scenario is based on and requires that characters only attack enemies from their series (Koji Kabuto is only allowed to fight Dr. Hells Mechabeasts, for example). You must also finish bosses using the attack that killed them or forced their retreat in the show (for example, you must kill Gentle Chapman with George and Chibodees Rose Magnum Hurricane ). Can be quite tricky, seeing as some series only contribute one unit. In the original Shining Force . it is possible, by making use of a glitch, to skip the first set of characters who are supposed to join your party. Do that, and also skip every single other non-mandatory character, and youll end up just shy of a full party of 12 at the end of the game. Its a fun little challenge 8212 not excruciatingly difficult, but hard enough to be interesting. Theres an FAQ for this challenge on GameFAQs, though it mistakenly lists Diane as mandatory. A rare multiplayer self-imposed challenge: In Battle for Wesnoth . playing the Knalgan faction and recruiting no dwarves (only footpad, thief, and poacher) is referred to as HODOR. after a member named HODOR who exclusively uses these tactics, who is nonetheless one of the highest ranked players on the ladder server . X-COM. UFO Defense has several possible challenges. They range from simply avoiding GameBreakers such as psionics and blaster launchers, to complex rules such as only officers can use certain equipment and dont sell your superior weapons tech. Also try using only a few soldiers. Or one soldier. Or Bruce Lee - 1 man, 1 stun rod. You can even win by attacking only a single alien battleship The X-COM Util page lists many, such as dont unavoidably kill. only stun and only fight at night. The Antarctica Challenge: Build only one base in Antarctica, the only continent guaranteed not to be in the path of any major UFO incursions. Warlight is a Risk-like free multiplayer indie game, yet players often create diplomatic games, called diplos, that run on previously agreed upon mechanics to start scenarios. The restrictions range from simple (declare war before attacking) to very complex (a whole ruleset with predefined characterscountries designed for roleplaying). Other Video Games Nintendos official Super Game Boy Players Guide suggests challenging yourself by using the palette feature to change the colors around so that enemies, hazards or the player become invisible or using the custom border function to paint over the game screen, covering up some parts. Beat em Up God Hand has a built-in Self-Imposed Challenge: early in the game, the hero has a Kick Me sign slapped on his back, which makes enemies stronger. It will fall off if he uses the God Hand or God Reels. Finishing the game with the Kick Me sign still in place (that is, never using those powers) unlocks a bonus: a music CD. Edutainment Game The Oregon Trail . Forget braving the wilderness, there are people wholl try to kill all their party members before reaching the first fort, usually by doing normally stupid things such as fording rivers that are above fording level, not treating injuries, and getting themselves shot on purpose. Fighting Game The Super Smash Bros. . games distribute points based on your performance in battles high points for playing well, and you can actually lose points for relying too much on a single move. Unless you only use a single move, or any number of other self imposed challenges. One of the trickiest was called Switzerland and asked you to finish the round without ever attacking or taking damage. The Switzerland bonus is actually pretty easy to achieve on Adventure Mode where you just have to dodge all of the enemies, keep jumping over obstacles, and not attack. The hard bonus to achieve is the No Damage Run bonus, although this is significantly easier on All-Star Mode. ProJared invented the Ganondorf Challenge for Melee . The challenge is to go into a one-on-one 3-stock Melee match against a CPU Level 9 Ganondorf, with his handicap set to 9 and yours set to 3, and take him down on the Temple stage, which Jared believes to be the best stage for the challenge. To explain: Ganondorf takes almost no knockback from your attacks, requiring hundreds of damage before he even slightly starts to be launched, while he sends you flying at 100 MPH with the lightest attacks. The reason Jared prefers Temple is because the lower left-side part of the stage is enclosed and is more difficult to be launched from. Just look at the video to see how difficult this is. This guy invented the Hide amp Seek Challenge for Video Game Godzilla:Destroy All Monsters Melee in which you have to beat the game on Hard with no HUD display and all monsters invisible. No More Heroes has the interesting challenge of completing the game using the most basic weapon, the Blood Berry. This can range from being mildly easy on Sweet to insanely hard on Bitter. On Bitter, towards the end of the game, bosses can have around 400 more health than normal, and mooks become walking brick walls. Fortunately, there are several One-Hit Kill moves a player can use on mooks, which become nearly essential in the later stages. However, bosses are immune to these moves. Dissidia: Final Fantasy . So, you can beat That One SNK Bonus Boss. Feral Chaos. Can you beat him without taking damage. Without using assists. Without a summon, and without EXP to HPEXBRVAST Using Gabranth . Because this guy can . Hack and Slash Diablo has its very own sub-community based on the premise of variant characters: characters obeying special rules. The indisputable kings of these variant characters are the Naked Mage (no armor, no weapons, just pure magic), the Beyond Naked Mage (whatever armor and weapons you like 8212 providing theyre all cursed ), and the Barbarian (non-magical weapons and armor only 8212 no magic, no spells, no potions, no fear). One player had a character called IreneTheInfirm: a hardcore sorceress who could not wear or wield anything, cast any spells or assign any stat points, and was thus limited to punching away for 1-2 damage a go, using the act 1 mercenary as the main source of damage (who also couldnt use any items). Somehow, Irene ended up killing Andariel. In Diablo 2 . a user on the inc. gamers forum demonstrated the story of Anna Goanna . She was an Amazon-class hardcore, as in if you die you die permanently, character who completed the game on all difficulty levels with only crackedlow-quality items, a summonable NPC support fighter and a hireling fighter. Some bosses took hours to finish. When she finally beat the last boss on the Harder Than Hard difficulty, her name-personalized cracked sash sold in-game for multiple high-value items. One player, going by the name Sirian, decided to create a whole host of restricted D2 characters . such as Ember, the firebolt-only Sorceress. Several challenges have popped up in the Monster Hunter series once they have their strongest set of armor and weaponry. The most common are the naked run (no armor at all), to use a really bad weapon against a certain monster (Greatsword vs. Plesioth. no felynes), a marathon run (specialized quest that require you to kill 2 or more of a certain monster simultaneously) and the Arrowhead Cutoff (using only the Circle attack of a Bow, which swings one of your bolts like a makeshift sword, to cut off the tail of a monster, most often a Tigrex.) Real-Time Strategy It is possible to complete Pikmin without ever getting Blue Pikmin, though you still do need to use them in some sense8212theres a flower that allows you to transform a handful of pikmin into blues, but they only appear at very rare points in the game. Its possible to beat Pikmin 2 (collecting 10,000 Pokos) without ever leaving the Valley of Repose. This takes a while since eventually your only source of treasure will be mook corpses, which go for 10-15 Pokos each. Warcraft III allows a player to set the max HP on EVERYTHING they make (units, heroes, buildings, etc.) to be 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, or the standard 100 before the match begins. Starcraft II . Enter the Day Nine Daily, where we learn to be a better gamer. Except on monday where we just dick around. Indeed, on Funday Monday, the host, Day Nine. imposes a self-imposed challenge on your gameplay such as, You must only attack on creep, You must make a planetary fortress at your opponents natural, or Make all your pylons outside your base. The best and funniest entries are casted by the host on a live stream. Creativity in objectives is a staple of Paradox Interactive games due to their open-ended nature. Crusader Kings in particular is fertile ground: starting as a minor count and becoming king, installing True Cognatic (males and females inherit on equal ground) in realms that dont have Basque culture, breeding your bloodline to have all the good traits or muddling it with imbeciles, etc. One player actually managed to utilise an exploit to create an empire where the entire ruling class was made of horses . Simulation Game The early Creatures fandom was turned turbulent by one user, Anti-Norn, who tortured (physically, psychologically, and even genetically ) the virtual pets in the game before uploading them, challenging players to nurture them back to health. It backfired - Anti-Norn was ostracized from the community and received a large number of death threats. Due to its Wide Open Sandbox nature, you can find several Self Imposed Challenges for Freelancer in GameFAQs. The popular Football Manager series of sports management games has a community of players who try to achieve glory with the poorest, smallest, lowest-level teams in the game. Theyre called L. L.M. ers or Llamas. Which is similar to what most players of any Fifa soccer game do. Pick a relatively unknown team and make all the way to the top of the first division. The Sims community is full of these, because the game doesnt come with hard-and-fast built-in goals. The most common are the Legacy Challenge (keeping a family going for ten generations without cheating) and the Asylum Challenge (filling a house with Sims and only controlling one of them, with the goal of nobody dying of starvation because they didnt think to make themselves some ramen ). The former spawned numerous variations, most popular among those being the Apocalypse Challenge (start with restrictions on everything, then have your sims reach the top of all careers over the course of several generations, lifting some of the restrictions with each career done), and recently also the Disney Challenge (wherein each generation must be played out according to some fairytales plotline). For those interested a list of just some of the challenges can be seen here 1 The same goes for SimCity in all its forms: while some versions have scenarios that give you a goal and a time limit, most players set their own aims for the game in general. As a result, the SimCity community has come up with a number of challenges to keep players entertained when they run out of ideas. Once people are sick of playing Tamagotchi the normal way8212to keep them alive and happy as long as possible, they do the opposite try to kill them off as fast as possible. This War of Mine. Try playing the entire 45 days without a radio. Although the radio is useful, it is possible to go through the whole length of the game without even having one, by using alternative methods to gauge the environment, prioritizing equipment that allows for self-sustenance, being pre-emptively prepared for raids by patching the holes in the wall, reinforcing the door and getting some weapons as soon as possible, and some good ol Xanatos Speed Chess. Aside from that, if you fancy something much more challenging, theres the classic Pacifist Run (usually coupled with Stealth Run since bandits and the army both kill indiscriminately). No Casualties Run (or if you want to up the ante, a No Damage Run ), or even a 100 Completion run (which usually means mercilessly slaughtering everyone in your way indiscriminately). Many of the video games after MechWarrior 2 often take place from an Inner Sphere perspective, but also include highly advanced Clan technology, which is often lighter and more powerful than Inner Sphere tech. Still, quite a few IS weapons have nasty surprises even compared to Clan tech. Therefore, a Puretech run through a campaign requires that players not cross technology lines8212all Inner Sphere units must use Inner Sphere parts, all Clan units must use Clan parts. No crossing tech bases. A Spheretech run denies the use of any advanced Clan technology altogether, demanding the player use the less efficient Inner Sphere Mechs and equipment to complete their missions. Stealth-Based Game Metal Gear Solid and beyond was made with this sort of thing in mind, with various ranks and accomplishments. There is the Pacifist Run (which nets you at least a Pigeon rank and is needed to get higher ranks), the Stealth Run (which nets you at least a Chameleon rank and is needed to get higher ranks), and a no-kill no-continue no-Alert Speed Run on the highest difficulty will get you a suitably heroic title, usually Big Boss. Theres stranger challenges (like eating all possible animals in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater which nets you the Markhor rank), and theres still a slew of strange player inspired ones, such as using only the handguns or completing the whole game while smoking a health-sapping cigarette. Theres also some very bizarre bonus titles that take a strange mind to get or see the worth of getting - ending Metal Gear Solid 2 with a Ration-eating sea louse in your inventory nets you the Sea Louse rank, and ending Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater with a Stamina-sapping leech attached to your body gives you the Leech rank. Kojima has claimed the reason he included the Naked camouflage in Metal Gear Solid 3 was to make players want to finish the game without using clothes. Various diet-based runs of MGS3 are popular. Good luck trying to S-rank all chapters in Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on Revengeance difficulty. You can also get a Wooden Sword, which you can then upgrade to be the weakest weapon in the game. Its quite effective against normal enemies, though, due to the fact that theres a special effect that makes them disappear, allowing you to not kill anything. This effect, however, does not apply to the bosses. Thief players originated the Ghost Run 8212 finishing the game without being detected or leaving any trace of your passing other than missing treasures. Some take it so far as to re-lock every lock. Ghost runners will try this challenge in any other game that it appears to be doable. Think youre good at Dishonored . Try going through the entire game, completing every (non-lethal) objective in every mission without ever being spotted while also performing a Pacifist Run. Alternatively, play through the entire game making everything seem like a horrible accident. or finish the game without ever using Blink . Survival Horror Resident Evil 4 lends itself very well to self-imposed challenges. Some of the most popular include the no merchant run, in which the player can only use weapons they find lying around and cannot get any upgrades or bonus items (whether selling excess ammo is allowed varies) the handgun and knife run, in which weapons can be bought and upgraded at will as long as theyre handguns the knife and grenade run, and the no merchant handgun and knife run, in which the player can only use the knife and unupgraded handgun. It helps keep a self-challenger honest that you can just kill The merchant the first time you see him and not risk temptation later on. The game can also be beaten without ever running. Outside of quick-time events of course. As you can imagine any situation with a time limit suddenly requires near perfect shooting (not to mention luck) and quite a few boss fights will end with you forced to knife them to death rather than be killed trying to walk to the other side of the room for some ammo. This is quite the challenge on even normal difficulty, and virtually impossible on hard. In general, these kinds of challenges are fairly common in the Resident Evil series in general, because many unlockables can only be obtained by beating the game as quickly as possible. Its entirely possible to complete any of the Fatal Frame games using only the weakest film, but have you tried it without upgrading your camera Beat Dead Space without ever touching a workbench. Not hard enough Try beating Dead Space 2 without ever touching a workbench. on Hardcore. Theres the One Gun challenge (and achievement) in the first game, requiring beating the game using only the Plasma Cutter. The catch Its actually a pretty viable strategy, especially on higher difficulties. A no-trader run in any of S. T.A. L.K. E.R. games. Most traders are sources of missions as well as a way to buy goods. Not buying anything (merely getting gear as rewards from their missions) is doable, but also involves murdering just about anyone who comes into view to loot them for gear, ammo, and medicine. Other options include no artifacts or pistol-caliber weapons only. As if the game needed to be any more difficult. Or, if youre really nuts, the Badass Longcoat run. Use any weapons and artifacts you like, but you can only use the leather duster for armor, which provides virtually no production against the numerous threats youll face. The last night of Five Nights at Freddys is Custom Night. where one can adjust how difficult each animatronic is. It can be used to make them super easy and give you a relatively relaxed night. or you can crank the AI up to make it harder for yourself. The most difficult is 420 Mode , where you set the AI of all four animatronics to 20, which is the maximum. Its insanely difficult and only beatable by really skilled power management, reflexes, and a lot of luck and perseverance. Thus far, only twenty-seven people have been able to win (and prove it). Not even the creator of FNAF has been able to do it. Five Nights at Freddys 2 ups the ante with 10-20 mode, with both the old and new animatronics (including Golden Freddy and BB) set at 20. Only nine people have managed to prove a win. While Five Nights at Freddys 3 lacks a 20 mode night because theres only one animatronic and the building burns down after Nightmare Mode anyway. theres still the Aggressive Nightmare Mode which is playing the Nightmare Mode night (aka Night 6) while activating the aggressive cheat that ups the intelligence of Springtrap and the Phantoms. As of this edit only TWO people have beaten it. Five Nights at Freddys 4 includes two difficulties from previous games: Nightmare Mode and 4-20 mode, which several players made it out. The DLC intruduces new difficulty called Blind Mode, which you are not allowed to use the flashlight. Have fun in the dark and guess what, this guy made out while his graphic card was overheating. Wide Open Sandbox Minecraft . aside from avoiding the monsters, has no goals and would get boring very quickly if players didnt keep thinking up insane megaprojects to do. Players also do self-imposed challenges with their gameplay style. In reality, a safe shelter can be made by digging 3 blocks straight down and capping off the hole made in the process. However, How to survive your first night tutorials usually show much more complex solutions, ranging from a simple hole in the cliff to a small house. The other parts of the gameplay style is also often self-imposed. Its easy to put treasure chests everywhere to minimalize the loss of items after death. Usually thats not done. Some of the challenges players make are more unusual. Theres undercity challenge where player spends only the first day above ground and rest of the time under ground. Some have actually succeeded in completing the challenge of slaying the Ender Dragon in Hardcore Mode, a mode that deletes your save file should you die, so this becomes a no death run. Getting TO the dragon is a challenge in itself, requiring lots of materials, time, and patience, even by normal game playing. Theres also the Skyblock challenge, in which youre spawned onto a small island in the sky with one tree, and must complete certain objectives (make a tree farm, make a stone generator, etc) being compounded by even MORE self-imposed challenges. Basically, any Player-created map that is listed under Survival is an example of a challenge. Along with No Workbench (only use the 2x2 crafting slot you have and not the 3x3 that the workbench gives you) No chests (You carry everything with you, nothing that can store items like Dispensers, furnaces do not place blocks down for storage) No shelter (Open air campsites are okay, buildingsanything with walls and a roof is not.) The 100 Diamond Challenge: get 100 diamonds in your inventory. on Hardcore mode (so die once and you have to start again), without strip-mining. Remember: making diamond tools or armor will subrtact from your count, so better mining and protection comes with a price. One enterprising Muslim gamer wrote an extensive topic on following Islamic dietary and behavioural restrictions as closely as the game allows. Prior to an update that changed world generation, there was the 404 Challenge. Inputting 404 into the seed generator before creating a world would cause the world to form very specifically. Somewhere there would be a large gravel patch. When this patch was tampered with, it opened into a huge sinkhole that revealed a colossal cave system stretching for miles and nearly to the bottom of the world. From there, the player could go through all kinds of restrictions while exploring the system. Especially difficult is the No Wood Challenge, where players must eventually defeat the Ender Dragon, but without ever allowing wood into the inventory. This includes chests, sticks, and crafting tables. However, you can still use Crafting Tables, assuming it had been placed during world generation. If this isnt enough of a challenge, attempt it in Hardcore mode. Custom Mind Screw shaders appears to be popular for Player Versus Player challenges, such as Acid Trip, which bends the landscape around, or Jelly World, where the game world shakes non-stop . Non-Video Game Examples Anime and Manga Might Guy and Rock Lee of Naruto will declare that if they fail in a task, they will challenge themselves with another even more onerous task as punishment. These challenges can be chained together if they fail at any step. While seeming ridiculous to others, its revealed to be an important training tool for the two as they are constantly finding and pushing their own limits. Kenpachi Zaraki of Bleach deliberately weakens himself in numerous ways, so that his fights will be more difficult. The bells tied into his hair allow his opponents to hear his every movement. While he says that his Zanpakuto is perpetually in its unsealed state, the fact that he refuses to view it as anything other than a tool as opposed to a borderline sentient being hamstrings their combined combat output due to compatibility issues with their respective spiritual energies. However, the most egregious weakening measure Kenpachi employs is the eyepatch over his (completely operational) right eye. Lined with strange mouths, the eyepatch in fact siphons off his excess spiritual energy, rendering him weaker whenever he wears it. But when he finds a suitably strong opponent, he does a full-on Lets Get Dangerous. the eyepatch comes off, which lets his spiritual energy flow freely (the sheer strength of it alone can take down weaker enemies), and he stops swinging his Zanpakuto like a madman and actually focuses on the enemy. In one episode of Pokmon . a trainer named Miki specifically asks that Brock and Ash use Fire Type Pokeacutemon to battle her Skarmory, despite the fact that Skarmory - a Steel Type - has disadvantage due to Type. She feels that such battles make her Pokeacutemon tougher. In Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V . a Steadfast duelist (called a Non-Action duelist or Heavystrong duelist in the dub) is one like Yuyas friend Noboru who purposely does not use Action Cards during a duel, making it more challenging for himself. Dragon Ball . Mercenary Tao likes to attack using only one appendage, especially one that isnt normally very robust. His Establishing Character Moment comes when he kills General Blue using only his tongue, and in his first fight against Goku he uses mainly his ponytail. Board Games Going the Business Route (i. e. not going to college) in the original version of The Game of Life . which gives you a salary of next-to-nothing for the entire game or not buying Stock in this version, which is necessary to open up nearly all of the highest-paying collect spaces. Collectible Card Game Variant formats for Collectible Card Games may be considered a form of Self-Imposed Challenge, especially those that arent supported for Tournament Play. Magic: The Gathering . for example, has Rainbow Stairwell, in which the players deck must contain six cards of each color, one of which costs one mana, another which costs two, et cetera, up to six, and Highlander (AKA Singleton), where players build a deck with no more than one copy of any card that isnt a basic land. Elder Dragon Highlander, a. k.a. Commander, takes the Highlander format and adds additional restrictions: You must include a Legendary creature in your deck, which determines what colors of cards you may play otherwise, and the rest of your deck must be exactly 99 cards. Peasant Magic a. k.a. Pauper requires that your deck either contain only commons, or up to 8 uncommons. Rares are right out. Yu-Gi-Oh . in the recent world championship games, some of the Duel Point bonuses are awarded for unconventional deck compositions. These variants include: no traps, no spells, only 1 copy per card, only 1 type or attribute of monsters, monsters of each possible level, only level 1 monsters, and no monsters at all. Computers Some users will use a keyboard with no labels, or a pre-labeled keyboard with the labels rubbed out. This can be helpful for those who are learning to touch-type. A popular mechanical keyboard designed to facilitate this is the Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate . Film Super Size Me is one giant self-imposed challenge where a guy goes for an all-McDonalds diet for thirty days. He even has his own rules and everything, such as walking no more than 5,000 steps a day, supersizing his food only when asked note Which after the movie was released was discontinued. trying out every single item on the McDonalds menu at least once, and finishing everything on the plate. In The Princess Bride . the Man in Black and Inigo both took the self-imposed challenge to kill their opponent (each other) only with their non-dominant left hands. Both ultimately fail, which turns out to be for the better. Meta-example: The animators at Disney are constantly pushing the limits of animation and CGI. Their most recent films are showcases of animating things either considered insanely difficult to do or with a complexity not previously seen before: hair ( Tangled ), snowice ( Frozen ), cityscapes ( BigHero6 ), fur ( Zootopia ), and waterocean ( Moana ). They succeeded magnificently. In The Man with the Golden Gun . Francisco Scaramanga carries out assassinations using a one-shot golden gun. He has so much pride in his skills that he will only use one bullet to kill a person. He later challenges Bond to a duel, allowing Bond to use his six-shooter while he sticks with his one-shooter. He does carry a second, ordinary gun, just in case hes disarmed. Literature In-universe example in Life, the Universe and Everything . Wowbagger the Infinitely Prolongeds quest to insult the entire universe, one person at a time, in alphabetical order . Before you complain about newborn beings early in the alphabet messing up what hes already insulted, time travel is very available in this universe. The time travel part works both ways - he gets messed up due to time travel shenanigans involving Arthur Dent himself (also doubles as a Brick Joke. ) And he knows itd be logically impossible - He decided to do it just so hed have a purpose in life. Gadsby . by Ernest Vincent Wright, is a 50,000 word novel that doesnt use the letter e anywhere. Similarly La Disparition . by Georges Perec, also has no letter e. Whats more impressive is that it was translated from French into English by Gilbert Adair under the title A Void . and the translation doesnt use the letter e either. The plot is a Lampshade Hanging. as it concerns the characters realizing something is missing from their world and trying to find it, which (as Cracked put it) difficult when you cant inv e stigat e . susp e ct, or e xamin e anything. When Blunts Brilliant Detectives have their first case in the Tommy and Tuppence collection Partners in Crime . Tuppence spontaneously guarantees to the client that they can solve the case in 24 hours, much to Tommys horror. It turns out shes already solved the case - or rather she was instrumental in creating it. The challenge comes when other clients hear about it. Theres also a Hercule Poirot story in which he decides to prove that the little grey cells are superior to running around looking at footprints by solving a case without ever visiting the scene of the crime or talking to any of the suspects. Bennett Cerf, one of the publishers at Random House Books, challenged an author to write a childrens book using a vocabulary of 50 words or less. The final count: 49 different words. The author: Theodore Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss. The book: Green Eggs and Ham . In the short story The Problem of Cell 13 . a man imposes a challenge onto himself to escape a prison cell within a week. That is to say, he asks someone to lock him in the cell purely to prove that he can escape it. Live-Action Television Barney Stinson of How I Met Your Mother frequently challenges himself with increasingly bizarre trials, such as refusing to take off a ridiculous set of overalls until he gets laid. Barney: No one, I mean no one, could get laid wearing these. challenge accepted The Muppet Show . Frank Oz had one. At the beginning of each Swedish Chef sketch, the Chef - controlled by Oz - would fling a pair of spatulas or other cooking implements over his shoulders. Oz kept challenging himself to knock down every item on the back wall, and even managed it once. Double Dare 2000 offered a team that took a Physical Challenge in the second round the option of adding on the Triple Dare Challenge. Maybe theyd have to do the challenge blindfolded or one-handed, maybe theyd have to catch more itemsfill a bigger container, maybe theyd have to do it in 20 seconds instead of the normal 30, but if accepted and completed, it awarded 36300 (rather than the usual 36200) and a bonus prize failure handed the 36300 and the prize to the other team. A journalist once told Joss Whedon that the thing he liked most about Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the dialogue. Thus was born Hush (an episode nearly devoid of dialogue, due to the entire casts voices being stolen by the Villain of the Week ). Retro Game Master . Arino plays most of Super Mario 64 without Marios hat, despite having low defense because of it. Too bad the staff orders him to get it back before fighting the Final Boss. The point of Unbeatable Banzuke . Other In Chris Kyles American Sniper . he notes that there were so many insurgents around Ramadi that the soldiers and SEALs fighting there would deliberately try out new weapons just for the challenge. No pistol kill yet You have to get at least one. Society for Creative Anachronism combat etiquette calls for these. If you score a disabling blow on your opponents arm or leg, he is required to fight without using that limb. (Fighting one-handed if the arm is disabled, fighting sitting down if the leg is disabled.) It is considered appropriate for you to refrain from using the corresponding limb to keep the fight fair. Note that if this leaves the fight unwinnable, say because neither of you can deliver a solid hit swinging greatswords one-handed, the uninjured fighter may disregard this limitation in order to end the fight. Pinball Data East s The Whos Tommy can be played in Tommy mode, where Blinders unfold and block the players view of the lower flippers for the entire game. There are also the (in)famous Lightning Flippers, yellow flippers with a picture of a lightning bolt on each flipper. Lightning Flippers are 18 of an inch, or about 4 millimeters, shorter than standard flippers. That doesnt sound like a lot until you actually try playing a game with its standard flippers replaced with Lightning Flippers: Not only is the hole between the flippers wider, but certain flipper techniques become more difficult and others outright impossible with Lightning Flippers. Games with long ball times, like Spider-Man (Stern) or Lord of the Rings . have their game times cut in half or more when Lightning Flippers are installed. Sometimes taken Up to Eleven with even shorter Mini-Flippers (the ones used in the upper playfield on The Simpsons Pinball Party . Monopoly . and a few others), roughly half the size of standard flippers. Another common one is replacing the normal steel pinballs with ceramic Powerballs that are lighter, faster, and harder to control. Sports Reportedly, when the Celtics were facing one of the teams near the bottom of the standings, Larry Bird used to impose these on himself. One common one was going a game shooting exclusively with his left hand. Also reportedly, this is how the Harlem Globetrotters went from straight basketball to the colourful antics theyre known for. Likewise, mountain climbers may seek to climb all peaks above a given height (possibly in the world, or in a given country, or in a given stateprovince), the highest peak on each continent, the highest point in each state, etc. Few runners can hope to ever reach the level of winning a marathon, but many set themselves the goal of simply completing one. Cyclists consider completing a century ride their equivalent of running a marathon. It involves biking at least 100 miles in one ride. Even though this has gotten easier with modern low weight, quite comfortable carbon fiber bikes, its still a daunting enough challenge that most large bike manufacturers release models specially designed for these kinds of rides. Some golfers will occasionally play holes or entire rounds with fewer than the 14 clubs the rules allow them to have. They might do it because it forces them to hit shots they wouldnt normally hit with clubs they wouldnt normally use them for. They might do it for fun. They might do it because their friend saw Tin Cup too many times and dared them to play with just their 7 iron. There are even a few 3 Club tournaments, where players can pick any three clubs they want for a round, but only get those three. This leads to the fun of trying to putt with an 8 iron or some such. Tabletop Games In universe example with the Magpie, a Gentleman Thief in the Freedom City setting, who has teleportation powers but mostly doesnt use them, because wheres the challenge in that Web Comics This xkcd inspired an actual Flash implementation of the game. Its pretty unplayable (thats kind of the point) with the usual Tetris goals, but a MeFite pointed out the game is actually interesting and reasonably challenging if you try to end the game with as few pieces as you can. It is very possible to score lines in the Flash game though. In the comments section of Skin Horse . one reader would post the occasional Filk Song relating to that days comic strip. Then, starting around November of 2008, he started writing one every day . He also posted a (nearly) daily filk to Shaenon Garritys Narbonic . which was then in its Directors Cut re-runs. That was nearly 3000 filks ago. Shameless self-promotion. Somebody stop me, please In general, any webcomic which consistently limits itself to a certain sizenumber of panels per strip. 95 of the time, theres absolutely nothing stopping the artist from making each strip as big or as small as they want. note Well, excluding those who wish to eventually sell physical collections, as they are bound by the harsh realities of the print industry Web OriginalNaNoWriMo. Write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. A recurring gag in many Groundhog Peggy Sue fanfics. The Lets Play Twitch Plays Pokmon requires every user to control precisely one movement Red makes, making progression through the game a challenge in and of itself. Western Animation One episode of Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego had Carmen and her V. I.L. E. gang set out to prove they dont need all their high-tech toys and gadgetry to successfully pull off several western-themed heists.

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